What is a RouterEvent? A RouterEvent is a way of representing a conceptual event that took place in a "router" (relay or client). RouterEvents are used in order to collect information about a network all in one place and preserve causality. How do I make a new RouterEvent? Add your event following the structure in llarp/tooling/router_events.{hpp,cpp} Add your event to pybind in pybind/llarp/tooling/router_event.cpp What if a class my event uses is missing members in pybind? Find the relevant file pybind/whatever/class.cpp and remedy that! What if I need to refer to classes which aren't available already in pybind? Add pybind/namespace/namespace/etc/class.cpp and pybind it! You will need to edit the following files accordingly: pybind/common.hpp pybind/module.cpp pybind/CMakeLists.txt