#include "server.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static constexpr auto LINK_LAYER_TICK_INTERVAL = 100ms; namespace llarp { ILinkLayer::ILinkLayer( std::shared_ptr keyManager, GetRCFunc getrc, LinkMessageHandler handler, SignBufferFunc signbuf, BeforeConnectFunc_t before, SessionEstablishedHandler establishedSession, SessionRenegotiateHandler reneg, TimeoutHandler timeout, SessionClosedHandler closed, PumpDoneHandler pumpDone, WorkerFunc_t work) : HandleMessage(std::move(handler)) , HandleTimeout(std::move(timeout)) , Sign(std::move(signbuf)) , GetOurRC(std::move(getrc)) , BeforeConnect(std::move(before)) , SessionEstablished(std::move(establishedSession)) , SessionClosed(std::move(closed)) , SessionRenegotiate(std::move(reneg)) , PumpDone(std::move(pumpDone)) , QueueWork(std::move(work)) , m_RouterEncSecret(keyManager->encryptionKey) , m_SecretKey(keyManager->transportKey) {} llarp_time_t ILinkLayer::Now() const { return m_Router->loop()->time_now(); } bool ILinkLayer::HasSessionTo(const RouterID& id) { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); return m_AuthedLinks.find(id) != m_AuthedLinks.end(); } std::shared_ptr ILinkLayer::FindSessionByPubkey(RouterID id) { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); auto itr = m_AuthedLinks.find(id); if (itr == m_AuthedLinks.end()) return nullptr; return itr->second; } void ILinkLayer::ForEachSession(std::function visit, bool randomize) const { std::vector> sessions; { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); if (m_AuthedLinks.size() == 0) return; const size_t sz = randint() % m_AuthedLinks.size(); auto itr = m_AuthedLinks.begin(); auto begin = itr; if (randomize) { std::advance(itr, sz); begin = itr; } while (itr != m_AuthedLinks.end()) { sessions.emplace_back(itr->second); ++itr; } if (randomize) { itr = m_AuthedLinks.begin(); while (itr != begin) { sessions.emplace_back(itr->second); ++itr; } } } for (const auto& session : sessions) visit(session.get()); } bool ILinkLayer::VisitSessionByPubkey(const RouterID& pk, std::function visit) { std::shared_ptr session; { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); auto itr = m_AuthedLinks.find(pk); if (itr == m_AuthedLinks.end()) return false; session = itr->second; } return visit(session.get()); } void ILinkLayer::ForEachSession(std::function visit) { std::vector> sessions; { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); auto itr = m_AuthedLinks.begin(); while (itr != m_AuthedLinks.end()) { sessions.emplace_back(itr->second); ++itr; } } for (const auto& s : sessions) visit(s.get()); } bool ILinkLayer::Configure(AbstractRouter* router, std::string ifname, int af, uint16_t port) { m_Router = router; m_udp = m_Router->loop()->make_udp( [this]([[maybe_unused]] UDPHandle& udp, const SockAddr& from, llarp_buffer_t buf) { ILinkSession::Packet_t pkt; pkt.resize(buf.sz); std::copy_n(buf.base, buf.sz, pkt.data()); RecvFrom(from, std::move(pkt)); }); if (ifname == "*") { if (router->IsServiceNode()) { if (auto maybe = router->OurPublicIP()) { auto addr = var::visit([](auto&& addr) { return SockAddr{addr}; }, *maybe); // service node outbound link if (HasInterfaceAddress(addr.getIP())) { // we have our ip claimed on a local net interface m_ourAddr = addr; } else if (auto maybe = net::AllInterfaces(addr)) { // we do not have our claimed ip, nat or something? m_ourAddr = *maybe; } else if (auto maybe = net::AllInterfaces(SockAddr{""})) { // one last fallback m_ourAddr = *maybe; } else return false; // the ultimate failure case } else return false; } else if (auto maybe = net::AllInterfaces(SockAddr{""})) { // client outbound link m_ourAddr = *maybe; } else return false; } else { if (ifname == "" and not GetBestNetIF(ifname)) throw std::invalid_argument{ " provided and we cannot find a valid ip to use, please set one " "explicitly instead in the bind section instead of"}; if (const auto maybe = GetInterfaceAddr(ifname, af)) { m_ourAddr = *maybe; } else { try { m_ourAddr = SockAddr{ifname + ":0"}; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { LogError( stringify("Could not use ifname ", ifname, " to configure ILinkLayer: ", ex.what())); throw ex; } } } m_ourAddr.setPort(port); if (not m_udp->listen(m_ourAddr)) return false; return true; } void ILinkLayer::Pump() { std::unordered_set closedSessions; std::vector> closedPending; auto _now = Now(); { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); auto itr = m_AuthedLinks.begin(); while (itr != m_AuthedLinks.end()) { if (not itr->second->TimedOut(_now)) { itr->second->Pump(); ++itr; } else { llarp::LogInfo("session to ", RouterID(itr->second->GetPubKey()), " timed out"); itr->second->Close(); closedSessions.emplace(itr->first); UnmapAddr(itr->second->GetRemoteEndpoint()); itr = m_AuthedLinks.erase(itr); } } } { Lock_t l(m_PendingMutex); auto itr = m_Pending.begin(); while (itr != m_Pending.end()) { if (not itr->second->TimedOut(_now)) { itr->second->Pump(); ++itr; } else { LogInfo("pending session at ", itr->first, " timed out"); UnmapAddr(itr->second->GetRemoteEndpoint()); // defer call so we can acquire mutexes later closedPending.emplace_back(std::move(itr->second)); itr = m_Pending.erase(itr); } } } { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); for (const auto& r : closedSessions) { if (m_AuthedLinks.count(r) == 0) { SessionClosed(r); } } } for (const auto& pending : closedPending) { if (pending->IsInbound()) continue; HandleTimeout(pending.get()); } } void ILinkLayer::UnmapAddr(const SockAddr& addr) { m_AuthedAddrs.erase(addr); } bool ILinkLayer::MapAddr(const RouterID& pk, ILinkSession* s) { Lock_t l_authed(m_AuthedLinksMutex); Lock_t l_pending(m_PendingMutex); const auto addr = s->GetRemoteEndpoint(); auto itr = m_Pending.find(addr); if (itr != m_Pending.end()) { if (m_AuthedLinks.count(pk)) { LogWarn("too many session for ", pk); s->Close(); return false; } m_AuthedAddrs.emplace(addr, pk); m_AuthedLinks.emplace(pk, itr->second); itr = m_Pending.erase(itr); m_Router->TriggerPump(); return true; } return false; } bool ILinkLayer::PickAddress(const RouterContact& rc, llarp::AddressInfo& picked) const { std::string OurDialect = Name(); for (const auto& addr : rc.addrs) { if (addr.dialect == OurDialect) { picked = addr; return true; } } return false; } util::StatusObject ILinkLayer::ExtractStatus() const { std::vector pending, established; { Lock_t l(m_PendingMutex); std::transform( m_Pending.cbegin(), m_Pending.cend(), std::back_inserter(pending), [](const auto& item) -> util::StatusObject { return item.second->ExtractStatus(); }); } { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); std::transform( m_AuthedLinks.cbegin(), m_AuthedLinks.cend(), std::back_inserter(established), [](const auto& item) -> util::StatusObject { return item.second->ExtractStatus(); }); } return { {"name", Name()}, {"rank", uint64_t(Rank())}, {"addr", m_ourAddr.toString()}, {"sessions", util::StatusObject{{"pending", pending}, {"established", established}}}}; } bool ILinkLayer::TryEstablishTo(RouterContact rc) { { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); if (m_AuthedLinks.count(rc.pubkey)) { LogWarn("Too many links to ", RouterID{rc.pubkey}, ", not establishing another one"); return false; } } llarp::AddressInfo to; if (not PickAddress(rc, to)) { LogWarn("router ", RouterID{rc.pubkey}, " has no acceptable inbound addresses"); return false; } const