#include "tunnel.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp::quic { namespace { // Takes data from the tcp connection and pushes it down the quic tunnel void on_outgoing_data(uvw::DataEvent& event, uvw::TCPHandle& client) { auto stream = client.data(); assert(stream); std::string_view data{event.data.get(), event.length}; auto peer = client.peer(); LogTrace(peer.ip, ":", peer.port, " → lokinet ", buffer_printer{data}); // Steal the buffer from the DataEvent's unique_ptr: stream->append_buffer(reinterpret_cast(event.data.release()), event.length); if (stream->used() >= tunnel::PAUSE_SIZE) { LogDebug( "quic tunnel is congested (have ", stream->used(), " bytes in flight); pausing local tcp connection reads"); client.stop(); stream->when_available([](Stream& s) { auto client = s.data(); if (s.used() < tunnel::PAUSE_SIZE) { LogDebug("quic tunnel is no longer congested; resuming tcp connection reading"); client->read(); return true; } return false; }); } else { LogDebug("Queued ", event.length, " bytes"); } } // Received data from the quic tunnel and sends it to the TCP connection void on_incoming_data(Stream& stream, bstring_view bdata) { auto tcp = stream.data(); if (!tcp) return; // TCP connection is gone, which would have already sent a stream close, so just // drop it. std::string_view data{reinterpret_cast(bdata.data()), bdata.size()}; auto peer = tcp->peer(); LogTrace(peer.ip, ":", peer.port, " ← lokinet ", buffer_printer{data}); if (data.empty()) return; // Try first to write immediately from the existing buffer to avoid needing an // allocation and copy: auto written = tcp->tryWrite(const_cast(data.data()), data.size()); if (written < (int)data.size()) { data.remove_prefix(written); auto wdata = std::make_unique(data.size()); std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), wdata.get()); tcp->write(std::move(wdata), data.size()); } } void close_tcp_pair(quic::Stream& st, std::optional /*errcode*/) { if (auto tcp = st.data()) { LogTrace("Closing TCP connection"); tcp->close(); } }; // Creates a new tcp handle that forwards incoming data/errors/closes into appropriate actions // on the given quic stream. void install_stream_forwarding(uvw::TCPHandle& tcp, Stream& stream) { tcp.data(stream.shared_from_this()); stream.weak_data(tcp.weak_from_this()); tcp.clear(); // Clear any existing initial event handlers tcp.on([](auto&, uvw::TCPHandle& c) { // This fires sometime after we call `close()` to signal that the close is done. if (auto stream = c.data()) { LogInfo("Local TCP connection closed, closing associated quic stream ", stream->id()); stream->close(); stream->data(nullptr); } c.data(nullptr); }); tcp.on([](auto&, uvw::TCPHandle& c) { // This fires on eof, most likely because the other side of the TCP connection closed it. LogInfo("EOF on connection to ", c.peer().ip, ":", c.peer().port); c.close(); }); tcp.on([](const uvw::ErrorEvent& e, uvw::TCPHandle& tcp) { LogError( "ErrorEvent[", e.name(), ": ", e.what(), "] on connection with ", tcp.peer().ip, ":", tcp.peer().port, ", shutting down quic stream"); if (auto stream = tcp.data()) { stream->close(tunnel::ERROR_TCP); stream->data(nullptr); tcp.data(nullptr); } // tcp.closeReset(); }); tcp.on(on_outgoing_data); stream.data_callback = on_incoming_data; stream.close_callback = close_tcp_pair; } // This initial data handler is responsible for pulling off the initial stream data that comes // back, confirming that the tunnel is opened on the other end. Currently this is a null byte // (CONNECT_INIT) but in the future we might encode additional data here (and, if that happens, // we want this older implementation to fail). // // If the initial byte checks out we replace this handler with the regular stream handler (and // forward the rest of the data to it if we got more than just the single byte). void initial_client_data_handler(uvw::TCPHandle& client, Stream& stream, bstring_view bdata) { LogTrace("initial