#include #include #include #include #include "buffer.hpp" #include "router.hpp" namespace llarp { namespace service { Endpoint::Endpoint(const std::string& name, llarp_router* r) : path::Builder(r, r->dht, 6, 4), m_Router(r), m_Name(name) { m_Tag.Zero(); } bool Endpoint::SetOption(const std::string& k, const std::string& v) { if(k == "keyfile") { m_Keyfile = v; } if(k == "tag") { m_Tag = v; llarp::LogInfo("Setting tag to ", v); } if(k == "prefetch-tag") { m_PrefetchTags.insert(v); } if(k == "prefetch-addr") { Address addr; if(addr.FromString(v)) m_PrefetchAddrs.insert(addr); } if(k == "netns") { m_NetNS = v; m_OnInit.push_back(std::bind(&Endpoint::IsolateNetwork, this)); } if(k == "min-latency") { auto val = atoi(v.c_str()); if(val > 0) m_MinPathLatency = val; } return true; } bool Endpoint::IsolateNetwork() { llarp::LogInfo("isolating network to namespace ", m_NetNS); m_IsolatedWorker = llarp_init_isolated_net_threadpool( m_NetNS.c_str(), &SetupIsolatedNetwork, &RunIsolatedMainLoop, this); m_IsolatedLogic = llarp_init_single_process_logic(m_IsolatedWorker); return true; } llarp_ev_loop* Endpoint::EndpointNetLoop() { if(m_IsolatedNetLoop) return m_IsolatedNetLoop; else return m_Router->netloop; } bool Endpoint::NetworkIsIsolated() const { return m_IsolatedLogic && m_IsolatedWorker; } bool Endpoint::SetupIsolatedNetwork(void* user, bool failed) { return static_cast< Endpoint* >(user)->DoNetworkIsolation(!failed); } bool Endpoint::HasPendingPathToService(const Address& addr) const { return m_PendingServiceLookups.find(addr) != m_PendingServiceLookups.end(); } void Endpoint::RegenAndPublishIntroSet(llarp_time_t now, bool forceRebuild) { std::set< Introduction > I; if(!GetCurrentIntroductionsWithFilter( I, [now](const service::Introduction& intro) -> bool { return now < intro.expiresAt && intro.expiresAt - now > (2 * 60 * 1000); })) { llarp::LogWarn("could not publish descriptors for endpoint ", Name(), " because we couldn't get enough valid introductions"); if(ShouldBuildMore() || forceRebuild) ManualRebuild(1); return; } m_IntroSet.I.clear(); for(const auto& intro : I) { m_IntroSet.I.push_back(intro); } if(m_IntroSet.I.size() == 0) { llarp::LogWarn("not enough intros to publish introset for ", Name()); return; } m_IntroSet.topic = m_Tag; if(!m_Identity.SignIntroSet(m_IntroSet, &m_Router->crypto)) { llarp::LogWarn("failed to sign introset for endpoint ", Name()); return; } if(PublishIntroSet(m_Router)) { llarp::LogInfo("(re)publishing introset for endpoint ", Name()); } else { llarp::LogWarn("failed to publish intro set for endpoint ", Name()); } } void Endpoint::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { // publish descriptors if(ShouldPublishDescriptors(now)) { RegenAndPublishIntroSet(now); } // expire pending tx { std::set< service::IntroSet > empty; auto itr = m_PendingLookups.begin(); while(itr != m_PendingLookups.end()) { if(itr->second->IsTimedOut(now)) { std::unique_ptr< IServiceLookup > lookup = std::move(itr->second); llarp::LogInfo(lookup->name, " timed out txid=", lookup->txid); lookup->HandleResponse(empty); itr = m_PendingLookups.erase(itr); } else ++itr; } } // expire pending router lookups { auto itr = m_PendingRouters.begin(); while(itr != m_PendingRouters.end()) { if(itr->second.IsExpired(now)) { llarp::LogInfo("lookup for ", itr->first, " timed out"); itr = m_PendingRouters.erase(itr); } else ++itr; } } // prefetch addrs for(const auto& addr : m_PrefetchAddrs) { if(!HasPathToService(addr)) { if(!EnsurePathToService( addr, [](Address addr, OutboundContext* ctx) {}, 10000)) { llarp::LogWarn("failed to ensure path to ", addr); } } } // prefetch tags for(const auto& tag : m_PrefetchTags) { auto itr = m_PrefetchedTags.find(tag); if(itr == m_PrefetchedTags.end()) { itr = m_PrefetchedTags.insert(std::make_pair(tag, CachedTagResult(tag))) .first; } for(const auto& introset : itr->second.result) { if(HasPendingPathToService(introset.A.Addr())) continue; if(!EnsurePathToService(introset.A.Addr(), [](Address addr, OutboundContext* ctx) {}, 10000)) { llarp::LogWarn("failed to ensure path to ", introset.A.Addr(), " for tag ", tag.ToString()); } } itr->second.Expire(now); if(itr->second.ShouldRefresh(now)) { auto path = PickRandomEstablishedPath(); if(path) { auto job = new