#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script used with Drone CI to upload build artifacts (because specifying all this in # .drone.jsonnet is too painful). set -o errexit if [ -z "$SSH_KEY" ]; then echo -e "\n\n\n\e[31;1mUnable to upload artifact: SSH_KEY not set\e[0m" # Just warn but don't fail, so that this doesn't trigger a build failure for untrusted builds exit 0 fi echo "$SSH_KEY" >ssh_key set -o xtrace # Don't start tracing until *after* we write the ssh key chmod 600 ssh_key distro="${1:-unknown}" rpmarch="${2:-x86_64}" base="rpm-$distro-$(date --date=@$DRONE_BUILD_CREATED +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ)-${DRONE_COMMIT:0:9}" br="${DRONE_BRANCH// /_}" br="${br//\//-}" upload_to="builds.lokinet.dev/${DRONE_REPO// /_}/$br/$base" put= for rpm in RPMS/${rpmarch}/*.rpm; do put+=$'\n'"put $rpm $upload_to" echo -e "\n\n\e[35;1m$rpm contents:\e[0m" rpm --query --list $rpm done # sftp doesn't have any equivalent to mkdir -p, so we have to split the above up into a chain of # -mkdir a/, -mkdir a/b/, -mkdir a/b/c/, ... commands. The leading `-` allows the command to fail # without error. upload_dirs=(${upload_to//\// }) mkdirs= dir_tmp="" for p in "${upload_dirs[@]}"; do dir_tmp="$dir_tmp$p/" mkdirs="$mkdirs -mkdir $dir_tmp" done sftp -i ssh_key -b - -o StrictHostKeyChecking=off drone@builds.lokinet.dev <