#include "rpc_server.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp::rpc { RpcServer::RpcServer(LMQ_ptr lmq, AbstractRouter* r) : m_LMQ(std::move(lmq)), m_Router(r) {} /// maybe parse json from message paramter at index std::optional MaybeParseJSON(const lokimq::Message& msg, size_t index = 0) { try { const auto& str = msg.data.at(index); return nlohmann::json::parse(str); } catch (std::exception&) { return std::nullopt; } } template std::string CreateJSONResponse(Result_t result) { const auto obj = nlohmann::json{ {"error", nullptr}, {"result", result}, }; return obj.dump(); } std::string CreateJSONError(std::string_view msg) { const auto obj = nlohmann::json{ {"error", msg}, }; return obj.dump(); } /// a function that replies to an rpc request using ReplyFunction_t = std::function; void HandleJSONRequest( lokimq::Message& msg, std::function handleRequest) { const auto maybe = MaybeParseJSON(msg); if (not maybe.has_value()) { msg.send_reply(CreateJSONError("failed to parse json")); return; } if (not maybe->is_object()) { msg.send_reply(CreateJSONError("request data not a json object")); return; } try { std::promise reply; handleRequest(*maybe, [&reply](std::string result) { reply.set_value(result); }); auto ftr = reply.get_future(); msg.send_reply(ftr.get()); } catch (std::exception& ex) { msg.send_reply(CreateJSONError(ex.what())); } } void RpcServer::AsyncServeRPC(lokimq::address url) { m_LMQ->listen_plain(url.zmq_address()); m_LMQ->add_category("llarp", lokimq::AuthLevel::none) .add_command( "halt", [&](lokimq::Message& msg) { if (not m_Router->IsRunning()) { msg.send_reply(CreateJSONError("router is not running")); return; } msg.send_reply(CreateJSONResponse("OK")); m_Router->Stop(); }) .add_request_command( "version", [r = m_Router](lokimq::Message& msg) { util::StatusObject result{{"version", llarp::VERSION_FULL}, {"uptime", to_json(r->Uptime())}}; msg.send_reply(CreateJSONResponse(result)); }) .add_request_command( "status", [&](lokimq::Message& msg) { std::promise result; LogicCall(m_Router->logic(), [&result, r = m_Router]() { const auto state = r->ExtractStatus(); result.set_value(state); }); auto ftr = result.get_future(); msg.send_reply(CreateJSONResponse(ftr.get())); }) .add_request_command( "exit", [&](lokimq::Message& msg) { HandleJSONRequest(msg, [r = m_Router](nlohmann::json obj, ReplyFunction_t reply) { if (r->IsServiceNode()) { reply(CreateJSONError("not supported")); return; } std::optional exit; std::optional lnsExit; IPRange range; bool map = true; const auto exit_itr = obj.find("exit"); if (exit_itr != obj.end()) { service::Address addr; const auto exit_str = exit_itr->get(); if (service::NameIsValid(exit_str)) { lnsExit = exit_str; } else if (not addr.FromString(exit_str)) { reply(CreateJSONError("invalid exit address")); return; } else { exit = addr; } } const auto unmap_itr = obj.find("unmap"); if (unmap_itr != obj.end() and unmap_itr->get()) { map = false; } const auto range_itr = obj.find("range"); if (range_itr == obj.end()) { range.FromString(""); } else if (not range.FromString(range_itr->get())) { reply(CreateJSONError("invalid ip range")); return; } std::optional token; const auto token_itr = obj.find("token"); if (token_itr != obj.end()) { token = token_itr->get(); } std::string endpoint = "default"; const auto endpoint_itr = obj.find("endpoint"); if (endpoint_itr != obj.end()) { endpoint = endpoint_itr->get(); } LogicCall( r->logic(), [map, exit, lnsExit, range, token, endpoint, r, reply]() mutable { auto ep = r->hiddenServiceContext().GetEndpointByName(endpoint); if (ep == nullptr) { reply(CreateJSONError("no endpoint with name " + endpoint)); return; } if (map and (exit.has_value() or lnsExit.has_value())) { auto mapExit = [=](service::Address addr) mutable { ep->MapExitRange(range, addr); if (token.has_value()) { ep->SetAuthInfoForEndpoint(*exit, service::AuthInfo{*token}); } ep->EnsurePathToService( addr, [reply, ep, r](auto, service::OutboundContext* ctx) { if (ctx == nullptr) { reply(CreateJSONError("could not find exit")); return; } r->ForEachPeer( [r](auto session, auto) mutable { const auto ip = session->GetRemoteEndpoint().toIP(); r->routePoker().AddRoute(ip); }, false); net::AddDefaultRouteViaInterface(ep->GetIfName()); reply(CreateJSONResponse("OK")); }, 5s); }; if (exit.has_value()) { mapExit(*exit); } else if (lnsExit.has_value()) { ep->LookupNameAsync(*lnsExit, [reply, mapExit](auto maybe) mutable { if (not maybe.has_value()) { reply(CreateJSONError("we could not find an exit with that name")); return; } if (maybe->IsZero()) { reply(CreateJSONError("lokinet exit does not exist")); return; } mapExit(*maybe); }); } else { reply( CreateJSONError("WTF inconsistent request, no exit address or lns " "name provided?")); } return; } else if (map and not exit.has_value()) { reply(CreateJSONError("no exit address provided")); return; } else if (not map) { net::DelDefaultRouteViaInterface(ep->GetIfName()); r->ForEachPeer( [r](auto session, auto) mutable { const auto ip = session->GetRemoteEndpoint().toIP(); r->routePoker().DelRoute(ip); }, false); ep->UnmapExitRange(range); } reply(CreateJSONResponse("OK")); }); }); }) .add_request_command("config", [&](lokimq::Message& msg) { HandleJSONRequest(msg, [r = m_Router](nlohmann::json obj, ReplyFunction_t reply) { { const auto itr = obj.find("override"); if (itr != obj.end()) { if (not itr->is_object()) { reply(CreateJSONError(stringify("override is not an object"))); return; } for (const auto& [section, value] : itr->items()) { if (not value.is_object()) { reply(CreateJSONError( stringify("failed to set [", section, "] section is not an object"))); return; } for (const auto& [key, value] : value.items()) { if (not value.is_string()) { reply(CreateJSONError(stringify( "failed to set [", section, "]:", key, " value is not a string"))); return; } r->GetConfig()->Override(section, key, value.get()); } } } } { const auto itr = obj.find("reload"); if (itr != obj.end() and itr->get()) { r->QueueDiskIO([conf = r->GetConfig()]() { conf->Save(); }); } } reply(CreateJSONResponse("OK")); }); }); } } // namespace llarp::rpc