TagLookupJob(this, &itr->second); job->SendRequestViaPath(path, Router()); } } } // tick remote sessions { auto itr = m_RemoteSessions.begin(); while(itr != m_RemoteSessions.end()) { if(itr->second->Tick(now)) { m_DeadSessions .insert(std::make_pair(itr->first, std::move(itr->second))) ->second->markedBad = true; itr = m_RemoteSessions.erase(itr); } else ++itr; } } // deregister dead sessions { auto itr = m_DeadSessions.begin(); while(itr != m_DeadSessions.end()) { if(itr->second->IsDone(now)) itr = m_DeadSessions.erase(itr); else ++itr; } } } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::IsDone(llarp_time_t now) const { return now - lastGoodSend > DEFAULT_PATH_LIFETIME; } uint64_t Endpoint::GenTXID() { uint64_t txid = llarp_randint(); while(m_PendingLookups.find(txid) != m_PendingLookups.end()) ++txid; return txid; } std::string Endpoint::Name() const { return m_Name + ":" + m_Identity.pub.Name(); } bool Endpoint::HasPathToService(const Address& addr) const { return m_RemoteSessions.find(addr) != m_RemoteSessions.end(); } void Endpoint::PutLookup(IServiceLookup* lookup, uint64_t txid) { // std::unique_ptr< service::IServiceLookup > ptr(lookup); // m_PendingLookups.insert(std::make_pair(txid, ptr)); // m_PendingLookups[txid] = std::move(ptr); m_PendingLookups.insert( std::make_pair(txid, std::unique_ptr< IServiceLookup >(lookup))); } bool Endpoint::HandleGotIntroMessage(const llarp::dht::GotIntroMessage* msg) { auto crypto = &m_Router->crypto; std::set< IntroSet > remote; for(const auto& introset : msg->I) { if(!introset.Verify(crypto)) { if(m_Identity.pub == introset.A && m_CurrentPublishTX == msg->T) { IntroSetPublishFail(); } else { auto itr = m_PendingLookups.find(msg->T); if(itr == m_PendingLookups.end()) { llarp::LogWarn( "invalid lookup response for hidden service endpoint ", Name(), " txid=", msg->T); return true; } std::unique_ptr< IServiceLookup > lookup = std::move(itr->second); m_PendingLookups.erase(itr); lookup->HandleResponse({}); return true; } return true; } if(m_Identity.pub == introset.A && m_CurrentPublishTX == msg->T) { llarp::LogInfo( "got introset publish confirmation for hidden service endpoint ", Name()); IntroSetPublished(); return true; } else { remote.insert(introset); } } auto itr = m_PendingLookups.find(msg->T); if(itr == m_PendingLookups.end()) { llarp::LogWarn("invalid lookup response for hidden service endpoint ", Name(), " txid=", msg->T); return true; } std::unique_ptr< IServiceLookup > lookup = std::move(itr->second); m_PendingLookups.erase(itr); lookup->HandleResponse(remote); return true; } void Endpoint::PutSenderFor(const ConvoTag& tag, const ServiceInfo& info) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) { itr = m_Sessions.insert(std::make_pair(tag, Session{})).first; } itr->second.remote = info; itr->second.lastUsed = llarp_time_now_ms(); } bool Endpoint::GetSenderFor(const ConvoTag& tag, ServiceInfo& si) const { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) return false; si = itr->second.remote; return true; } void Endpoint::PutIntroFor(const ConvoTag& tag, const Introduction& intro) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) { itr = m_Sessions.insert(std::make_pair(tag, Session{})).first; } itr->second.intro = intro; itr->second.lastUsed = llarp_time_now_ms(); } bool Endpoint::GetIntroFor(const ConvoTag& tag, Introduction& intro) const { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) return false; intro = itr->second.intro; return true; } bool Endpoint::GetConvoTagsForService(const ServiceInfo& info, std::set< ConvoTag >& tags) const { bool inserted = false; auto itr = m_Sessions.begin(); while(itr != m_Sessions.end()) { if(itr->second.remote == info) { inserted |= tags.insert(itr->first).second; } ++itr; } return inserted; } bool Endpoint::GetCachedSessionKeyFor(const ConvoTag& tag, const byte_t*& secret) const { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) return false; secret = itr->second.sharedKey.data(); return true; } void Endpoint::PutCachedSessionKeyFor(const ConvoTag& tag, const SharedSecret& k) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) { itr = m_Sessions.insert(std::make_pair(tag, Session{})).first; } itr->second.sharedKey = k; itr->second.lastUsed = llarp_time_now_ms(); } bool Endpoint::Start() { auto crypto = &m_Router->crypto; if(m_Keyfile.size()) { if(!m_Identity.EnsureKeys(m_Keyfile, crypto)) return false; } else { m_Identity.RegenerateKeys(crypto); } if(!m_DataHandler) { m_DataHandler = this; } // this does network isolation while(m_OnInit.size()) { if(m_OnInit.front()()) m_OnInit.pop_front(); else return false; } return true; } Endpoint::~Endpoint() { } bool Endpoint::CachedTagResult::HandleResponse( const std::set< IntroSet >& introsets) { auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); for(const auto& introset : introsets) if(result.insert(introset).second) lastModified = now; llarp::LogInfo("Tag result for ", tag.ToString(), " got ", introsets.size(), " results from lookup, have ", result.size(), " cached last modified at ", lastModified, " is ", now - lastModified, "ms old"); return true; } void Endpoint::CachedTagResult::Expire(llarp_time_t now) { auto itr = result.begin(); while(itr != result.end()) { if(itr->HasExpiredIntros(now)) { llarp::LogInfo("Removing expired tag Entry ", itr->A.Name()); itr = result.erase(itr); lastModified = now; } else { ++itr; } } } llarp::routing::IMessage* Endpoint::CachedTagResult::BuildRequestMessage(uint64_t txid) { llarp::routing::DHTMessage* msg = new llarp::routing::DHTMessage(); msg->M.emplace_back(new llarp::dht::FindIntroMessage(tag, txid)); lastRequest = llarp_time_now_ms(); return msg; } bool Endpoint::PublishIntroSet(llarp_router* r) { // publish via near router RouterID location = m_Identity.pub.Addr().data(); auto path = GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(location); if(path && PublishIntroSetVia(r, path)) { // publish via far router path = GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(~location); return path && PublishIntroSetVia(r, path); } return false; } struct PublishIntroSetJob : public IServiceLookup { IntroSet m_IntroSet; Endpoint* m_Endpoint; PublishIntroSetJob(Endpoint* parent, uint64_t id, const IntroSet& introset) : IServiceLookup(parent, id, "PublishIntroSet") , m_IntroSet(introset) , m_Endpoint(parent) { } llarp::routing::IMessage* BuildRequestMessage() { llarp::routing::DHTMessage* msg = new llarp::routing::DHTMessage(); msg->M.emplace_back( new llarp::dht::PublishIntroMessage(m_IntroSet, txid, 4)); return msg; } bool HandleResponse(const std::set< IntroSet >& response) { if(response.size()) m_Endpoint->IntroSetPublished(); else m_Endpoint->IntroSetPublishFail(); return true; } }; void Endpoint::IntroSetPublishFail() { // TODO: linear backoff } bool Endpoint::PublishIntroSetVia(llarp_router* r, path::Path* path) { auto job = new PublishIntroSetJob(this, GenTXID(), m_IntroSet); if(job->SendRequestViaPath(path, r)) { m_LastPublishAttempt = llarp_time_now_ms(); return true; } return false; } bool Endpoint::ShouldPublishDescriptors(llarp_time_t now) const { if(NumInStatus(llarp::path::ePathEstablished) < 3) return false; if(m_IntroSet.HasExpiredIntros(now)) return now - m_LastPublishAttempt >= INTROSET_PUBLISH_RETRY_INTERVAL; return now - m_LastPublishAttempt >= INTROSET_PUBLISH_INTERVAL; } void Endpoint::IntroSetPublished() { m_LastPublish = llarp_time_now_ms(); llarp::LogInfo(Name(), " IntroSet publish confirmed"); } struct HiddenServiceAddressLookup : public IServiceLookup { ~HiddenServiceAddressLookup() { } Address remote; typedef std::function< bool(const Address&, const IntroSet*) > HandlerFunc; HandlerFunc handle; HiddenServiceAddressLookup(Endpoint* p, HandlerFunc h, const Address& addr, uint64_t tx) : IServiceLookup(p, tx, "HSLookup"), remote(addr), handle(h) { } bool HandleResponse(const std::set< IntroSet >& results) { llarp::LogInfo("found ", results.size(), " for ", remote.ToString()); if(results.size() > 0) { return handle(remote, &*results.begin()); } return handle(remote, nullptr); } llarp::routing::IMessage* BuildRequestMessage() { llarp::routing::DHTMessage* msg = new llarp::routing::DHTMessage(); msg->M.emplace_back(new llarp::dht::FindIntroMessage(txid, remote, 5)); return msg; } }; bool Endpoint::DoNetworkIsolation(bool failed) { if(failed) return IsolationFailed(); llarp_ev_loop_alloc(&m_IsolatedNetLoop); return SetupNetworking(); } void Endpoint::RunIsolatedMainLoop(void* user) { Endpoint* self = static_cast< Endpoint* >(user); llarp_ev_loop_run_single_process(self->m_IsolatedNetLoop, self->m_IsolatedWorker, self->m_IsolatedLogic); } void