#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fs.hpp" #ifdef _WIN32 #define wmin(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y)) #define MIN wmin #endif struct llarp_main *ctx = 0; void handle_signal(int sig) { if(ctx) llarp_main_signal(ctx, sig); } int printHelp(const char *argv0, int code = 1) { std::cout << "usage: " << argv0 << " [-h] [-g] config.ini" << std::endl; return code; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool multiThreaded = true; const char *singleThreadVar = getenv("LLARP_SHADOW"); if(singleThreadVar && std::string(singleThreadVar) == "1") { multiThreaded = false; } int opt = 0; bool genconfigOnly = false; while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hg")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'h': return printHelp(argv[0], 0); case 'g': genconfigOnly = true; break; default: return printHelp(argv[0]); } } std::string conffname; if(optind < argc) { // when we have an explicit filepath fs::path fname = fs::path(argv[optind]); fs::path basedir = fname.parent_path(); conffname = fname.string(); if(basedir.string().empty()) { if(!llarp_ensure_config(fname.string().c_str(), nullptr, genconfigOnly)) return 1; } else { std::error_code ec; if(!fs::create_directories(basedir, ec)) { if(ec) { llarp::LogError("failed to create '", basedir.string(), "': ", ec.message()); return 1; } } if(!llarp_ensure_config(fname.string().c_str(), basedir.string().c_str(), genconfigOnly)) return 1; } } else { // no explicit config file provided #ifdef _WIN32 fs::path homedir = fs::path(getenv("APPDATA")); #else fs::path homedir = fs::path(getenv("HOME")); #endif fs::path basepath = homedir / fs::path(".lokinet"); fs::path fpath = basepath / "lokinet.ini"; std::error_code ec; if(!fs::create_directories(basepath, ec)) { llarp::LogError("failed to create '", basepath.string(), "': ", ec.message()); return 1; } if(!llarp_ensure_config(fpath.string().c_str(), basepath.string().c_str(), genconfigOnly)) return 1; conffname = fpath.string(); } if(genconfigOnly) return 0; ctx = llarp_main_init(conffname.c_str(), multiThreaded); int code = 1; if(ctx) { signal(SIGINT, handle_signal); #ifndef _WIN32 signal(SIGHUP, handle_signal); #endif code = llarp_main_run(ctx); llarp_main_free(ctx); } exit(code); return code; }