#include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace service { Context::Context(llarp::Router *r) : m_Router(r) { } Context::~Context() { } bool Context::StopAll() { auto itr = m_Endpoints.begin(); while(itr != m_Endpoints.end()) { itr->second->Stop(); m_Stopped.emplace_back(std::move(itr->second)); itr = m_Endpoints.erase(itr); } return true; } void Context::ForEachService( std::function< bool(const std::string &, const std::unique_ptr< Endpoint > &) > visit) { auto itr = m_Endpoints.begin(); while(itr != m_Endpoints.end()) { if(visit(itr->first, itr->second)) ++itr; else return; } } bool Context::RemoveEndpoint(const std::string &name) { auto itr = m_Endpoints.find(name); if(itr == m_Endpoints.end()) return false; std::unique_ptr< Endpoint > ep = std::move(itr->second); m_Endpoints.erase(itr); ep->Stop(); m_Stopped.emplace_back(std::move(ep)); return true; } void Context::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { // erase stopped endpoints that are done { auto itr = m_Stopped.begin(); while(itr != m_Stopped.end()) { if((*itr)->ShouldRemove()) itr = m_Stopped.erase(itr); else ++itr; } } // tick active endpoints { auto itr = m_Endpoints.begin(); while(itr != m_Endpoints.end()) { itr->second->Tick(now); ++itr; } } m_Router->nodedb->visit([&](const RouterContact &rc) -> bool { if(rc.IsExpired(now)) getFirstEndpoint()->LookupRouterAnon(rc.pubkey); return true; }); } bool Context::hasEndpoints() { return m_Endpoints.size() ? true : false; } llarp::service::Endpoint * Context::getFirstEndpoint() { if(!m_Endpoints.size()) { llarp::LogError("No endpoints found"); return nullptr; } auto itr = m_Endpoints.begin(); if(itr == m_Endpoints.end()) return nullptr; return itr->second.get(); } bool Context::iterate(struct endpoint_iter &i) { if(!m_Endpoints.size()) { llarp::LogError("No endpoints found"); return false; } i.index = 0; // llarp::util::Lock lock(access); auto itr = m_Endpoints.begin(); while(itr != m_Endpoints.end()) { i.endpoint = itr->second.get(); if(!i.visit(&i)) return false; // advance i.index++; itr++; } return true; } llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint * Context::getFirstTun() { llarp::service::Endpoint *endpointer = this->getFirstEndpoint(); if(!endpointer) { return nullptr; } llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *tunEndpoint = static_cast< llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint * >(endpointer); return tunEndpoint; } llarp_tun_io * Context::getRange() { llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *tunEndpoint = this->getFirstTun(); if(!tunEndpoint) { llarp::LogError("No tunnel endpoint found"); return nullptr; } return &tunEndpoint->tunif; } bool Context::FindBestAddressFor(const llarp::AlignedBuffer< 32 > &addr, bool isSNode, huint32_t &ip) { auto itr = m_Endpoints.begin(); while(itr != m_Endpoints.end()) { if(itr->second->HasAddress(addr)) { ip = itr->second->ObtainIPForAddr(addr, isSNode); return true; } ++itr; } itr = m_Endpoints.find("default"); if(itr != m_Endpoints.end()) { ip = itr->second->ObtainIPForAddr(addr, isSNode); return true; } return false; } bool Context::Prefetch(const llarp::service::Address &addr) { llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *tunEndpoint = this->getFirstTun(); if(!tunEndpoint) { llarp::LogError("No tunnel endpoint found"); return false; } // HiddenServiceAddresslookup *lookup = new // HiddenServiceEndpoint(tunEndpoint, callback, addr, // tunEndpoint->GenTXID()); return tunEndpoint->EnsurePathToService( addr, [](__attribute__((unused)) Address addr, __attribute__((unused)) void *ctx) {}, 10000); } bool MapAddressAllIter(struct Context::endpoint_iter *endpointCfg) { Context::mapAddressAll_context *context = (Context::mapAddressAll_context *)endpointCfg->user; llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *tunEndpoint = (llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *)endpointCfg->endpoint; if(!tunEndpoint) { llarp::LogError("No tunnel endpoint found"); return true; // still continue } return tunEndpoint->MapAddress( context->serviceAddr, context->localPrivateIpAddr.xtohl(), false); } bool Context::MapAddressAll(const llarp::service::Address &addr, llarp::Addr &localPrivateIpAddr) { struct Context::mapAddressAll_context context; context.serviceAddr = addr; context.localPrivateIpAddr = localPrivateIpAddr; struct Context::endpoint_iter i; i.user = &context; i.index = 0; i.visit = &MapAddressAllIter; return this->iterate(i); } bool Context::AddDefaultEndpoint( const std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::string > &opts) { Config::section_values_t configOpts; configOpts.push_back({"type", "tun"}); { auto itr = opts.begin(); while(itr != opts.end()) { configOpts.push_back({itr->first, itr->second}); ++itr; } } return AddEndpoint({"default", configOpts}); } bool Context::StartAll() { auto itr = m_Endpoints.begin(); while(itr != m_Endpoints.end()) { if(!itr->second->Start()) { llarp::LogError(itr->first, " failed to start"); return false; } llarp::LogInfo(itr->first, " started"); ++itr; } return true; } bool Context::AddEndpoint(const Config::section_t &conf, bool autostart) { { auto itr = m_Endpoints.find(conf.first); if(itr != m_Endpoints.end()) { llarp::LogError("cannot add hidden service with duplicate name: ", conf.first); return false; } } // extract type std::string endpointType = "tun"; std::string keyfile = ""; for(const auto &option : conf.second) { if(option.first == "type") endpointType = option.second; if(option.first == "keyfile") keyfile = option.second; } std::unique_ptr< llarp::service::Endpoint > service; static std::map< std::string, std::function< llarp::service::Endpoint *( const std::string &, llarp::Router *, llarp::service::Context *) > > endpointConstructors = { {"tun", [](const std::string &nick, llarp::Router *r, llarp::service::Context *c) -> llarp::service::Endpoint * { return new llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint(nick, r, c); }}, {"null", [](const std::string &nick, llarp::Router *r, llarp::service::Context *c) -> llarp::service::Endpoint * { return new llarp::handlers::NullEndpoint(nick, r, c); }}}; { // detect type auto itr = endpointConstructors.find(endpointType); if(itr == endpointConstructors.end()) { llarp::LogError("no such endpoint type: ", endpointType); return false; } // construct service.reset(itr->second(conf.first, m_Router, this)); // if ephemeral, then we need to regen key // if privkey file, then set it and load it if(keyfile != "") { service->SetOption("keyfile", keyfile); // load keyfile, so we have the correct name for logging } llarp::LogInfo("Establishing endpoint identity"); service->LoadKeyFile(); // only start endpoint not tun // now Name() will be correct } // configure for(const auto &option : conf.second) { auto &k = option.first; if(k == "type") continue; auto &v = option.second; if(!service->SetOption(k, v)) { llarp::LogError("failed to set ", k, "=", v, " for hidden service endpoint ", conf.first); return false; } } if(autostart) { // start if(service->Start()) { llarp::LogInfo("autostarting hidden service endpoint ", service->Name()); m_Endpoints.insert(std::make_pair(conf.first, std::move(service))); return true; } llarp::LogError("failed to start hidden service endpoint ", conf.first); return false; } else { llarp::LogInfo("added hidden service endpoint ", service->Name()); m_Endpoints.insert(std::make_pair(conf.first, std::move(service))); return true; } } } // namespace service } // namespace llarp