#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace rpc { static lokimq::LogLevel toLokiMQLogLevel(llarp::LogLevel level) { switch (level) { case eLogError: return lokimq::LogLevel::error; case eLogWarn: return lokimq::LogLevel::warn; case eLogInfo: return lokimq::LogLevel::info; case eLogDebug: return lokimq::LogLevel::debug; case eLogNone: default: return lokimq::LogLevel::trace; } } LokidRpcClient::LokidRpcClient(LMQ_ptr lmq, AbstractRouter* r) : m_lokiMQ(std::move(lmq)), m_Router(r) { // m_lokiMQ->log_level(toLokiMQLogLevel(LogLevel::Instance().curLevel)); // TODO: proper auth here auto lokidCategory = m_lokiMQ->add_category("lokid", lokimq::Access{lokimq::AuthLevel::none}); lokidCategory.add_request_command( "get_peer_stats", [this](lokimq::Message& m) { HandleGetPeerStats(m); }); } void LokidRpcClient::ConnectAsync(lokimq::address url) { if (not m_Router->IsServiceNode()) { throw std::runtime_error("we cannot talk to lokid while not a service node"); } LogInfo("connecting to lokid via LMQ at ", url); m_Connection = m_lokiMQ->connect_remote( url, [self = shared_from_this()](lokimq::ConnectionID) { self->Connected(); }, [self = shared_from_this(), url](lokimq::ConnectionID, std::string_view f) { llarp::LogWarn("Failed to connect to lokid: ", f); LogicCall(self->m_Router->logic(), [self, url]() { self->ConnectAsync(url); }); }); } void LokidRpcClient::Command(std::string_view cmd) { LogDebug("lokid command: ", cmd); m_lokiMQ->send(*m_Connection, std::move(cmd)); } void LokidRpcClient::UpdateServiceNodeList() { nlohmann::json request, fields; fields["pubkey_ed25519"] = true; request["fields"] = fields; request["active_only"] = true; if (not m_CurrentBlockHash.empty()) request["poll_block_hash"] = m_CurrentBlockHash; Request( "rpc.get_service_nodes", [self = shared_from_this()](bool success, std::vector data) { if (not success) { LogWarn("failed to update service node list"); return; } if (data.size() < 2) { LogWarn("lokid gave empty reply for service node list"); return; } try { self->HandleGotServiceNodeList(std::move(data[1])); } catch (std::exception& ex) { LogError("failed to process service node list: ", ex.what()); } }, request.dump()); } void LokidRpcClient::Connected() { constexpr auto PingInterval = 30s; constexpr auto NodeListUpdateInterval = 30s; auto makePingRequest = [self = shared_from_this()]() { nlohmann::json payload = {{"version", {VERSION[0], VERSION[1], VERSION[2]}}}; self->Request( "admin.lokinet_ping", [](bool success, std::vector data) { (void)data; LogDebug("Received response for ping. Successful: ", success); }, payload.dump()); }; m_lokiMQ->add_timer(makePingRequest, PingInterval); m_lokiMQ->add_timer( [self = shared_from_this()]() { self->UpdateServiceNodeList(); }, NodeListUpdateInterval); UpdateServiceNodeList(); } void LokidRpcClient::HandleGotServiceNodeList(std::string data) { auto j = nlohmann::json::parse(std::move(data)); { const auto itr = j.find("block_hash"); if (itr != j.end()) { m_CurrentBlockHash = itr->get(); } } { const auto itr = j.find("unchanged"); if (itr != j.end()) { if (itr->get()) { LogDebug("service node list unchanged"); return; } } } std::vector nodeList; { const auto itr = j.find("service_node_states"); if (itr != j.end() and itr->is_array()) { for (auto j_itr = itr->begin(); j_itr != itr->end(); j_itr++) { const auto ed_itr = j_itr->find("pubkey_ed25519"); if (ed_itr == j_itr->end() or not ed_itr->is_string()) continue; RouterID rid; if (rid.FromHex(ed_itr->get())) nodeList.emplace_back(std::move(rid)); } } } if (nodeList.empty()) { LogWarn("got empty service node list from lokid"); return; } // inform router about the new list LogicCall(m_Router->logic(), [r = m_Router, nodeList = std::move(nodeList)]() mutable { r->SetRouterWhitelist(std::move(nodeList)); }); } SecretKey LokidRpcClient::ObtainIdentityKey() { std::promise promise; Request( "admin.get_service_privkeys", [self = shared_from_this(), &promise](bool success, std::vector data) { try { if (not success) { throw std::runtime_error( "failed to get private key request " "failed"); } if (data.empty() or data.size() < 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "failed to get private key request " "data empty"); } const auto j = nlohmann::json::parse(data[1]); SecretKey k; if (not k.FromHex(j.at("service_node_ed25519_privkey").get())) { throw std::runtime_error("failed to parse private key"); } promise.set_value(k); } catch (const std::exception& e) { LogWarn("Caught exception while trying to request admin keys: ", e.what()); promise.set_exception(std::current_exception()); } catch (...) { LogWarn("Caught non-standard exception while trying to request admin keys"); promise.set_exception(std::current_exception()); } }); auto ftr = promise.get_future(); return ftr.get(); } void LokidRpcClient::LookupLNSNameHash( dht::Key_t namehash, std::function)> resultHandler) { LogDebug("Looking Up LNS NameHash ", namehash); const nlohmann::json req{{"type", 2}, {"name_hash", namehash.ToHex()}}; Request( "rpc.lns_resolve", [r = m_Router, resultHandler](bool success, std::vector data) { std::optional maybe = std::nullopt; if (success) { try { service::EncryptedName result; const auto j = nlohmann::json::parse(data[1]); result.ciphertext = lokimq::from_hex(j["encrypted_value"].get()); const auto nonce = lokimq::from_hex(j["nonce"].get()); if (nonce.size() != result.nonce.size()) { throw std::invalid_argument(stringify( "nonce size mismatch: ", nonce.size(), " != ", result.nonce.size())); } std::copy_n(nonce.data(), nonce.size(), result.nonce.data()); maybe = result; } catch (std::exception& ex) { LogError("failed to parse response from lns lookup: ", ex.what()); } } LogicCall(r->logic(), [resultHandler, maybe]() { resultHandler(maybe); }); }, req.dump()); } void LokidRpcClient::HandleGetPeerStats(lokimq::Message& msg) { LogInfo("Got request for peer stats (size: ", msg.data.size(), ")"); for (auto str : msg.data) { LogInfo(" :", str); } assert(m_Router != nullptr); if (not m_Router->peerDb()) { LogWarn("HandleGetPeerStats called when router has no peerDb set up."); // TODO: this can sometimes occur if lokid hits our API before we're done configuring // (mostly an issue in a loopback testnet) msg.send_reply("EAGAIN"); return; } try { // msg.data[0] is expected to contain a bt list of router ids (in our preferred string // format) if (msg.data.empty()) { LogWarn("lokid requested peer stats with no request body"); msg.send_reply("peer stats request requires list of router IDs"); return; } std::vector routerIdStrings; lokimq::bt_deserialize(msg.data[0], routerIdStrings); std::vector routerIds; routerIds.reserve(routerIdStrings.size()); for (const auto& routerIdString : routerIdStrings) { RouterID id; if (not id.FromString(routerIdString)) { LogWarn("lokid sent us an invalid router id: ", routerIdString); msg.send_reply("Invalid router id"); return; } routerIds.push_back(std::move(id)); } auto statsList = m_Router->peerDb()->listPeerStats(routerIds); int32_t bufSize = 256 + (statsList.size() * 1024); // TODO: tune this or allow to grow dynamically auto buf = std::unique_ptr(new uint8_t[bufSize]); llarp_buffer_t llarpBuf(buf.get(), bufSize); PeerStats::BEncodeList(statsList, &llarpBuf); msg.send_reply(std::string_view((const char*)llarpBuf.base, llarpBuf.cur - llarpBuf.base)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { LogError("Failed to handle get_peer_stats request: ", e.what()); msg.send_reply("server error"); } } } // namespace rpc } // namespace llarp