#include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace service { bool Identity::BEncode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) const { if (!bencode_start_dict(buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeWriteDictEntry("s", signkey, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeWriteDictInt("v", version, buf)) return false; return bencode_end(buf); } bool Identity::DecodeKey(const llarp_buffer_t& key, llarp_buffer_t* buf) { bool read = false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictEntry("s", signkey, read, key, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("v", version, read, key, buf)) return false; if (not read) return bencode_discard(buf); return true; } void Identity::Clear() { signkey.Zero(); enckey.Zero(); pq.Zero(); derivedSignKey.Zero(); vanity.Zero(); } void Identity::RegenerateKeys() { auto crypto = CryptoManager::instance(); crypto->identity_keygen(signkey); crypto->encryption_keygen(enckey); pub.Update(seckey_topublic(signkey), seckey_topublic(enckey)); crypto->pqe_keygen(pq); if (not crypto->derive_subkey_private(derivedSignKey, signkey, 1)) { throw std::runtime_error("failed to derive subkey"); } } bool Identity::KeyExchange( path_dh_func dh, SharedSecret& result, const ServiceInfo& other, const KeyExchangeNonce& N) const { return dh(result, other.EncryptionPublicKey(), enckey, N); } bool Identity::Sign(Signature& sig, const llarp_buffer_t& buf) const { return CryptoManager::instance()->sign(sig, signkey, buf); } void Identity::EnsureKeys(fs::path fname, bool needBackup) { // make sure we are empty Clear(); std::array tmp; llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp); // this can throw bool exists = fs::exists(fname); if (exists and needBackup) { KeyManager::backupFileByMoving(fname); exists = false; } // check for file if (!exists) { // regen and encode RegenerateKeys(); if (!BEncode(&buf)) throw std::length_error("failed to encode new identity"); // rewind buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; buf.cur = buf.base; // write auto optional_f = util::OpenFileStream(fname, std::ios::binary); if (!optional_f) throw std::runtime_error(stringify("can not open ", fname)); auto& f = *optional_f; if (!f.is_open()) throw std::runtime_error(stringify("did not open ", fname)); f.write((char*)buf.cur, buf.sz); } if (not fs::is_regular_file(fname)) { throw std::invalid_argument(stringify(fname, " is not a regular file")); } // read file std::ifstream inf(fname, std::ios::binary); inf.seekg(0, std::ios::end); size_t sz = inf.tellg(); inf.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); if (sz > sizeof(tmp)) throw std::length_error("service identity too big"); // decode inf.read((char*)buf.base, sz); if (!bencode_decode_dict(*this, &buf)) throw std::length_error("could not decode service identity"); auto crypto = CryptoManager::instance(); // ensure that the encryption key is set if (enckey.IsZero()) crypto->encryption_keygen(enckey); // also ensure the ntru key is set if (pq.IsZero()) crypto->pqe_keygen(pq); std::optional van; if (!vanity.IsZero()) van = vanity; // update pubkeys pub.Update(seckey_topublic(signkey), seckey_topublic(enckey), van); if (not crypto->derive_subkey_private(derivedSignKey, signkey, 1)) { throw std::runtime_error("failed to derive subkey"); } } std::optional Identity::EncryptAndSignIntroSet(const IntroSet& other_i, llarp_time_t now) const { EncryptedIntroSet encrypted; if (other_i.I.size() == 0) return {}; IntroSet i(other_i); encrypted.nounce.Randomize(); // set timestamp // TODO: round to nearest 1000 ms i.T = now; encrypted.signedAt = now; // set service info i.A = pub; // set public encryption key i.K = pq_keypair_to_public(pq); std::array tmp; llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp); if (not i.BEncode(&buf)) return {}; // rewind and resize buffer buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; buf.cur = buf.base; const SharedSecret k(i.A.Addr()); CryptoManager::instance()->xchacha20(buf, k, encrypted.nounce); encrypted.introsetPayload.resize(buf.sz); std::copy_n(buf.base, buf.sz, encrypted.introsetPayload.data()); if (not encrypted.Sign(derivedSignKey)) return {}; return encrypted; } } // namespace service } // namespace llarp