SockAddr address{to}; { Lock_t l(m_PendingMutex); if (m_Pending.count(address)) { LogWarn( "Too many pending connections to ", address, " while establishing to ", RouterID{rc.pubkey}, ", not establishing another"); return false; } } std::shared_ptr s = NewOutboundSession(rc, to); if (BeforeConnect) { BeforeConnect(std::move(rc)); } if (not PutSession(s)) { return false; } s->Start(); return true; } bool ILinkLayer::Start() { // Tie the lifetime of this repeater to this arbitrary shared_ptr: m_repeater_keepalive = std::make_shared(0); m_Router->loop()->call_every( LINK_LAYER_TICK_INTERVAL, m_repeater_keepalive, [this] { Tick(Now()); }); return true; } void ILinkLayer::Tick(const llarp_time_t now) { { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); for (const auto& [routerid, link] : m_AuthedLinks) link->Tick(now); } { Lock_t l(m_PendingMutex); for (const auto& [addr, link] : m_Pending) link->Tick(now); } { // decay recently closed list auto itr = m_RecentlyClosed.begin(); while (itr != m_RecentlyClosed.end()) { if (itr->second >= now) itr = m_RecentlyClosed.erase(itr); else ++itr; } } } void ILinkLayer::Stop() { m_repeater_keepalive.reset(); // make the repeater kill itself { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); for (const auto& [router, link] : m_AuthedLinks) link->Close(); } { Lock_t l(m_PendingMutex); for (const auto& [addr, link] : m_Pending) link->Close(); } } void ILinkLayer::CloseSessionTo(const RouterID& remote) { static constexpr auto CloseGraceWindow = 500ms; const auto now = Now(); { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); RouterID r = remote; llarp::LogInfo("Closing all to ", r); for (auto [itr, end] = m_AuthedLinks.equal_range(r); itr != end;) { itr->second->Close(); m_RecentlyClosed.emplace(itr->second->GetRemoteEndpoint(), now + CloseGraceWindow); itr = m_AuthedLinks.erase(itr); } } SessionClosed(remote); } void ILinkLayer::KeepAliveSessionTo(const RouterID& remote) { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); for (auto [itr, end] = m_AuthedLinks.equal_range(remote); itr != end; ++itr) { if (itr->second->ShouldPing()) { LogDebug("keepalive to ", remote); itr->second->SendKeepAlive(); } } } void ILinkLayer::SendTo_LL(const SockAddr& to, const llarp_buffer_t& pkt) { if (not m_udp->send(to, pkt)) LogError("could not send udp packet to ", to); } bool ILinkLayer::SendTo( const RouterID& remote, const llarp_buffer_t& buf, ILinkSession::CompletionHandler completed, uint16_t priority) { std::shared_ptr s; { Lock_t l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); // pick lowest backlog session size_t min = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (auto [itr, end] = m_AuthedLinks.equal_range(remote); itr != end; ++itr) { if (const auto backlog = itr->second->SendQueueBacklog(); backlog < min) { s = itr->second; min = backlog; } } } ILinkSession::Message_t pkt(buf.sz); std::copy_n(buf.base, buf.sz, pkt.begin()); return s && s->SendMessageBuffer(std::move(pkt), completed, priority); } bool ILinkLayer::GetOurAddressInfo(llarp::AddressInfo& addr) const { addr.fromSockAddr(m_ourAddr); addr.dialect = Name(); addr.pubkey = TransportPubKey(); addr.rank = Rank(); return true; } const byte_t* ILinkLayer::TransportPubKey() const { return llarp::seckey_topublic(TransportSecretKey()); } const SecretKey& ILinkLayer::TransportSecretKey() const { return m_SecretKey; } bool ILinkLayer::PutSession(const std::shared_ptr& s) { Lock_t lock(m_PendingMutex); const auto address = s->GetRemoteEndpoint(); if (m_Pending.count(address)) return false; m_Pending.emplace(address, s); return true; } std::optional ILinkLayer::GetUDPFD() const { return m_udp->file_descriptor(); } } // namespace llarp