#ifndef LLARP_LINK_SERVER_HPP #define LLARP_LINK_SERVER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { /// handle a link layer message using LinkMessageHandler = std::function< bool(ILinkSession*, llarp_buffer_t) >; /// sign a buffer with identity key using SignBufferFunc = std::function< bool(Signature&, llarp_buffer_t) >; /// handle connection timeout using TimeoutHandler = std::function< void(ILinkSession*) >; /// get our RC using GetRCFunc = std::function< const llarp::RouterContact&(void) >; /// handler of session established using SessionEstablishedHandler = std::function< void(llarp::RouterContact) >; /// handles close of all sessions with pubkey using SessionClosedHandler = std::function< void(llarp::RouterID) >; struct ILinkLayer { ILinkLayer(const byte_t* routerEncSecret, GetRCFunc getrc, LinkMessageHandler handler, SignBufferFunc signFunc, SessionEstablishedHandler sessionEstablish, TimeoutHandler timeout, SessionClosedHandler closed); virtual ~ILinkLayer(); /// get current time via event loop llarp_time_t Now() const { return llarp_ev_loop_time_now_ms(m_Loop); } bool HasSessionTo(const byte_t* pk); bool HasSessionVia(const Addr& addr); void ForEachSession(std::function< void(const ILinkSession*) > visit) const; static void udp_tick(llarp_udp_io* udp) { static_cast< ILinkLayer* >(udp->user)->Pump(); } static void udp_recv_from(llarp_udp_io* udp, const sockaddr* from, llarp_buffer_t buf) { if(!udp) { llarp::LogWarn("no udp set"); return; } // maybe chekc from too? // no it's never null static_cast< ILinkLayer* >(udp->user)->RecvFrom(*from, buf.base, buf.sz); } bool Configure(llarp_ev_loop* loop, const std::string& ifname, int af, uint16_t port); virtual ILinkSession* NewOutboundSession(const RouterContact& rc, const AddressInfo& ai) = 0; virtual void Pump(); virtual void RecvFrom(const Addr& from, const void* buf, size_t sz) = 0; bool PickAddress(const RouterContact& rc, AddressInfo& picked) const; bool TryEstablishTo(const RouterContact& rc); bool Start(llarp::Logic* l); void Stop(); virtual const char* Name() const = 0; void CloseSessionTo(const byte_t* remote); void KeepAliveSessionTo(const byte_t* remote); bool SendTo(const byte_t* remote, llarp_buffer_t buf); bool GetOurAddressInfo(AddressInfo& addr) const; virtual uint16_t Rank() const = 0; virtual bool KeyGen(SecretKey&) = 0; const byte_t* TransportPubKey() const; const byte_t* RouterEncryptionSecret() const { return m_RouterEncSecret; } const byte_t* TransportSecretKey() const; bool EnsureKeys(const char* fpath); bool GenEphemeralKeys(); void MapAddr(const byte_t* pk, ILinkSession* s); virtual void Tick(llarp_time_t) { } LinkMessageHandler HandleMessage; TimeoutHandler HandleTimeout; SignBufferFunc Sign; GetRCFunc GetOurRC; SessionEstablishedHandler SessionEstablished; SessionClosedHandler SessionClosed; private: static void on_timer_tick(void* user, uint64_t orig, uint64_t left) { // timer cancelled if(left) return; static_cast< ILinkLayer* >(user)->OnTick(orig); } void OnTick(uint64_t interval); void ScheduleTick(uint64_t interval); uint32_t tick_id; const byte_t* m_RouterEncSecret; protected: using Lock = util::NullLock; using Mutex = util::NullMutex; void PutSession(ILinkSession* s); llarp::Logic* m_Logic = nullptr; llarp_ev_loop* m_Loop = nullptr; Addr m_ourAddr; llarp_udp_io m_udp; SecretKey m_SecretKey; Mutex m_AuthedLinksMutex; std::unordered_multimap< RouterID, std::unique_ptr< ILinkSession >, RouterID::Hash > m_AuthedLinks; Mutex m_PendingMutex; std::list< std::unique_ptr< ILinkSession > > m_Pending; }; } // namespace llarp #endif