Endpoint::PutNewOutboundContext(const llarp::service::IntroSet& introset) { Address addr; introset.A.CalculateAddress(addr.data()); if(m_RemoteSessions.count(addr) >= MAX_OUTBOUND_CONTEXT_COUNT) { auto itr = m_RemoteSessions.find(addr); auto i = m_PendingServiceLookups.find(addr); if(i != m_PendingServiceLookups.end()) { auto f = i->second; m_PendingServiceLookups.erase(i); f(addr, itr->second.get()); } return; } OutboundContext* ctx = new OutboundContext(introset, this); m_RemoteSessions.insert( std::make_pair(addr, std::unique_ptr< OutboundContext >(ctx))); llarp::LogInfo("Created New outbound context for ", addr.ToString()); // inform pending auto itr = m_PendingServiceLookups.find(addr); if(itr != m_PendingServiceLookups.end()) { auto f = itr->second; m_PendingServiceLookups.erase(itr); f(addr, ctx); } } bool Endpoint::HandleGotRouterMessage(const llarp::dht::GotRouterMessage* msg) { bool success = false; if(msg->R.size() == 1) { auto itr = m_PendingRouters.find(msg->R[0].pubkey); if(itr == m_PendingRouters.end()) return false; llarp_async_verify_rc* job = new llarp_async_verify_rc; job->nodedb = m_Router->nodedb; job->cryptoworker = m_Router->tp; job->diskworker = m_Router->disk; job->logic = nullptr; job->hook = nullptr; job->rc = msg->R[0]; llarp_nodedb_async_verify(job); return true; } return success; } void Endpoint::EnsureRouterIsKnown(const RouterID& router) { if(router.IsZero()) return; RouterContact rc; if(!llarp_nodedb_get_rc(m_Router->nodedb, router, rc)) { if(m_PendingRouters.find(router) == m_PendingRouters.end()) { auto path = GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(router); routing::DHTMessage msg; auto txid = GenTXID(); msg.M.emplace_back( new dht::FindRouterMessage({}, dht::Key_t(router), txid)); if(path && path->SendRoutingMessage(&msg, m_Router)) { llarp::LogInfo(Name(), " looking up ", router); m_PendingRouters.insert( std::make_pair(router, RouterLookupJob(this))); } else { llarp::LogError("failed to send request for router lookup"); } } } } void Endpoint::HandlePathBuilt(path::Path* p) { p->SetDataHandler(std::bind(&Endpoint::HandleHiddenServiceFrame, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); p->SetDropHandler(std::bind(&Endpoint::HandleDataDrop, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)); p->SetDeadChecker(std::bind(&Endpoint::CheckPathIsDead, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); path::Builder::HandlePathBuilt(p); } bool Endpoint::HandleDataDrop(path::Path* p, const PathID_t& dst, uint64_t seq) { llarp::LogWarn(Name(), " message ", seq, " dropped by endpoint ", p->Endpoint(), " via ", dst); return true; } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::HandleDataDrop(path::Path* p, const PathID_t& dst, uint64_t seq) { // pick another intro if(dst == remoteIntro.pathID && remoteIntro.router == p->Endpoint()) { llarp::LogWarn(Name(), " message ", seq, " dropped by endpoint ", p->Endpoint(), " via ", dst); if(MarkCurrentIntroBad(llarp_time_now_ms())) { llarp::LogInfo(Name(), " switched intros to ", remoteIntro.router, " via ", remoteIntro.pathID); } UpdateIntroSet(); } return true; } bool Endpoint::HandleDataMessage(const PathID_t& src, ProtocolMessage* msg) { msg->sender.UpdateAddr(); PutIntroFor(msg->tag, msg->introReply); EnsureReplyPath(msg->sender); return ProcessDataMessage(msg); } bool Endpoint::HandleHiddenServiceFrame(path::Path* p, const ProtocolFrame* frame) { return frame->AsyncDecryptAndVerify(EndpointLogic(), Crypto(), p->RXID(), Worker(), m_Identity, m_DataHandler); } Endpoint::SendContext::SendContext(const ServiceInfo& ident, const Introduction& intro, PathSet* send, Endpoint* ep) : remoteIdent(ident) , remoteIntro(intro) , m_PathSet(send) , m_DataHandler(ep) , m_Endpoint(ep) { createdAt = llarp_time_now_ms(); } void Endpoint::OutboundContext::HandlePathBuilt(path::Path* p) { path::Builder::HandlePathBuilt(p); /// don't use it if we are marked bad if(markedBad) return; p->SetDataHandler( std::bind(&Endpoint::OutboundContext::HandleHiddenServiceFrame, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); p->SetDropHandler(std::bind( &Endpoint::OutboundContext::HandleDataDrop, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)); p->SetDeadChecker(std::bind(&Endpoint::CheckPathIsDead, m_Endpoint, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); } void