#include #include "../str.hpp" #include "../router.hpp" #include #include namespace llarp { namespace handlers { static void ExitHandlerRecvPkt(llarp_tun_io *tun, llarp_buffer_t buf) { static_cast< ExitEndpoint * >(tun->user)->OnInetPacket(buf); } static void ExitHandlerFlush(llarp_tun_io *tun) { static_cast< ExitEndpoint * >(tun->user)->Flush(); } ExitEndpoint::ExitEndpoint(const std::string &name, llarp_router *r) : m_Router(r) , m_Name(name) , m_Tun{{0}, 0, {0}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} , m_InetToNetwork(name + "_exit_rx", r->netloop, r->netloop) { m_Tun.user = this; m_Tun.recvpkt = &ExitHandlerRecvPkt; m_Tun.tick = &ExitHandlerFlush; m_ShouldInitTun = true; } ExitEndpoint::~ExitEndpoint() { } llarp_time_t ExitEndpoint::Now() const { return m_Router->Now(); } void ExitEndpoint::Flush() { auto now = Now(); m_InetToNetwork.Process([&](Pkt_t &pkt) { llarp::PubKey pk; { auto itr = m_IPToKey.find(pkt.dst()); if(itr == m_IPToKey.end()) { // drop llarp::LogWarn(Name(), " dropping packet, has no session at ", pkt.dst()); return; } pk = itr->second; } llarp::exit::Endpoint *ep = nullptr; auto range = m_ActiveExits.equal_range(pk); auto itr = range.first; uint64_t min = std::numeric_limits< uint64_t >::max(); /// pick non dead looking path with lowest tx rate while(itr != range.second) { if(itr->second->TxRate() < min && !itr->second->LooksDead(now)) { ep = itr->second.get(); min = ep->TxRate(); } ++itr; } if(ep == nullptr) { // we may have all dead sessions, wtf now? llarp::LogWarn(Name(), " dropped inbound traffic for session ", pk, " as we have no working endpoints"); } else { if(!ep->QueueInboundTraffic(pkt.Buffer())) { llarp::LogWarn(Name(), " dropped inbound traffic for session ", pk, " as we are overloaded (probably)"); } } }); auto itr = m_ActiveExits.begin(); while(itr != m_ActiveExits.end()) { if(!itr->second->Flush()) { llarp::LogWarn("exit session with ", itr->first, " dropped packets"); } ++itr; } } bool ExitEndpoint::Start() { if(m_ShouldInitTun) return llarp_ev_add_tun(Router()->netloop, &m_Tun); return true; } llarp_router * ExitEndpoint::Router() { return m_Router; } llarp_crypto * ExitEndpoint::Crypto() { return &m_Router->crypto; } huint32_t ExitEndpoint::GetIfAddr() const { return m_IfAddr; } bool ExitEndpoint::HasLocalMappedAddrFor(const llarp::PubKey &pk) const { return m_KeyToIP.find(pk) != m_KeyToIP.end(); } huint32_t ExitEndpoint::GetIPForIdent(const llarp::PubKey pk) { huint32_t found = {0}; if(!HasLocalMappedAddrFor(pk)) { // allocate and map found.h = AllocateNewAddress().h; if(!m_KeyToIP.emplace(pk, found).second) { llarp::LogError(Name(), "failed to map ", pk, " to ", found); return found; } if(!m_IPToKey.emplace(found, pk).second) { llarp::LogError(Name(), "failed to map ", found, " to ", pk); return found; } if(HasLocalMappedAddrFor(pk)) llarp::LogInfo(Name(), " mapping ", pk, " to ", found); else llarp::LogError(Name(), "failed to map ", pk, " to ", found); } else found.h = m_KeyToIP[pk].h; MarkIPActive(found); m_KeyToIP.rehash(0); assert(HasLocalMappedAddrFor(pk)); return found; } huint32_t ExitEndpoint::AllocateNewAddress() { if(m_NextAddr < m_HigestAddr) return ++m_NextAddr; // find oldest activity ip address huint32_t found = {0}; llarp_time_t min = std::numeric_limits< llarp_time_t >::max(); auto itr = m_IPActivity.begin(); while(itr != m_IPActivity.end()) { if(itr->second < min) { found.h = itr->first.h; min = itr->second; } ++itr; } // kick old ident off exit // TODO: DoS llarp::PubKey pk = m_IPToKey[found]; KickIdentOffExit(pk); return found; } bool ExitEndpoint::QueueOutboundTraffic(llarp_buffer_t