#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { void RCLookupHandler::AddValidRouter(const RouterID &router) { util::Lock l(&_mutex); whitelistRouters.insert(router); } void RCLookupHandler::RemoveValidRouter(const RouterID &router) { util::Lock l(&_mutex); whitelistRouters.erase(router); } void RCLookupHandler::SetRouterWhitelist(const std::vector< RouterID > &routers) { util::Lock l(&_mutex); whitelistRouters.clear(); for(auto &router : routers) { whitelistRouters.emplace(router); } LogInfo("lokinet service node list now has ", whitelistRouters.size(), " routers"); } void RCLookupHandler::GetRC(const RouterID &router, RCRequestCallback callback) { RouterContact remoteRC; if(_nodedb->Get(router, remoteRC)) { if(callback) { callback(router, &remoteRC, RCRequestResult::Success); } FinalizeRequest(router, &remoteRC, RCRequestResult::Success); return; } bool shouldDoLookup = false; { util::Lock l(&_mutex); auto itr_pair = pendingCallbacks.emplace(router, CallbacksQueue{}); if(callback) { itr_pair.first->second.push_back(callback); } shouldDoLookup = itr_pair.second; } if(shouldDoLookup) { auto fn = std::bind(&RCLookupHandler::HandleDHTLookupResult, this, router, std::placeholders::_1); // if we are a client try using the hidden service endpoints if(!isServiceNode) { bool sent = false; LogInfo("Lookup ", router, " anonymously"); _hiddenServiceContext->ForEachService( [&](const std::string &, const std::shared_ptr< service::Endpoint > &ep) -> bool { const bool success = ep->LookupRouterAnon(router, fn); sent = sent || success; return !success; }); if(sent) return; LogWarn("cannot lookup ", router, " anonymously"); } if(!_dht->impl->LookupRouter(router, fn)) { FinalizeRequest(router, nullptr, RCRequestResult::RouterNotFound); } } } bool RCLookupHandler::RemoteIsAllowed(const RouterID &remote) const { if(_strictConnectPubkeys.size() && _strictConnectPubkeys.count(remote) == 0 && !RemoteInBootstrap(remote)) { return false; } util::Lock l(&_mutex); if(useWhitelist && whitelistRouters.find(remote) == whitelistRouters.end()) { return false; } return true; } bool RCLookupHandler::CheckRC(const RouterContact &rc) const { if(not RemoteIsAllowed(rc.pubkey)) { _dht->impl->DelRCNodeAsync(dht::Key_t{rc.pubkey}); return false; } if(not rc.Verify(_dht->impl->Now())) { return false; } // update nodedb if required if(rc.IsPublicRouter()) { LogDebug("Adding or updating RC for ", RouterID(rc.pubkey), " to nodedb and dht."); _nodedb->UpdateAsyncIfNewer(rc); _dht->impl->PutRCNodeAsync(rc); } return true; } bool RCLookupHandler::GetRandomWhitelistRouter(RouterID &router) const { util::Lock l(&_mutex); const auto sz = whitelistRouters.size(); auto itr = whitelistRouters.begin(); if(sz == 0) return false; if(sz > 1) std::advance(itr, randint() % sz); router = *itr; return true; } bool RCLookupHandler::CheckRenegotiateValid(RouterContact newrc, RouterContact oldrc) { // missmatch of identity ? if(newrc.pubkey != oldrc.pubkey) return false; if(!RemoteIsAllowed(newrc.pubkey)) return false; auto func = std::bind(&RCLookupHandler::CheckRC, this, newrc); _threadpool->addJob(func); // update dht if required if(_dht->impl->Nodes()->HasNode(dht::Key_t{newrc.pubkey})) { _dht->impl->Nodes()->PutNode(newrc); } // TODO: check for other places that need updating the RC return true; } void RCLookupHandler::PeriodicUpdate(llarp_time_t now) { // try looking up stale routers std::set< RouterID > routersToLookUp; _nodedb->VisitInsertedBefore( [&](const RouterContact &rc) { if(HavePendingLookup(rc.pubkey)) return; routersToLookUp.insert(rc.pubkey); }, now - RouterContact::UpdateInterval); for(const auto &router : routersToLookUp) { GetRC(router, nullptr); } _nodedb->RemoveStaleRCs(_bootstrapRouterIDList, now - RouterContact::StaleInsertionAge); } void RCLookupHandler::ExploreNetwork() { if(_bootstrapRCList.size()) { for(const auto &rc : _bootstrapRCList) { LogInfo("Doing explore via bootstrap node: ", RouterID(rc.pubkey)); _dht->impl->ExploreNetworkVia(dht::Key_t{rc.pubkey}); } } else { LogError("we have no bootstrap nodes specified"); } // TODO: only explore via random subset // explore via every connected peer _linkManager->ForEachPeer([&](ILinkSession *s) { if(!s->IsEstablished()) return; const RouterContact rc = s->GetRemoteRC(); if(rc.IsPublicRouter() && (_bootstrapRCList.find(rc) == _bootstrapRCList.end())) { LogInfo("Doing explore via public node: ", RouterID(rc.pubkey)); _dht->impl->ExploreNetworkVia(dht::Key_t{rc.pubkey}); } }); } void RCLookupHandler::Init(llarp_dht_context *dht, llarp_nodedb *nodedb, std::shared_ptr< llarp::thread::ThreadPool > threadpool, ILinkManager *linkManager, service::Context *hiddenServiceContext, const std::set< RouterID > &strictConnectPubkeys, const std::set< RouterContact > &bootstrapRCList, bool useWhitelist_arg, bool isServiceNode_arg) { _dht = dht; _nodedb = nodedb; _threadpool = threadpool; _hiddenServiceContext = hiddenServiceContext; _strictConnectPubkeys = strictConnectPubkeys; _bootstrapRCList = bootstrapRCList; _linkManager = linkManager; useWhitelist = useWhitelist_arg; isServiceNode = isServiceNode_arg; for(const auto &rc : _bootstrapRCList) { _bootstrapRouterIDList.insert(rc.pubkey); } } void RCLookupHandler::HandleDHTLookupResult( RouterID remote, const std::vector< RouterContact > &results) { if(not results.size()) { FinalizeRequest(remote, nullptr, RCRequestResult::RouterNotFound); return; } if(not RemoteIsAllowed(remote)) { FinalizeRequest(remote, &results[0], RCRequestResult::InvalidRouter); return; } if(not CheckRC(results[0])) { FinalizeRequest(remote, &results[0], RCRequestResult::BadRC); return; } FinalizeRequest(remote, &results[0], RCRequestResult::Success); } bool RCLookupHandler::HavePendingLookup(RouterID remote) const { util::Lock l(&_mutex); return pendingCallbacks.find(remote) != pendingCallbacks.end(); } bool RCLookupHandler::RemoteInBootstrap(const RouterID &remote) const { for(const auto &rc : _bootstrapRCList) { if(rc.pubkey == remote) { return true; } } return false; } void RCLookupHandler::FinalizeRequest(const RouterID &router, const RouterContact *const rc, RCRequestResult result) { CallbacksQueue movedCallbacks; { util::Lock l(&_mutex); auto itr = pendingCallbacks.find(router); if(itr != pendingCallbacks.end()) { movedCallbacks.splice(movedCallbacks.begin(), itr->second); pendingCallbacks.erase(itr); } } // lock for(const auto &callback : movedCallbacks) { callback(router, rc, result); } } } // namespace llarp