client handler; data: ", buffer_printer{bdata}); if (bdata.empty()) return; client.clear(); // Clear these initial event handlers: we either set up the proper ones, or // close if (auto b0 = bdata[0]; b0 == tunnel::CONNECT_INIT) { // Set up callbacks, which replaces both of these initial callbacks client.read(); // Unfreeze (we stop() before putting into pending) install_stream_forwarding(client, stream); if (bdata.size() > 1) { bdata.remove_prefix(1); stream.data_callback(stream, std::move(bdata)); } LogTrace("starting client reading"); } else { LogWarn( "Remote connection returned invalid initial byte (0x", oxenc::to_hex(bdata.begin(), bdata.begin() + 1), "); dropping connection"); stream.close(tunnel::ERROR_BAD_INIT); client.close(); } stream.io_ready(); } // Initial close handler that gets replaced as soon as we receive a valid byte (in the above // handler). If this gets called then it means the quic remote quic end closed before we // established the end-to-end tunnel (for example because the remote's tunnel connection // failed): void initial_client_close_handler( uvw::TCPHandle& client, Stream& /*stream*/, std::optional error_code) { if (error_code && *error_code == tunnel::ERROR_CONNECT) LogDebug("Remote TCP connection failed, closing local connection"); else LogWarn( "Stream connection closed ", error_code ? "with error " + std::to_string(*error_code) : "gracefully", "; closing local TCP connection."); auto peer = client.peer(); LogDebug("Closing connection to ", peer.ip, ":", peer.port); client.clear(); // TOFIX: this logic // if (error_code) // client.close(); // else client.close(); } } // namespace TunnelManager::TunnelManager(EndpointBase& se) : service_endpoint_{se} { // Cleanup callback to clear out closed tunnel connections service_endpoint_.Loop()->call_every(500ms, timer_keepalive_, [this] { LogTrace("Checking quic tunnels for finished connections"); for (auto ctit = client_tunnels_.begin(); ctit != client_tunnels_.end();) { // Clear any accepted connections that have been closed: auto& [port, ct] = *ctit; for (auto it = ct.conns.begin(); it != ct.conns.end();) { // TCP connections keep a shared_ptr to their quic::Stream while open and clear it when // closed. (We don't want to use `.active()` here because we do deliberately temporarily // stop the TCP connection when the quic side gets congested. if (not *it or not(*it)->data()) { LogDebug("Cleanup up closed outgoing tunnel on quic:", port); it = ct.conns.erase(it); } else ++it; } // If there are not accepted connections left *and* we stopped listening for new ones then // destroy the whole thing. if (ct.conns.empty() and (not ct.tcp or not ct.tcp->active())) { LogDebug("All sockets closed on quic:", port, ", destroying tunnel data"); ctit = client_tunnels_.erase(ctit); } else ++ctit; } LogTrace("Done quic tunnel cleanup check"); }); } void TunnelManager::make_server() { // auto loop = get_loop(); server_ = std::make_unique(service_endpoint_); server_->stream_open_callback = [this](Stream& stream, uint16_t port) -> bool { stream.close_callback = close_tcp_pair; auto& conn = stream.get_connection(); auto remote = service_endpoint_.GetEndpointWithConvoTag(conn.path.remote); if (!remote) { LogWarn("Received new stream open from invalid/unknown convo tag, dropping stream"); return false; } auto lokinet_addr = var::visit([](auto&& remote) { return remote.ToString(); }, *remote); auto tunnel_to = allow_connection(lokinet_addr, port); if (not tunnel_to) return false; LogInfo("quic stream from ", lokinet_addr, " to ", port, " tunnelling to ", *tunnel_to); auto tcp = get_loop()->resource(); [[maybe_unused]] auto error_handler = tcp->once( [&stream, to = *tunnel_to](const uvw::ErrorEvent&, uvw::TCPHandle&) { LogWarn("Failed to connect to ", to, ", shutting down quic stream"); stream.close(tunnel::ERROR_CONNECT); }); // As soon as we connect to the local tcp tunnel port we fire a CONNECT_INIT