#include "outbound_context.hpp" #include "async_key_exchange.hpp" #include "endpoint.hpp" #include "endpoint_util.hpp" #include "protocol_type.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace llarp::service { bool OutboundContext::Stop() { marked_bad = true; return path::Builder::Stop(); } bool OutboundContext::IsDone(std::chrono::milliseconds now) const { (void)now; return AvailablePaths(path::ePathRoleAny) == 0 && ShouldRemove(); } constexpr auto OutboundContextNumPaths = 4; OutboundContext::OutboundContext(const IntroSet& introset, Endpoint* parent) : path::Builder{parent->router(), OutboundContextNumPaths, parent->numHops} , ep{*parent} , current_intro{introset} , location{current_intro.address_keys.Addr().ToKey()} , addr{current_intro.address_keys.Addr()} , remote_identity{current_intro.address_keys} , created_at{ep.Now()} { assert(not introset.intros.empty()); updatingIntroSet = false; // pick random first intro next_intro = *std::next( introset.intros.begin(), std::uniform_int_distribution{0, introset.intros.size() - 1}(llarp::csrng)); current_tag.Randomize(); last_shift = Now(); // add send and connect timeouts to the parent endpoints path alignment timeout // this will make it so that there is less of a chance for timing races send_timeout += parent->PathAlignmentTimeout(); connect_timeout += parent->PathAlignmentTimeout(); } OutboundContext::~OutboundContext() = default; /// actually swap intros void OutboundContext::swap_intros() { if (remote_intro != next_intro) { remote_intro = next_intro; ep.PutSenderFor(current_tag, current_intro.address_keys, false); ep.PutIntroFor(current_tag, remote_intro); ShiftIntroRouter(next_intro.router); // if we have not made a handshake to the remote endpoint do so if (not generated_convo_intro) { KeepAlive(); } } } Address OutboundContext::Addr() const { return addr; } bool OutboundContext::ReadyToSend() const { if (marked_bad) return false; if (remote_intro.router.IsZero()) return false; return sent_convo_intro and GetPathByRouter(remote_intro.router); } void OutboundContext::ShiftIntroRouter(const RouterID r) { const auto now = Now(); Introduction selectedIntro{}; for (const auto& intro : current_intro.intros) { if (intro.expiry > selectedIntro.expiry and intro.router != r) { selectedIntro = intro; } } if (selectedIntro.router.IsZero() || selectedIntro.ExpiresSoon(now)) return; next_intro = selectedIntro; last_shift = now; } void OutboundContext::HandlePathBuildTimeout(path::Path_ptr p) { ShiftIntroRouter(p->Endpoint()); path::Builder::HandlePathBuildTimeout(p); } void OutboundContext::HandlePathBuildFailedAt(path::Path_ptr p, RouterID hop) { if (p->Endpoint() == hop) { // shift intro when we fail at the pivot ShiftIntroRouter(p->Endpoint()); } path::Builder::HandlePathBuildFailedAt(p, hop); } void OutboundContext::HandlePathBuilt(path::Path_ptr p) { path::Builder::HandlePathBuilt(p); // p->SetDataHandler([self = weak_from_this()](auto path, auto frame) { // if (auto ptr = self.lock()) // return ptr->HandleHiddenServiceFrame(path, frame); // return false; // }); // p->SetDropHandler([self = weak_from_this()](auto path, auto id, auto seqno) { // if (auto ptr = self.lock()) // return ptr->HandleDataDrop(path, id, seqno); // return false; // }); if (marked_bad) { // ignore new path if we are marked dead LogInfo(Name(), " marked bad, ignoring new path"); p->EnterState(path::ePathIgnore, Now()); } else if (p->Endpoint() == next_intro.router) { // we now have a path to the next intro, swap intros swap_intros(); } } std::string OutboundContext::Name() const { return "OBContext:" + current_intro.address_keys.Addr().ToString(); } // TODO: it seems a lot of this logic is duplicated in service/endpoint void OutboundContext::UpdateIntroSet() { constexpr auto IntrosetUpdateInterval = 10s; const auto now = Now(); if (updatingIntroSet