#include #include #include #include "logger.hpp" namespace llarp { Context::Context(std::ostream &stdout) : out(stdout) { } Context::~Context() { } void Context::progress() { out << "." << std::flush; } bool Context::ReloadConfig() { llarp::Info(__FILE__, LLARP_VERSION, " loading config at ", configfile); if(!llarp_load_config(config, configfile.c_str())) { llarp_config_iterator iter; iter.user = this; iter.visit = &iter_config; llarp_config_iter(config, &iter); return true; } llarp_free_config(&config); llarp::Error(__FILE__, "failed to load config file ", configfile); return false; } void Context::iter_config(llarp_config_iterator *itr, const char *section, const char *key, const char *val) { Context *ctx = static_cast< Context * >(itr->user); if(!strcmp(section, "router")) { if(!strcmp(key, "worker-threads")) { int workers = atoi(val); if(workers > 0 && ctx->worker == nullptr) { ctx->worker = llarp_init_threadpool(workers, "llarp-worker"); } } if(!strcmp(key, "net-threads")) { ctx->num_nethreads = atoi(val); if(ctx->num_nethreads <= 0) ctx->num_nethreads = 1; } } if(!strcmp(section, "netdb")) { if(!strcmp(key, "dir")) { strncpy(ctx->nodedb_dir, val, sizeof(ctx->nodedb_dir)); } } } int Context::Run() { llarp_mem_stdlib(&mem); llarp_ev_loop_alloc(&mainloop); llarp_crypto_libsodium_init(&crypto); nodedb = llarp_nodedb_new(&mem, &crypto); if(nodedb_dir[0]) { nodedb_dir[sizeof(nodedb_dir) - 1] = 0; if(llarp_nodedb_ensure_dir(nodedb_dir)) { // ensure worker thread pool if(!worker) worker = llarp_init_threadpool(2, "llarp-worker"); // ensure netio thread logic = llarp_init_logic(&mem); router = llarp_init_router(&mem, worker, mainloop, logic); if(llarp_configure_router(router, config)) { llarp_run_router(router); // run net io thread auto netio = mainloop; while(num_nethreads--) { netio_threads.emplace_back([netio]() { llarp_ev_loop_run(netio); }); pthread_setname_np(netio_threads.back().native_handle(), "llarp-netio"); } llarp::Info(__FILE__, "running"); llarp_logic_mainloop(logic); return 0; } else llarp::Error(__FILE__, "failed to start router"); } else llarp::Error(__FILE__, "Failed to initialize nodedb"); } else llarp::Error(__FILE__, "no nodedb defined"); return 1; } void Context::HandleSignal(int sig) { if(sig == SIGINT) { llarp::Info(__FILE__, "SIGINT"); SigINT(); } if(sig == SIGHUP) { llarp::Info(__FILE__, "SIGHUP"); ReloadConfig(); } } void Context::SigINT() { if(logic) llarp_logic_stop(logic); if(mainloop) llarp_ev_loop_stop(mainloop); for(auto &t : netio_threads) { t.join(); } netio_threads.clear(); } void Context::Close() { progress(); if(mainloop) llarp_ev_loop_stop(mainloop); progress(); if(worker) llarp_threadpool_stop(worker); progress(); if(worker) llarp_threadpool_join(worker); progress(); if(logic) llarp_logic_stop(logic); progress(); if(router) llarp_stop_router(router); progress(); llarp_free_router(&router); progress(); llarp_free_config(&config); progress(); llarp_ev_loop_free(&mainloop); progress(); llarp_free_threadpool(&worker); progress(); llarp_free_logic(&logic); progress(); llarp_nodedb_free(&nodedb); for(auto &t : netio_threads) { progress(); t.join(); } progress(); netio_threads.clear(); out << std::endl << "done" << std::endl; } bool Context::LoadConfig(const std::string &fname) { llarp_new_config(&config); configfile = fname; return ReloadConfig(); } } extern "C" { struct llarp_main { std::unique_ptr< llarp::Context > ctx; }; bool llarp_main_init(struct llarp_main **ptr, const char *fname) { if(!fname) return false; llarp_main *m = new llarp_main; m->ctx.reset(new llarp::Context(std::cout)); if(!m->ctx->LoadConfig(fname)) { m->ctx->Close(); delete m; return false; } *ptr = m; return true; } void llarp_main_signal(struct llarp_main *ptr, int sig) { ptr->ctx->HandleSignal(sig); } int llarp_main_run(struct llarp_main *ptr) { auto code = ptr->ctx->Run(); ptr->ctx->Close(); return code; } void llarp_main_free(struct llarp_main **ptr) { if(*ptr) delete *ptr; *ptr = nullptr; } }