down the stream // tunnel to let the other end know the connection was successful, then set up regular // stream handling to handle any other to/from data. tcp->once( [streamw = stream.weak_from_this()](const uvw::ConnectEvent&, uvw::TCPHandle& tcp) { auto peer = tcp.peer(); auto stream = streamw.lock(); if (!stream) { LogWarn( "Connected to TCP ", peer.ip, ":", peer.port, " but quic stream has gone away; close/resetting local TCP connection"); tcp.close(); return; } LogDebug("Connected to ", peer.ip, ":", peer.port, " for quic ", stream->id()); // Set up the data stream forwarding (which also clears these initial handlers). install_stream_forwarding(tcp, *stream); assert(stream->used() == 0); // Send the magic byte, and start reading from the tcp tunnel in the logic thread stream->append_buffer(new std::byte[1]{tunnel::CONNECT_INIT}, 1); tcp.read(); }); tcp->connect(*tunnel_to->operator const sockaddr*()); return true; }; } int TunnelManager::listen(ListenHandler handler) { if (!handler) throw std::logic_error{"Cannot call listen() with a null handler"}; assert(service_endpoint_.Loop()->inEventLoop()); if (not server_) make_server(); int id = next_handler_id_++; incoming_handlers_.emplace_hint(incoming_handlers_.end(), id, std::move(handler)); return id; } int TunnelManager::listen(SockAddr addr) { return listen([addr](std::string_view, uint16_t p) -> std::optional { LogInfo("try accepting ", addr.getPort()); if (p == addr.getPort()) return addr; return std::nullopt; }); } void TunnelManager::forget(int id) { incoming_handlers_.erase(id); } std::optional TunnelManager::allow_connection(std::string_view lokinet_addr, uint16_t port) { for (auto& [id, handler] : incoming_handlers_) { try { if (auto addr = handler(lokinet_addr, port)) return addr; } catch (const std::exception& e) { LogWarn( "Incoming quic connection from ", lokinet_addr, " to ", port, " denied via exception (", e.what(), ")"); return std::nullopt; } } LogWarn( "Incoming quic connection from ", lokinet_addr, " to ", port, " declined by all handlers"); return std::nullopt; } std::shared_ptr TunnelManager::get_loop() { if (auto loop = service_endpoint_.Loop()->MaybeGetUVWLoop()) return loop; throw std::logic_error{"TunnelManager requires a libuv-based event loop"}; } // Finds the first unused key in `map`, starting at `start` and wrapping back to 0 if we hit the // end. Requires an unsigned int type for the key. Requires nullopt if the map is completely // full, otherwise returns the free key. template < typename K, typename V, typename = std::enable_if_t && std::is_unsigned_v>> static std::optional find_unused_key(std::map& map, K start) { if (map.size() == std::numeric_limits::max()) return std::nullopt; // The map is completely full [[maybe_unused]] bool from_zero = (start == K{0}); // Start at the first key >= start, then walk 1-by-1 (incrementing start) until we find a // strictly > key, which means we've found a hole we can use auto it = map.lower_bound(start); if (it == map.end()) return start; for (; it != map.end(); ++it, ++start) if (it->first != start) return start; if (start != 0) // `start` didn't wrap which means we found an empty slot return start; assert(!from_zero); // There *must* be a free slot somewhere in [0, max] (otherwise the map // would be completely full and we'd have returned nullopt). return find_unused_key(map, K{0}); } // Wrap common tasks and cleanup that we need to do from multiple places while establishing a // tunnel bool TunnelManager::continue_connecting( uint16_t pseudo_port, bool step_success, std::string_view step_name, std::string_view addr) { assert(service_endpoint_.Loop()->inEventLoop()); auto it = client_tunnels_.find(pseudo_port); if (it == client_tunnels_.end()) { LogDebug("QUIC tunnel to ", addr, " closed before ", step_name, " finished"); return false; } if (!step_success) { LogWarn("QUIC tunnel to ", addr, " failed during ", step_name, "; aborting