Endpoint::HandlePathDead(void* user) { Endpoint* self = static_cast< Endpoint* >(user); self->RegenAndPublishIntroSet(llarp_time_now_ms(), true); } bool Endpoint::CheckPathIsDead(path::Path* p, llarp_time_t latency) { if(latency >= m_MinPathLatency) { } return false; } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::HandleHiddenServiceFrame( path::Path* p, const ProtocolFrame* frame) { return m_Endpoint->HandleHiddenServiceFrame(p, frame); } bool Endpoint::OnOutboundLookup(const Address& addr, const IntroSet* introset) { if(!introset) { auto itr = m_PendingServiceLookups.find(addr); if(itr != m_PendingServiceLookups.end()) { m_PendingServiceLookups.erase(itr); itr->second(addr, nullptr); } return false; } PutNewOutboundContext(*introset); return true; } bool Endpoint::EnsurePathToService(const Address& remote, PathEnsureHook hook, llarp_time_t timeoutMS) { auto path = GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(remote.ToRouter()); if(!path) { llarp::LogWarn("No outbound path for lookup yet"); return false; } llarp::LogInfo(Name(), " Ensure Path to ", remote.ToString()); { auto itr = m_RemoteSessions.find(remote); if(itr != m_RemoteSessions.end()) { hook(itr->first, itr->second.get()); return true; } } auto itr = m_PendingServiceLookups.find(remote); if(itr != m_PendingServiceLookups.end()) { // duplicate llarp::LogWarn("duplicate pending service lookup to ", remote.ToString()); return false; } m_PendingServiceLookups.insert(std::make_pair(remote, hook)); HiddenServiceAddressLookup* job = new HiddenServiceAddressLookup( this, std::bind(&Endpoint::OnOutboundLookup, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), remote, GenTXID()); if(job->SendRequestViaPath(path, Router())) return true; llarp::LogError("send via path failed"); return false; } Endpoint::OutboundContext::OutboundContext(const IntroSet& introset, Endpoint* parent) : path::Builder(parent->m_Router, parent->m_Router->dht, 3, 4) , SendContext(introset.A, {}, this, parent) , currentIntroSet(introset) { updatingIntroSet = false; for(const auto intro : introset.I) { if(intro.expiresAt > m_NextIntro.expiresAt) { m_NextIntro = intro; remoteIntro = intro; } } } Endpoint::OutboundContext::~OutboundContext() { } void Endpoint::OutboundContext::SwapIntros() { remoteIntro = m_NextIntro; // prepare next intro auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { if(intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; if(m_BadIntros.find(intro) == m_BadIntros.end() && remoteIntro.router == intro.router) { m_NextIntro = intro; return; } } for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { if(intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; if(m_BadIntros.find(intro) == m_BadIntros.end()) { m_NextIntro = intro; return; } } } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::OnIntroSetUpdate(const Address& addr, const IntroSet* i) { if(markedBad) return true; if(i) { if(currentIntroSet.T >= i->T) { llarp::LogInfo("introset is old, dropping"); return true; } currentIntroSet = *i; if(!ShiftIntroduction()) { llarp::LogWarn("failed to pick new intro during introset update"); } if(GetPathByRouter(m_NextIntro.router) == nullptr) BuildOneAlignedTo(m_NextIntro.router); else SwapIntros(); } updatingIntroSet = false; return true; } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::ReadyToSend() const { return (!remoteIntro.router.IsZero()) && GetPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router) != nullptr; } bool Endpoint::SendToOrQueue(const Address& remote, llarp_buffer_t data, ProtocolType t) { // inbound converstation { auto itr = m_AddressToService.find(remote); if(itr != m_AddressToService.end()) { auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); routing::PathTransferMessage transfer; ProtocolFrame& f = transfer.T; path::Path* p = nullptr; std::set< ConvoTag > tags; if(!GetConvoTagsForService(itr->second, tags)) { llarp::LogError("no convo tag"); return false; } Introduction remoteIntro; const byte_t* K = nullptr; for(const auto& tag : tags) { if(tag.IsZero()) continue; if(p == nullptr && GetIntroFor(tag, remoteIntro)) { if(!remoteIntro.ExpiresSoon(now)) p = GetPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router); if(p) { f.T = tag; if(!GetCachedSessionKeyFor(tag, K)) { llarp::LogError("no