#include #include #include "mocks/mock_context.hpp" using namespace std::literals; struct UnitTestConfigGenParameters : public llarp::ConfigGenParameters { const mocks::Network* const _plat; UnitTestConfigGenParameters(const mocks::Network* plat) : llarp::ConfigGenParameters{}, _plat{plat} {} const llarp::net::Platform* Net_ptr() const override { return _plat; } }; struct UnitTestConfig : public llarp::Config { const mocks::Network* const _plat; explicit UnitTestConfig(const mocks::Network* plat) : llarp::Config{std::nullopt}, _plat{plat} {} std::unique_ptr MakeGenParams() const override { return std::make_unique(_plat); } }; std::shared_ptr make_config_for_test(const mocks::Network* env, std::string_view ini_str = "") { auto conf = std::make_shared(env); conf->LoadString(ini_str, true); conf->lokid.whitelistRouters = false; conf->bootstrap.seednode = true; conf->bootstrap.files.clear(); return conf; } std::shared_ptr make_config(mocks::Network env, std::string_view ini_str = "") { auto conf = std::make_shared(&env); conf->LoadString(ini_str, true); conf->lokid.whitelistRouters = false; conf->bootstrap.seednode = true; conf->bootstrap.files.clear(); return conf; } void run_config_test(mocks::Network env, std::string_view ini_str) { auto conf = make_config_for_test(&env, ini_str); const auto opts = env.Opts(); auto context = std::make_shared(env); context->Configure(conf); context->Setup(opts); int ib_links{}; int ob_links{}; context->router->linkManager().ForEachInboundLink([&ib_links](auto) { ib_links++; }); context->router->linkManager().ForEachOutboundLink([&ob_links](auto) { ob_links++; }); REQUIRE(ib_links == 1); REQUIRE(ob_links == 1); if (context->Run(opts)) throw std::runtime_error{"non zero return"}; } TEST_CASE("service node bind section on valid network", "[config]") { std::unordered_multimap env{ {"mock0", llarp::IPRange::FromIPv4(1, 1, 1, 1, 32)}, {"lo", llarp::IPRange::FromIPv4(127, 0, 0, 1, 8)}, }; SECTION("mock network is sane") { mocks::Network mock_net{env}; REQUIRE(mock_net.GetInterfaceAddr("mock0"sv, AF_INET6) == std::nullopt); auto maybe_addr = mock_net.GetInterfaceAddr("mock0"sv, AF_INET); REQUIRE(maybe_addr != std::nullopt); REQUIRE(maybe_addr->hostString() == ""); REQUIRE(not mock_net.IsBogon(*maybe_addr)); } SECTION("empty config") { std::string_view ini_str = ""; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("explicit bind via ifname") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [bind] mock0=443 )"; run_config_test(env, ini_str); } SECTION("explicit bind via ip address") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [bind] inbound= )"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("explicit bind via ip address with old syntax") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [bind] )"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("ip spoof fails") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [router] public-ip= public-port=443 [bind] inbound= )"; REQUIRE_THROWS(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("explicit bind via ifname but fails from non existing ifname") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [bind] ligma0=443 )"; REQUIRE_THROWS(make_config(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("explicit bind via ifname but fails from using loopback") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [bind] lo=443 )"; REQUIRE_THROWS(make_config(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("explicit bind via explicit loopback") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [bind] inbound= )"; REQUIRE_THROWS(make_config(env, ini_str)); } } TEST_CASE("service node bind section on nat network", "[config]") { std::unordered_multimap env{ {"mock0", llarp::IPRange::FromIPv4(10, 1, 1, 1, 32)}, {"lo", llarp::IPRange::FromIPv4(127, 0, 0, 1, 8)}, }; SECTION("no public ip set should fail") { std::string_view ini_str = ""; REQUIRE_THROWS(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("public ip provided via inbound directive") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [router] public-ip= public-port=443 [bind] inbound= )"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("public ip provided with bind via ifname") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [router] public-ip= public-port=443 [bind] mock0=443 )"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("public ip provided bind via wildcard ip") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [router] public-ip= public-port=443 [bind] inbound= )"; REQUIRE_THROWS(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } } TEST_CASE("service node bind section with multiple public ip", "[config]") { std::unordered_multimap env{ {"mock0", llarp::IPRange::FromIPv4(1, 1, 1, 1, 32)}, {"mock0", llarp::IPRange::FromIPv4(2, 1, 1, 1, 32)}, {"lo", llarp::IPRange::FromIPv4(127, 0, 0, 1, 8)}, }; SECTION("empty config") { std::string_view ini_str = ""; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("with old style wildcard for inbound and no public ip") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [bind] )"; REQUIRE_THROWS(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("with old style wildcard for outbound") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [bind] *=1443 )"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("with wildcard via inbound directive no public ip given, fails") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [bind] inbound= )"; REQUIRE_THROWS(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("with wildcard via inbound directive primary public ip given") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [router] public-ip= public-port=443 [bind] inbound= )"; REQUIRE_THROWS(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("with wildcard via inbound directive secondary public ip given") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [router] public-ip= public-port=443 [bind] inbound= )"; REQUIRE_THROWS(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } SECTION("with bind via interface name") { std::string_view ini_str = R"( [bind] mock0=443 )"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(run_config_test(env, ini_str)); } }