#include #include #include #include "router.hpp" namespace llarp { PathContext::PathContext(llarp_router* router) : m_Router(router), m_AllowTransit(false) { } PathContext::~PathContext() { } void PathContext::AllowTransit() { m_AllowTransit = true; } struct LRCMFrameDecrypt { typedef AsyncFrameDecrypter< LRCMFrameDecrypt > Decrypter; Decrypter* decrypter; std::deque< EncryptedFrame > frames; std::deque< EncryptedAck > acks; EncryptedFrame lastFrame; PathContext* context; RouterID from; LR_CommitRecord record; LRCMFrameDecrypt(PathContext* ctx, Decrypter* dec, const LR_CommitMessage* commit) : decrypter(dec) , lastFrame(commit->lasthopFrame) , context(ctx) , from(commit->remote) { for(const auto& f : commit->frames) frames.push_front(f); for(const auto& a : commit->acks) acks.push_front(a); } ~LRCMFrameDecrypt() { delete decrypter; } static void HandleDecrypted(llarp_buffer_t* buf, LRCMFrameDecrypt* self) { if(!buf) { llarp::Error("LRCM decrypt failed from ", self->from); delete self; return; } llarp::Debug("decrypted LRCM from ", self->from); // successful decrypt if(!self->record.BDecode(buf)) { llarp::Error("malformed frame inside LRCM from ", self->from); delete self; return; } TransitHopInfo info(self->from, self->record); if(self->context->HasTransitHop(info)) { llarp::Error("duplicate transit hop ", info); delete self; return; } TransitHop hop; // choose rx id // TODO: check for duplicates info.rxID.Randomize(); // generate tx key as we are in a worker thread auto DH = self->context->Crypto()->dh_server; if(!DH(hop.txKey, self->record.commkey, self->context->EncryptionSecretKey(), self->record.tunnelNonce)) { llarp::Error("LRCM DH Failed ", info); delete self; return; } if(self->context->HopIsUs(self->record.nextHop)) { // we are the farthest hop llarp::Info("We are the farthest hop for ", info); } else { llarp::Info("Accepted ", info); self->context->PutPendingRelayCommit(info.upstream, info.txID, info, hop); size_t sz = self->frames.front().size; // we pop the front element it was ours self->frames.pop_front(); // put random on the end // TODO: should this be an encrypted frame? self->frames.emplace_back(sz); self->frames.back().Randomize(); // forward upstream self->context->ForwardLRCM(info.upstream, self->frames, self->acks, self->lastFrame); } } }; bool PathContext::HandleRelayCommit(const LR_CommitMessage* commit) { if(!m_AllowTransit) { llarp::Error("got LRCM from ", commit->remote, " when not allowing transit traffic"); return false; } if(commit->frames.size() <= 1) { llarp::Error("got LRCM with too few frames from ", commit->remote); return false; } LRCMFrameDecrypt::Decrypter* decrypter = new LRCMFrameDecrypt::Decrypter(&m_Router->crypto, m_Router->encryption, &LRCMFrameDecrypt::HandleDecrypted); // copy frames so we own them LRCMFrameDecrypt* frames = new LRCMFrameDecrypt(this, decrypter, commit); // decrypt frames async decrypter->AsyncDecrypt(m_Router->tp, &frames->frames.front(), frames); return true; } llarp_threadpool* PathContext::Worker() { return m_Router->tp; } llarp_crypto* PathContext::Crypto() { return &m_Router->crypto; } byte_t* PathContext::EncryptionSecretKey() { return m_Router->encryption; } bool PathContext::HopIsUs(const PubKey& k) const { return memcmp(k, m_Router->pubkey(), PUBKEYSIZE) == 0; } bool PathContext::ForwardLRCM(const RouterID& nextHop, std::deque< EncryptedFrame >& frames, std::deque< EncryptedAck >& acks, EncryptedFrame& lastHop) { LR_CommitMessage* msg = new LR_CommitMessage; while(frames.size()) { msg->frames.push_back(frames.front()); frames.pop_front(); } while(acks.size()) { msg->acks.push_back(acks.front()); acks.pop_front(); } msg->lasthopFrame = lastHop; return m_Router->SendToOrQueue(nextHop, {msg}); } template < typename Map_t, typename Value_t > bool MapHas(Map_t& map, const Value_t& val) { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > lock(map.first); return map.second.find(val) != map.second.end(); } template < typename Map_t, typename Key_t, typename Value_t > void MapPut(Map_t& map, const Key_t& k, const Value_t& v) { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > lock(map.first); map.second[k] = v; } bool PathContext::HasTransitHop(const TransitHopInfo& info) { return MapHas(m_TransitPaths, info); } void PathContext::PutPendingRelayCommit(const RouterID& upstream, const PathID_t& txid, const TransitHopInfo& info, const TransitHop& hop) { MapPut(m_WaitingForAcks, PendingPathKey(upstream, txid), std::make_pair(info, hop)); } bool PathContext::HasPendingRelayCommit(const RouterID& upstream, const PathID_t& txid) { return MapHas(m_WaitingForAcks, PendingPathKey(upstream, txid)); } TransitHopInfo::TransitHopInfo(const RouterID& down, const LR_CommitRecord& record) : txID(record.txid), upstream(record.nextHop), downstream(down) { } }