buf) { return llarp_ev_tun_async_write(&m_Tun, buf); } void ExitEndpoint::KickIdentOffExit(const llarp::PubKey &pk) { llarp::LogInfo(Name(), " kicking ", pk, " off exit"); huint32_t ip = m_KeyToIP[pk]; m_KeyToIP.erase(pk); m_IPToKey.erase(ip); auto range = m_ActiveExits.equal_range(pk); auto exit_itr = range.first; while(exit_itr != range.second) exit_itr = m_ActiveExits.erase(exit_itr); } void ExitEndpoint::MarkIPActive(llarp::huint32_t ip) { m_IPActivity[ip] = Router()->Now(); } void ExitEndpoint::OnInetPacket(llarp_buffer_t buf) { m_InetToNetwork.EmplaceIf( [buf](Pkt_t &pkt) -> bool { return pkt.Load(buf); }); } llarp::exit::Endpoint * ExitEndpoint::FindEndpointByPath(const llarp::PathID_t &path) { llarp::exit::Endpoint *endpoint = nullptr; llarp::PubKey pk; { auto itr = m_Paths.find(path); if(itr == m_Paths.end()) return nullptr; pk = itr->second; } { auto itr = m_ActiveExits.find(pk); if(itr != m_ActiveExits.end()) { if(itr->second->PubKey() == pk) endpoint = itr->second.get(); } } return endpoint; } bool ExitEndpoint::UpdateEndpointPath(const llarp::PubKey &remote, const llarp::PathID_t &next) { // check if already mapped auto itr = m_Paths.find(next); if(itr != m_Paths.end()) return false; m_Paths.insert(std::make_pair(next, remote)); return true; } bool ExitEndpoint::SetOption(const std::string &k, const std::string &v) { if(k == "type" && v == "null") { m_ShouldInitTun = false; return true; } if(k == "exit") { m_PermitExit = IsTrueValue(v.c_str()); return true; } if(k == "ifaddr") { auto pos = v.find("/"); if(pos == std::string::npos) { llarp::LogError(Name(), " ifaddr is not a cidr: ", v); return false; } std::string nmask_str = v.substr(1 + pos); std::string host_str = v.substr(0, pos); // string, or just a plain char array? strncpy(m_Tun.ifaddr, host_str.c_str(), sizeof(m_Tun.ifaddr) - 1); m_Tun.netmask = std::atoi(nmask_str.c_str()); llarp::Addr ifaddr(host_str); m_IfAddr = ifaddr.xtohl(); m_NextAddr = m_IfAddr; m_HigestAddr = m_IfAddr ^ (~llarp::netmask_ipv4_bits(m_Tun.netmask)); llarp::LogInfo(Name(), " set ifaddr range to ", m_Tun.ifaddr, "/", m_Tun.netmask, " lo=", m_IfAddr, " hi=", m_HigestAddr); } if(k == "ifname") { strncpy(m_Tun.ifname, v.c_str(), sizeof(m_Tun.ifname) - 1); llarp::LogInfo(Name(), " set ifname to ", m_Tun.ifname); } if(k == "exit-whitelist") { // add exit policy whitelist rule // TODO: implement me return true; } if(k == "exit-blacklist") { // add exit policy blacklist rule // TODO: implement me return true; } return true; } bool ExitEndpoint::AllocateNewExit(const llarp::PubKey pk, const llarp::PathID_t &path, bool wantInternet) { if(wantInternet && !m_PermitExit) return false; huint32_t ip = GetIPForIdent(pk); m_ActiveExits.insert( std::make_pair(pk, std::make_unique< llarp::exit::Endpoint >( pk, path, !wantInternet, ip, this))); m_Paths[path] = pk; return HasLocalMappedAddrFor(pk); } std::string ExitEndpoint::Name() const { return m_Name; } void ExitEndpoint::DelEndpointInfo(const llarp::PathID_t &path) { m_Paths.erase(path); } void ExitEndpoint::RemoveExit(const llarp::exit::Endpoint *ep) { auto range = m_ActiveExits.equal_range(ep->PubKey()); auto itr = range.first; while(itr != range.second) { if(itr->second->LocalPath() == ep->LocalPath()) { itr = m_ActiveExits.erase(itr); // now ep is gone af return; } ++itr; } } void ExitEndpoint::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { auto itr = m_ActiveExits.begin(); while(itr != m_ActiveExits.end()) { if(itr->second->IsExpired(now)) { itr = m_ActiveExits.erase(itr); } else { itr->second->Tick(now); ++itr; } } } } // namespace handlers } // namespace llarp