cached session key"); return false; } } } } if(p) { // TODO: check expiration of our end ProtocolMessage m(f.T); m.proto = t; m.introReply = p->intro; m.sender = m_Identity.pub; m.PutBuffer(data); f.N.Randomize(); f.S = GetSeqNoForConvo(f.T); f.C.Zero(); transfer.Y.Randomize(); transfer.P = remoteIntro.pathID; if(!f.EncryptAndSign(&Router()->crypto, m, K, m_Identity)) { llarp::LogError("failed to encrypt and sign"); return false; } llarp::LogDebug(Name(), " send ", data.sz, " via ", remoteIntro.router); return p->SendRoutingMessage(&transfer, Router()); } } } // outbound converstation if(HasPathToService(remote)) { auto range = m_RemoteSessions.equal_range(remote); auto itr = range.first; while(itr != range.second) { if(itr->second->ReadyToSend()) { itr->second->AsyncEncryptAndSendTo(data, t); return true; } ++itr; } llarp::LogWarn("No path ready to send yet"); // all paths are not ready? return false; } // no converstation EnsurePathToService(remote, [](Address, OutboundContext*) {}, 5000); return false; } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::BuildOneAlignedTo(const RouterID& remote) { llarp::LogInfo(Name(), " building path to ", remote); auto nodedb = m_Endpoint->Router()->nodedb; std::vector< RouterContact > hops; hops.resize(numHops); for(size_t hop = 0; hop < numHops; ++hop) { if(hop == 0) { // first hop if(router->NumberOfConnectedRouters()) { if(!router->GetRandomConnectedRouter(hops[0])) return false; } else if(!llarp_nodedb_select_random_hop(nodedb, hops[0], hops[0], 0)) return false; } else if(hop == numHops - 1) { // last hop if(!llarp_nodedb_get_rc(nodedb, remote, hops[hop])) return false; } // middle hop else { size_t tries = 5; do { llarp_nodedb_select_random_hop(nodedb, hops[hop - 1], hops[hop], hop); --tries; } while(m_Endpoint->Router()->routerProfiling.IsBad(hops[hop].pubkey) && tries > 0); return tries > 0; } return false; } Build(hops); return true; } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::MarkCurrentIntroBad(llarp_time_t now) { // insert bad intro m_BadIntros[remoteIntro] = now; // unconditional shift bool shiftedRouter = false; bool shiftedIntro = false; // try same router for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { if(intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; auto itr = m_BadIntros.find(intro); if(itr == m_BadIntros.end() && intro.router == m_NextIntro.router) { shiftedIntro = true; m_NextIntro = intro; break; } } if(!shiftedIntro) { // try any router for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { if(intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; auto itr = m_BadIntros.find(intro); if(itr == m_BadIntros.end()) { // TODO: this should always be true but idk if it really is shiftedRouter = m_NextIntro.router != intro.router; shiftedIntro = true; m_NextIntro = intro; break; } } } if(shiftedRouter) { lastShift = now; BuildOneAlignedTo(m_NextIntro.router); } else if(shiftedIntro) { SwapIntros(); } return shiftedIntro; } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::ShiftIntroduction() { bool success = false; auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); if(now - lastShift < MIN_SHIFT_INTERVAL) return false; bool shifted = false; // to find a intro on the same router as before for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { if(intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; if(m_BadIntros.find(intro) == m_BadIntros.end() && remoteIntro.router == intro.router) { m_NextIntro = intro; return true; } } for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { m_Endpoint->EnsureRouterIsKnown(intro.router); if(intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; if(m_BadIntros.find(intro) == m_BadIntros.end() && m_NextIntro != intro) { shifted = intro.router != m_NextIntro.router || (now < intro.expiresAt && intro.expiresAt - now > 10 * 1000); // TODO: hardcoded value m_NextIntro = intro; success = true; break; } } if(shifted) { lastShift = now; BuildOneAlignedTo(m_NextIntro.router); } return success; } void Endpoint::SendContext::AsyncEncryptAndSendTo(llarp_buffer_t data, ProtocolType protocol) { if(sequenceNo) { EncryptAndSendTo(data, protocol); } else { AsyncGenIntro(data, protocol); } } struct AsyncKeyExchange { llarp_logic* logic; llarp_crypto* crypto; SharedSecret