or marked_bad or now < last_introset_update + IntrosetUpdateInterval) return; log::info(link_cat, "{} updating introset", Name()); last_introset_update = now; const auto paths = GetManyPathsWithUniqueEndpoints(&ep, 2, location); uint64_t relayOrder = 0; for (const auto& path : paths) { path->find_intro(location, false, relayOrder, [this](std::string resp) mutable { if (marked_bad) { log::info(link_cat, "Outbound context has been marked bad (whatever that means)"); return; } updatingIntroSet = false; // TODO: this parsing is probably elsewhere, may need DRYed std::string introset; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{resp}; auto status = btdc.require(messages::STATUS_KEY); if (status != "OK"sv) { log::info(link_cat, "Error in find intro set response: {}", status); return; } introset = btdc.require("INTROSET"); } catch (...) { log::warning(link_cat, "Failed to parse find name response!"); throw; } service::EncryptedIntroSet enc{introset}; const auto intro = enc.decrypt(PubKey{addr.as_array()}); if (intro.time_signed == 0s) { log::warning(link_cat, "{} recieved introset with zero timestamp"); return; } if (current_intro.time_signed > intro.time_signed) { log::info(link_cat, "{} received outdated introset; dropping", Name()); return; } // don't "shift" to the same intro we're already using... if (current_intro == intro) return; if (intro.IsExpired(llarp::time_now_ms())) { log::warning(link_cat, "{} received expired introset", Name()); return; } current_intro = intro; ShiftIntroRouter(); }); } } util::StatusObject OutboundContext::ExtractStatus() const { auto obj = path::Builder::ExtractStatus(); obj["current_tag"] = current_tag.ToHex(); obj["remote_intro"] = remote_intro.ExtractStatus(); obj["session_created"] = to_json(created_at); obj["last_send"] = to_json(last_send); obj["lastRecv"] = to_json(last_inbound_traffic); obj["lastIntrosetUpdate"] = to_json(last_introset_update); obj["marked_bad"] = marked_bad; obj["last_shift"] = to_json(last_shift); obj["remote_identityity"] = addr.ToString(); obj["currentRemote_introset"] = current_intro.ExtractStatus(); obj["nextIntro"] = next_intro.ExtractStatus(); obj["readyToSend"] = ReadyToSend(); return obj; } void OutboundContext::KeepAlive() { std::string buf(64, '\0'); crypto::randomize(reinterpret_cast(buf.data()), buf.size()); send_packet_to_remote(buf); last_keep_alive = Now(); } bool OutboundContext::Pump(std::chrono::milliseconds now) { if (ReadyToSend() and remote_intro.router.IsZero()) { swap_intros(); } if (ReadyToSend()) { // if we dont have a cached session key after sending intro we are in a fugged state so // expunge SharedSecret discardme; if (not ep.GetCachedSessionKeyFor(current_tag, discardme)) { LogError(Name(), " no cached key after sending intro, we are in a fugged state, oh no"); return true; } } if (got_inbound_traffic and last_inbound_traffic + send_timeout <= now) { // timeout on other side UpdateIntroSet(); ShiftIntroRouter(remote_intro.router); } // check for stale intros // update the introset if we think we need to if (current_intro.HasStaleIntros(now, path::INTRO_PATH_SPREAD) or remote_intro.ExpiresSoon(now, path::INTRO_PATH_SPREAD)) { UpdateIntroSet(); ShiftIntroduction(false); } if (ReadyToSend()) { if (not remote_intro.router.IsZero() and not GetPathByRouter(remote_intro.router)) { // pick another good intro if we have no path on our current intro std::vector otherIntros; ForEachPath([now, router = remote_intro.router, &otherIntros](auto path) { if (path and path->IsReady() and path->Endpoint() != router and not path->ExpiresSoon(now, path::INTRO_PATH_SPREAD)) { otherIntros.emplace_back(path->intro); } }); if (not otherIntros.empty()) { std::shuffle(otherIntros.begin(), otherIntros.end(), llarp::csrng); remote_intro = otherIntros[0]; } } } if (ReadyToSend()) { const auto path = GetPathByRouter(remote_intro.router); if (not path) { LogWarn(Name(), " ready but no path to ", remote_intro.router, " ???"); return true; } } const auto timeout = std::max(last_send, last_inbound_traffic); if (last_send > 0s and now >= timeout + (send_timeout / 2)) { // send a keep alive to keep this session alive KeepAlive(); if (marked_bad) { LogWarn(Name(), " keepalive timeout hit"); return true; } } // check for half open state where we can send but we get nothing back if (last_inbound_traffic == 0s and now - created_at > connect_timeout) { LogWarn(Name(), " half open state, we can send but we got nothing back"); return true; } // if we are dead return true so we are removed const bool removeIt = timeout > 0s ? (now >= timeout && now - timeout > send_timeout) : (now >= created_at && now - created_at > connect_timeout); if (removeIt) { LogInfo(Name(), " session is stale"); return true; } return false; } std::optional> OutboundContext::GetHopsForBuild() { if (next_intro.router.IsZero()) { ShiftIntroduction(false); } if (next_intro.router.IsZero()) return std::nullopt; return GetHopsAlignedToForBuild(next_intro.router, ep.SnodeBlacklist()); } bool OutboundContext::ShouldBuildMore(std::chrono::milliseconds now) const { if (marked_bad or path::Builder::BuildCooldownHit(now)) return false; if (NumInStatus(path::ePathBuilding) >= std::max(numDesiredPaths / size_t{2}, size_t{1})) return false; size_t numValidPaths = 0; bool havePathToNextIntro = false; ForEachPath([now, this, &havePathToNextIntro, &numValidPaths](path::Path_ptr path) { if (not path->IsReady()) return; if (not path->intro.ExpiresSoon(now, path::DEFAULT_LIFETIME - path::INTRO_PATH_SPREAD)) { numValidPaths++; if (path->intro.router == next_intro.router) havePathToNextIntro = true; } }); return numValidPaths < numDesiredPaths or not havePathToNextIntro; } bool OutboundContext::ShiftIntroduction(bool rebuild) { bool success = false, shifted = false; const auto now = Now(); auto shift_timeout = send_timeout * 5 / 2; if (abs(now - last_shift) < shift_timeout) return false; std::vector intros = current_intro.intros; // don't consider intros for which we don't have the RC for the pivot auto itr = intros.begin(); while (itr != intros.end()) { if (not ep.router()->node_db()->has_rc(itr->router)) { itr = intros.erase(itr); continue; } itr++; } if (intros.size() > 1) { std::shuffle(intros.begin(), intros.end(), llarp::csrng); } // to find a intro on the same router as before that is newer for (const auto& intro : intros) { if (intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; if (ep.SnodeBlacklist().count(intro.router)) continue; if (remote_intro.router == intro.router) { if (intro.expiry > next_intro.expiry) { success = true; next_intro = intro; } } } if (!success) { /// pick newer intro not on same router for (const auto& intro : intros) { if (ep.SnodeBlacklist().count(intro.router)) continue; if (intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; if (next_intro != intro) { if (intro.expiry > next_intro.expiry) { shifted = intro.router != next_intro.router; next_intro = intro; success = true; } } } } if (next_intro.router.IsZero()) return false; if (shifted) last_shift = now; if (rebuild && !BuildCooldownHit(Now())) BuildOneAlignedTo(next_intro.router); return success; } void OutboundContext::HandlePathDied(path::Path_ptr path) { // unconditionally update introset UpdateIntroSet(); const RouterID endpoint{path->Endpoint()}; // if a path to our current intro died... if (endpoint == remote_intro.router) { // figure out how many paths to this router we have size_t num = 0; ForEachPath([&](const path::Path_ptr& p) { if (p->Endpoint() == endpoint && p->IsReady()) ++num; }); if (num == 0) { // we have no more paths to this endpoint so we want to pivot off of it ShiftIntroRouter(endpoint); if (next_intro.router != endpoint) BuildOneAlignedTo(next_intro.router); } } } bool OutboundContext::ShouldKeepAlive(std::chrono::milliseconds now) const { const auto SendKeepAliveInterval = send_timeout / 2; if (not got_inbound_traffic) return false; if (last_inbound_traffic == 0s) return false; return (now - last_keep_alive) >= SendKeepAliveInterval; } void OutboundContext::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { path::Builder::Tick(now); if (ShouldKeepAlive(now)) KeepAlive(); } void OutboundContext::send_auth_async(std::function resultHandler) { if (const auto maybe = ep.MaybeGetAuthInfoForEndpoint(remote_identity.Addr())) gen_intro_async_impl(maybe->token, std::move(resultHandler)); else resultHandler("No auth needed", true); } void OutboundContext::gen_intro_async_impl( std::string payload, std::function func) { auto path = GetPathByRouter(remote_intro.router); if (path == nullptr) { log::warning(logcat, "{} unexpectedly has no path to remote {}", Name(), remote_intro.router); return; } auto frame = std::make_shared(); frame->clear(); auto ex = std::make_shared( ep.Loop(), remote_identity, ep.GetIdentity(), current_intro.sntru_pubkey, remote_intro, &ep, current_tag); if (const auto maybe = ep.MaybeGetAuthInfoForEndpoint(remote_identity.Addr()); not maybe) ex->msg.proto = ProtocolType::Auth; ex->hook = [this, path, cb = std::move(func)](auto frame) mutable { auto hook = [&, frame, path](std::string resp) { // TODO: revisit this (void)resp; ep.HandleHiddenServiceFrame(path, *frame.get()); }; if (path->send_path_control_message("convo_intro", frame->bt_encode(), hook)) sent_convo_intro = true; }; ex->msg.put_buffer(payload); ex->msg.introReply = path->intro; frame->path_id = ex->msg.introReply.path_id; frame->flag = 0; generated_convo_intro = true; // ensure we have a sender put for this convo tag ep.PutSenderFor(current_tag, current_intro.address_keys, false); // encrypt frame async ep.router()->queue_work([ex, frame] { return AsyncKeyExchange::Encrypt(ex, frame); }); log::info(logcat, "{} send convo intro frame for tag {}", Name(), current_tag); } void OutboundContext::gen_intro_async(std::string payload) { if (generated_convo_intro) { LogWarn(Name(), " dropping packet as we are not fully handshaked right now"); return; } if (remote_intro.router.IsZero()) { LogWarn(Name(), " dropping convo intro frame we have no intro ready yet"); return; } gen_intro_async_impl(std::move(payload)); } void OutboundContext::send_packet_to_remote(std::string buf) { if (sent_convo_intro) { encrypt_and_send(std::move(buf)); return; } if (generated_convo_intro) { log::warning(link_cat, "{} has generated an unsent initial handshake; dropping packet"); return; } gen_intro_async(std::move(buf)); } void OutboundContext::encrypt_and_send(std::string buf) { SharedSecret shared; auto f = std::make_shared(); f->flag = 0; f->nonce.Randomize(); f->convo_tag = current_tag; auto path = GetPathByRouter(remote_intro.router); if (!path) { ShiftIntroRouter(remote_intro.router); log::warning( logcat, "{} cannot encrypt and send: no path for intro {}", Name(), remote_intro); return; } if (!ep.GetCachedSessionKeyFor(f->convo_tag, shared)) { log::warning( logcat, "{} could not send; no cached session keys for tag {}", Name(), f->convo_tag); return; } auto msg = std::make_shared(); ep.PutIntroFor(f->convo_tag, remote_intro); ep.PutReplyIntroFor(f->convo_tag, path->intro); msg->introReply = path->intro; f->path_id = msg->introReply.path_id; msg->sender = ep.GetIdentity().pub; msg->tag = f->convo_tag; msg->put_buffer(buf); router->loop()->call_soon([this, f, msg, shared, path]() { if (f->EncryptAndSign(*msg, shared, ep.GetIdentity())) path->send_path_control_message("convo_intro", msg->bt_encode()); else log::warning(logcat, "{} failed to sign protocol frame message!", Name()); }); } } // namespace llarp::service