tunnel"); it->second.tcp->close(); if (it->second.open_cb) it->second.open_cb(false); client_tunnels_.erase(it); } return step_success; } std::pair TunnelManager::open( std::string_view remote_address, uint16_t port, OpenCallback on_open, SockAddr bind_addr) { std::string remote_addr = lowercase_ascii_string(std::string{remote_address}); std::pair result; auto& [saddr, pport] = result; auto maybe_remote = service::ParseAddress(remote_addr); if (!maybe_remote) { if (not service::NameIsValid(remote_addr)) throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid remote lokinet name/address"}; // Otherwise it's a valid ONS name, so we'll initiate an ONS lookup below } // Open the TCP tunnel right away; it will just block new incoming connections until the quic // connection is established, but this still allows the caller to connect right away and queue // an initial request (rather than having to wait via a callback before connecting). It also // makes sure we can actually listen on the given address before we go ahead with establishing // the quic connection. auto tcp_tunnel = get_loop()->resource(); const char* failed = nullptr; auto err_handler = tcp_tunnel->once([&failed](auto& evt, auto&) { failed = evt.what(); }); tcp_tunnel->bind(*bind_addr.operator const sockaddr*()); tcp_tunnel->on([this](const uvw::ListenEvent&, uvw::TCPHandle& tcp_tunnel) { auto client = tcp_tunnel.loop().resource(); tcp_tunnel.accept(*client); // Freeze the connection (after accepting) because we may need to stall it until a stream // becomes available; flush_pending_incoming will unfreeze it. client->stop(); auto pport = tcp_tunnel.data(); if (pport) { if (auto it = client_tunnels_.find(*pport); it != client_tunnels_.end()) { it->second.pending_incoming.emplace(std::move(client)); flush_pending_incoming(it->second); return; } tcp_tunnel.data(nullptr); } client->close(); }); tcp_tunnel->listen(); tcp_tunnel->erase(err_handler); if (failed) { tcp_tunnel->close(); throw std::runtime_error{fmt::format( "Failed to bind/listen local TCP tunnel socket on {}: {}", bind_addr, failed)}; } auto bound = tcp_tunnel->sock(); saddr = SockAddr{bound.ip, huint16_t{static_cast(bound.port)}}; // Find the first unused psuedo-port value starting from next_pseudo_port_. if (auto p = find_unused_key(client_tunnels_, next_pseudo_port_)) pport = *p; else throw std::runtime_error{ "Unable to open an outgoing quic connection: too many existing connections"}; (next_pseudo_port_ = pport)++; LogInfo("Bound TCP tunnel ", saddr, " for quic client :", pport); // We are emplacing into client_tunnels_ here: beyond this point we must not throw until we // return (or if we do, make sure we remove this row from client_tunnels_ first). assert(client_tunnels_.count(pport) == 0); auto& ct = client_tunnels_[pport]; ct.open_cb = std::move(on_open); ct.tcp = std::move(tcp_tunnel); // We use this pport shared_ptr value on the listening tcp socket both to hand to pport into the // accept handler, and to let the accept handler know that `this` is still safe to use. ct.tcp->data(std::make_shared(pport)); auto after_path = [this, port, pport = pport, remote_addr](auto maybe_convo) { if (not continue_connecting(pport, (bool)maybe_convo, "path build", remote_addr)) return; SockAddr dest{maybe_convo->ToV6()}; dest.setPort(port); make_client(dest, *client_tunnels_.find(pport)); }; if (!maybe_remote) { // We were given an ONS address, so it's a two-step process: first we resolve the ONS name, // then we have to build a path to that address. service_endpoint_.LookupNameAsync( remote_addr, [this, after_path = std::move(after_path), pport = pport, remote_addr = std::move(remote_addr)](auto maybe_remote) { if (not continue_connecting( pport, (bool)maybe_remote, "endpoint ONS lookup", remote_addr)) return; service_endpoint_.MarkAddressOutbound(*maybe_remote); service_endpoint_.EnsurePathTo(*maybe_remote, after_path, open_timeout); }); return result; } auto& remote = *maybe_remote; // See if we have an existing convo tag we can use to start things immediately if (auto maybe_convo = service_endpoint_.GetBestConvoTagFor(remote)) after_path(maybe_convo); else { service_endpoint_.MarkAddressOutbound(remote); service_endpoint_.EnsurePathTo(remote, after_path, open_timeout); } return result; } void TunnelManager::close(int id) { if (auto it = client_tunnels_.find(id); it != client_tunnels_.end()) { it->second.tcp->close(); it->second.tcp->data(nullptr); it->second.tcp.reset(); } } TunnelManager::ClientTunnel::~ClientTunnel() { if (tcp) { tcp->close(); tcp->data(nullptr); tcp.reset(); } for (auto& conn : conns) conn->close(); conns.clear(); while (not pending_incoming.empty()) { if (auto tcp = pending_incoming.front().lock()) { tcp->clear(); tcp->close(); } pending_incoming.pop(); } } void TunnelManager::make_client(const SockAddr& remote, std::pair& row) { assert(remote.getPort() > 0); auto& [pport, tunnel] = row; assert(not tunnel.client); tunnel.client = std::make_unique(service_endpoint_, remote, pport); auto conn = tunnel.client->get_connection(); conn->on_stream_available = [this, id = row.first](Connection&) { LogDebug("QUIC connection :", id, " established; streams now available"); if (auto it = client_tunnels_.find(id); it != client_tunnels_.end()) flush_pending_incoming(it->second); }; } void TunnelManager::flush_pending_incoming(ClientTunnel& ct) { if (!ct.client) return; // Happens if we're still waiting for a path to build if (not ct.client->get_connection()) return; auto& conn = *ct.client->get_connection(); int available = conn.get_streams_available(); while (available > 0 and not ct.pending_incoming.empty()) { auto tcp_client = ct.pending_incoming.front().lock(); ct.pending_incoming.pop(); if (not tcp_client) continue; try { auto str = conn.open_stream( [tcp_client](auto&&... args) { initial_client_data_handler(*tcp_client, std::forward(args)...); }, [tcp_client](auto&&... args) { initial_client_close_handler(*tcp_client, std::forward(args)...); }); available--; } catch (const std::exception& e) { LogWarn("Opening quic stream failed: ", e.what()); tcp_client->close(); } LogTrace("Set up new stream"); conn.io_ready(); } } void TunnelManager::receive_packet(const service::ConvoTag& tag, const llarp_buffer_t& buf) { if (buf.sz <= 4) { LogWarn("invalid quic packet: packet size (", buf.sz, ") too small"); return; } auto type = static_cast(buf.base[0]); nuint16_t pseudo_port_n; std::memcpy(&pseudo_port_n.n, &buf.base[1], 2); uint16_t pseudo_port = ToHost(pseudo_port_n).h; auto ecn = static_cast(buf.base[3]); bstring_view data{reinterpret_cast(&buf.base[4]), buf.sz - 4}; SockAddr remote{tag.ToV6()}; quic::Endpoint* ep = nullptr; if (type == CLIENT_TO_SERVER) { LogTrace("packet is client-to-server from client pport ", pseudo_port); // Client-to-server: the header port is the return port remote.setPort(pseudo_port); if (!server_) { LogWarn("Dropping incoming quic packet to server: no listeners"); return; } ep = server_.get(); } else if (type == SERVER_TO_CLIENT) { LogTrace("packet is server-to-client to client pport ", pseudo_port); // Server-to-client: the header port tells us which client tunnel this is going to if (auto it = client_tunnels_.find(pseudo_port); it != client_tunnels_.end()) ep = it->second.client.get(); if (not ep) { LogWarn("Incoming quic packet to invalid/closed client; dropping"); return; } // The server doesn't send back the port because we already know it 1-to-1 from our outgoing // connection. if (auto conn = static_cast(*ep).get_connection()) { remote.setPort(conn->path.remote.port()); LogTrace("remote port is ", remote.getPort()); } else { LogWarn("Incoming quic to a quic::Client without an active quic::Connection; dropping"); return; } } else { LogWarn("Invalid incoming quic packet type ", type, "; dropping packet"); return; } ep->receive_packet(remote, ecn, data); } } // namespace llarp::quic