sharedKey; ServiceInfo remote; const Identity& m_LocalIdentity; ProtocolMessage msg; ProtocolFrame frame; Introduction intro; const PQPubKey introPubKey; Introduction remoteIntro; std::function< void(ProtocolFrame&) > hook; IDataHandler* handler; ConvoTag tag; AsyncKeyExchange(llarp_logic* l, llarp_crypto* c, const ServiceInfo& r, const Identity& localident, const PQPubKey& introsetPubKey, const Introduction& remote, IDataHandler* h, const ConvoTag& t) : logic(l) , crypto(c) , remote(r) , m_LocalIdentity(localident) , introPubKey(introsetPubKey) , remoteIntro(remote) , handler(h) , tag(t) { } static void Result(void* user) { AsyncKeyExchange* self = static_cast< AsyncKeyExchange* >(user); // put values self->handler->PutCachedSessionKeyFor(self->msg.tag, self->sharedKey); self->handler->PutIntroFor(self->msg.tag, self->remoteIntro); self->handler->PutSenderFor(self->msg.tag, self->remote); self->hook(self->frame); delete self; } /// given protocol message make protocol frame static void Encrypt(void* user) { AsyncKeyExchange* self = static_cast< AsyncKeyExchange* >(user); // derive ntru session key component SharedSecret K; self->crypto->pqe_encrypt(self->frame.C, K, self->introPubKey); // randomize Nounce self->frame.N.Randomize(); // compure post handshake session key byte_t tmp[64]; // K memcpy(tmp, K, 32); // PKE (A, B, N) if(!self->m_LocalIdentity.KeyExchange(self->crypto->dh_client, tmp + 32, self->remote, self->frame.N)) llarp::LogError("failed to derive x25519 shared key component"); // H (K + PKE(A, B, N)) self->crypto->shorthash(self->sharedKey, llarp::StackBuffer< decltype(tmp) >(tmp)); // set tag self->msg.tag = self->tag; // set sender self->msg.sender = self->m_LocalIdentity.pub; // set version self->msg.version = LLARP_PROTO_VERSION; // set protocol self->msg.proto = eProtocolTraffic; // encrypt and sign if(self->frame.EncryptAndSign(self->crypto, self->msg, K, self->m_LocalIdentity)) llarp_logic_queue_job(self->logic, {self, &Result}); else { llarp::LogError("failed to encrypt and sign"); delete self; } } }; void Endpoint::EnsureReplyPath(const ServiceInfo& ident) { m_AddressToService[ident.Addr()] = ident; } void Endpoint::OutboundContext::AsyncGenIntro(llarp_buffer_t payload, ProtocolType t) { auto path = m_PathSet->GetPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router); if(path == nullptr) { // try parent as fallback path = m_Endpoint->GetPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router); if(path == nullptr) { llarp::LogWarn(Name(), " dropping intro frame, no path to ", remoteIntro.router); return; } } currentConvoTag.Randomize(); AsyncKeyExchange* ex = new AsyncKeyExchange( m_Endpoint->RouterLogic(), m_Endpoint->Crypto(), remoteIdent, m_Endpoint->GetIdentity(), currentIntroSet.K, remoteIntro, m_DataHandler, currentConvoTag); ex->hook = std::bind(&Endpoint::OutboundContext::Send, this, std::placeholders::_1); ex->msg.PutBuffer(payload); ex->msg.introReply = path->intro; llarp_threadpool_queue_job(m_Endpoint->Worker(), {ex, &AsyncKeyExchange::Encrypt}); } void Endpoint::SendContext::Send(ProtocolFrame& msg) { auto path = m_PathSet->GetPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router); if(path == nullptr) path = m_Endpoint->GetPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router); if(path) { auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); if(remoteIntro.ExpiresSoon(now)) { if(!MarkCurrentIntroBad(now)) { llarp::LogWarn("no good path yet, your message may drop"); } } ++sequenceNo; routing::PathTransferMessage transfer(msg, remoteIntro.pathID); if(path->SendRoutingMessage(&transfer, m_Endpoint->Router())) { llarp::LogDebug("sent data to ", remoteIntro.pathID, " on ", remoteIntro.router); lastGoodSend = now; } else llarp::LogError("Failed to send frame on path"); } else llarp::LogError("cannot send becuase we have no path to ", remoteIntro.router); } std::string Endpoint::OutboundContext::Name() const { return "OBContext:" + m_Endpoint->Name() + "-" + currentIntroSet.A.Addr().ToString(); } void Endpoint::OutboundContext::UpdateIntroSet() { if(updatingIntroSet || markedBad) return; auto addr = currentIntroSet.A.Addr(); auto path = m_Endpoint->GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(addr.data()); if(path) { HiddenServiceAddressLookup* job = new