#include "unbound_resolver.hpp" #include "server.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace llarp::dns { struct PendingUnboundLookup { std::weak_ptr resolver; Message msg; SockAddr resolverAddr; SockAddr askerAddr; }; void UnboundResolver::Stop() { Reset(); } void UnboundResolver::Reset() { started = false; #ifdef _WIN32 if (runner.joinable()) { runner.join(); } #else if (udp) { udp->close(); } udp.reset(); #endif if (unboundContext) { ub_ctx_delete(unboundContext); } unboundContext = nullptr; } UnboundResolver::UnboundResolver(EventLoop_ptr _loop, ReplyFunction reply, FailFunction fail) : unboundContext{nullptr} , started{false} , replyFunc{_loop->make_caller(std::move(reply))} , failFunc{_loop->make_caller(std::move(fail))} { #ifndef _WIN32 loop = _loop->MaybeGetUVWLoop(); #endif } // static callback void UnboundResolver::Callback(void* data, int err, ub_result* result) { std::unique_ptr lookup{static_cast(data)}; auto this_ptr = lookup->resolver.lock(); if (not this_ptr) return; // resolver is gone, so we don't reply. if (err != 0) { Message& msg = lookup->msg; msg.AddServFail(); this_ptr->failFunc(lookup->askerAddr, lookup->resolverAddr, msg); ub_resolve_free(result); return; } OwnedBuffer pkt{(size_t)result->answer_len}; std::memcpy(pkt.buf.get(), result->answer_packet, pkt.sz); llarp_buffer_t buf(pkt); MessageHeader hdr; hdr.Decode(&buf); hdr.id = lookup->msg.hdr_id; buf.cur = buf.base; hdr.Encode(&buf); this_ptr->replyFunc(lookup->askerAddr, lookup->resolverAddr, std::move(pkt)); ub_resolve_free(result); } bool UnboundResolver::Init() { if (started) { Reset(); } unboundContext = ub_ctx_create(); if (not unboundContext) { return false; } ub_ctx_async(unboundContext, 1); #ifdef _WIN32 runner = std::thread{[&]() { while (started) { if (unboundContext) ub_wait(unboundContext); std::this_thread::sleep_for(25ms); } if (unboundContext) ub_process(unboundContext); }}; #else if (auto loop_ptr = loop.lock()) { udp = loop_ptr->resource(ub_fd(unboundContext)); udp->on([ptr = weak_from_this()](auto&, auto&) { if (auto self = ptr.lock()) { if (self->unboundContext) { ub_process(self->unboundContext); } } }); udp->start(uvw::PollHandle::Event::READABLE); } #endif started = true; return true; } bool UnboundResolver::AddUpstreamResolver(const SockAddr& upstreamResolver) { std::stringstream ss; auto hoststr = upstreamResolver.hostString(); ss << hoststr; if (const auto port = upstreamResolver.getPort(); port != 53) ss << "@" << port; const auto str = ss.str(); if (ub_ctx_set_fwd(unboundContext, str.c_str()) != 0) { Reset(); return false; } #ifdef __APPLE__ // On Apple, we configure a localhost resolver to trampoline requests through the tunnel to the // actual upstream (because the network extension itself cannot route through the tunnel using // normal sockets but instead we "get" to use Apple's interfaces, hurray). if (hoststr == "") { // Not at all clear why this is needed but without it we get "send failed: Can't assign // requested address" when unbound tries to connect to the localhost address using a source // address of Yay apple. ub_ctx_set_option(unboundContext, "outgoing-interface:", hoststr.c_str()); // The trampoline expects just a single source port (and sends everything back to it) ub_ctx_set_option(unboundContext, "outgoing-range:", "1"); ub_ctx_set_option(unboundContext, "outgoing-port-avoid:", "0-65535"); ub_ctx_set_option(unboundContext, "outgoing-port-permit:", "1253"); } #endif return true; } void UnboundResolver::AddHostsFile(const fs::path& file) { LogDebug("adding hosts file ", file); const auto str = file.u8string(); if (auto ret = ub_ctx_hosts(unboundContext, str.c_str())) { throw std::runtime_error{stringify("Failed to add host file ", file, ": ", ub_strerror(ret))}; } else { LogInfo("added hosts file ", file); } } void UnboundResolver::Lookup(SockAddr to, SockAddr from, Message msg) { if (not unboundContext) { msg.AddServFail(); failFunc(from, to, std::move(msg)); return; } const auto& q = msg.questions[0]; auto* lookup = new PendingUnboundLookup{weak_from_this(), msg, to, from}; int err = ub_resolve_async( unboundContext, q.Name().c_str(), q.qtype, q.qclass, (void*)lookup, &UnboundResolver::Callback, nullptr); if (err != 0) { msg.AddServFail(); failFunc(from, to, std::move(msg)); return; } } } // namespace llarp::dns