HiddenServiceAddressLookup( m_Endpoint, std::bind(&Endpoint::OutboundContext::OnIntroSetUpdate, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), addr, m_Endpoint->GenTXID()); updatingIntroSet = job->SendRequestViaPath(path, m_Endpoint->Router()); } else { llarp::LogWarn( "Cannot update introset no path for outbound session to ", currentIntroSet.A.Addr().ToString()); } } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { if(remoteIntro.ExpiresSoon(now)) { // shift intro if it expires "soon" ShiftIntroduction(); if(remoteIntro != m_NextIntro) { if(GetPathByRouter(m_NextIntro.router) != nullptr) { // we can safely set remoteIntro to the next one SwapIntros(); llarp::LogInfo(Name(), "swapped intro"); } } } // lookup router in intro if set and unknown if(!remoteIntro.router.IsZero()) m_Endpoint->EnsureRouterIsKnown(remoteIntro.router); // expire bad intros auto itr = m_BadIntros.begin(); while(itr != m_BadIntros.end()) { if(now - itr->second > DEFAULT_PATH_LIFETIME) itr = m_BadIntros.erase(itr); else ++itr; } // if we are dead return true so we are removed return lastGoodSend ? (now >= lastGoodSend && now - lastGoodSend > sendTimeout) : (now >= createdAt && now - createdAt > connectTimeout); } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::SelectHop(llarp_nodedb* db, const RouterContact& prev, RouterContact& cur, size_t hop) { if(m_NextIntro.router.IsZero()) return false; if(hop == numHops - 1) { if(llarp_nodedb_get_rc(db, m_NextIntro.router, cur)) { return true; } else { // we don't have it? llarp::LogError( "cannot build aligned path, don't have router for " "introduction ", m_NextIntro); m_Endpoint->EnsureRouterIsKnown(m_NextIntro.router); return false; } } return path::Builder::SelectHop(db, prev, cur, hop); } uint64_t Endpoint::GetSeqNoForConvo(const ConvoTag& tag) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) return 0; return ++(itr->second.seqno); } bool Endpoint::OutboundContext::ShouldBuildMore() const { if(markedBad) return false; bool should = path::Builder::ShouldBuildMore(); // determinte newest intro Introduction intro; if(!GetNewestIntro(intro)) return should; auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); // time from now that the newest intro expires at if(now >= intro.expiresAt) return should; auto dlt = now - intro.expiresAt; return should || ( // try spacing tunnel builds out evenly in time (dlt < (DEFAULT_PATH_LIFETIME / 2)) && (NumInStatus(path::ePathBuilding) < m_NumPaths) && (dlt > buildIntervalLimit)); } /// send on an established convo tag void Endpoint::SendContext::EncryptAndSendTo(llarp_buffer_t payload, ProtocolType t) { auto crypto = m_Endpoint->Router()->crypto; const byte_t* shared = nullptr; routing::PathTransferMessage msg; ProtocolFrame& f = msg.T; f.N.Randomize(); f.T = currentConvoTag; f.S = m_Endpoint->GetSeqNoForConvo(f.T); auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); if(remoteIntro.ExpiresSoon(now)) { // shift intro MarkCurrentIntroBad(now); } auto path = m_PathSet->GetNewestPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router); if(!path) { path = m_Endpoint->GetNewestPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router); if(!path) { llarp::LogError("cannot encrypt and send: no path for intro ", remoteIntro); return; } } if(m_DataHandler->GetCachedSessionKeyFor(f.T, shared)) { ProtocolMessage m; m.proto = t; m_DataHandler->PutIntroFor(f.T, remoteIntro); m.introReply = path->intro; m.sender = m_Endpoint->m_Identity.pub; m.PutBuffer(payload); m.tag = f.T; if(!f.EncryptAndSign(&crypto, m, shared, m_Endpoint->m_Identity)) { llarp::LogError("failed to sign"); return; } } else { llarp::LogError("No cached session key"); return; } msg.P = remoteIntro.pathID; msg.Y.Randomize(); ++sequenceNo; if(path->SendRoutingMessage(&msg, m_Endpoint->Router())) { llarp::LogDebug("sent message via ", remoteIntro.pathID, " on ", remoteIntro.router); lastGoodSend = now; } else { llarp::LogWarn("Failed to send routing message for data"); } } llarp_logic* Endpoint::RouterLogic() { return m_Router->logic; } llarp_logic* Endpoint::EndpointLogic() { return m_IsolatedLogic ? m_IsolatedLogic : m_Router->logic; } llarp_crypto* Endpoint::Crypto() { return &m_Router->crypto; } llarp_threadpool* Endpoint::Worker() { return m_Router->tp; } } // namespace service } // namespace llarp