#include "stream.hpp" #include "connection.hpp" #include "endpoint.hpp" #include #include #include // We use a single circular buffer with a pointer to the starting byte (denoted `á` or `ŕ`), the // overall size, and the number of sent-but-unacked bytes (denoted `a`). `r` denotes an unsent // byte. // [ áaaaaaaarrrr ] // ^ == start // ------------ == size (== unacked + unsent bytes) // -------- == unacked_size // ^ -- the next write starts here // ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ -- unused buffer space // // we give ngtcp2 direct control over the unacked part of this buffer (it will let us know once the // buffered data is no longer needed, i.e. once it is acknowledged by the remote side). // // The complication is that this buffer wraps, so if we write a bunch of data to the above it would // end up looking like this: // // [rrr áaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr] // // This complicates things a bit, especially when returning the buffer to be written because we // might have to return two separate string_views (the first would contain [rrrrrrrrrrr] and the // second would contain [rrr]). As soon as we pass those buffer pointers off to ngtcp2 then our // buffer looks like: // // [aaa áaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa] // // Once we get an acknowledgement from the other end of the QUIC connection we can move up B (the // beginning of the buffer); for example, suppose it acknowledges the next 10 bytes and then the // following 10; we'll have: // // [aaa áaaaaaaaa] -- first 10 acked // [ áa ] -- next 10 acked // // As a special case, if the buffer completely empties (i.e. all data is sent and acked) then we // reset the starting bytes to the beginning of the buffer. namespace llarp::quic { std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const StreamID& s) { return o << u8"Str❰" << s.id << u8"❱"; } Stream::Stream( Connection& conn, data_callback_t data_cb, close_callback_t close_cb, size_t buffer_size, StreamID id) : data_callback{std::move(data_cb)} , close_callback{std::move(close_cb)} , conn{conn} , stream_id{std::move(id)} , buffer{buffer_size} , avail_trigger{conn.endpoint.get_loop()->resource()} { avail_trigger->on([this](auto&, auto&) { handle_unblocked(); }); } Stream::Stream(Connection& conn, StreamID id, size_t buffer_size) : Stream{conn, nullptr, nullptr, buffer_size, std::move(id)} {} Stream::~Stream() { LogTrace("Destroying stream ", stream_id); if (avail_trigger) { avail_trigger->close(); avail_trigger.reset(); } bool was_closing = is_closing; is_closing = is_shutdown = true; if (!was_closing && close_callback) close_callback(*this, STREAM_ERROR_CONNECTION_EXPIRED); } void Stream::set_buffer_size(size_t size) { if (used() != 0) throw std::runtime_error{"Cannot update buffer size while buffer is in use"}; if (size > 0 && size < 2048) size = 2048; buffer.resize(size); buffer.shrink_to_fit(); start = size = unacked_size = 0; } size_t Stream::buffer_size() const { return buffer.empty() ? size + start // start is the acked amount of the first buffer : buffer.size(); } bool Stream::append(bstring_view data) { assert(!buffer.empty()); if (data.size() > available()) return false; // When we are appending we have three cases: // - data doesn't fit -- we simply abort (return false, above). // - data fits between the buffer end and `]` -- simply append it and update size // - data is larger -- copy from the end up to `]`, then copy the rest into the beginning of the // buffer (i.e. after `[`). size_t wpos = (start + size) % buffer.size(); if (wpos + data.size() > buffer.size()) { // We are wrapping auto data_split = data.begin() + (buffer.size() - wpos); std::copy(data.begin(), data_split, buffer.begin() + wpos); std::copy(data_split, data.end(), buffer.begin()); LogTrace( "Wrote ", data.size(), " bytes to buffer ranges [", wpos, ",", buffer.size(), ")+[0,", data.end() - data_split, ")"); } else { // No wrap needs, it fits before the end: std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), buffer.begin() + wpos); LogTrace( "Wrote ", data.size(), " bytes to buffer range [", wpos, ",", wpos + data.size(), ")"); } size += data.size(); LogTrace("New stream buffer: ", size, "/", buffer.size(), " bytes beginning at ", start); conn.io_ready(); return true; } size_t Stream::append_any(bstring_view data) { if (size_t avail = available(); data.size() > avail) data.remove_suffix(data.size() - avail); [[maybe_unused]] bool appended = append(data); assert(appended); return data.size(); } void Stream::append_buffer(const std::byte* buffer, size_t length) { assert(this->buffer.empty()); user_buffers.emplace_back(buffer, length); size += length; conn.io_ready(); } void Stream::acknowledge(size_t bytes) { // Frees bytes; e.g. acknowledge(3) changes: // [ áaaaaarr ] to [ áaarr ] // [aaarr áa] to [ áarr ] // [ áaarrr ] to [ ŕrr ] // [ áaa ] to [´ ] (i.e. empty buffer *and* reset start pos) // assert(bytes <= unacked_size && unacked_size <= size); LogTrace("Acked ", bytes, " bytes of ", unacked_size, "/", size, " unacked/total"); unacked_size -= bytes; size -= bytes; if (!buffer.empty()) start = size == 0 ? 0 : (start + bytes) % buffer.size(); // reset start to 0 (to reduce wrapping buffers) if empty else if (size == 0) { user_buffers.clear(); start = 0; } else { while (bytes) { assert(!user_buffers.empty()); assert(start < user_buffers.front().second); if (size_t remaining = user_buffers.front().second - start; bytes >= remaining) { user_buffers.pop_front(); start = 0; bytes -= remaining; } else { start += bytes; bytes = 0; } } } if (!unblocked_callbacks.empty()) available_ready(); } auto get_buffer_it( std::deque, size_t>>& bufs, size_t offset) { auto it = bufs.begin(); while (offset >= it->second) { offset -= it->second; it++; } return std::make_pair(std::move(it), offset); } std::vector Stream::pending() { std::vector bufs; size_t rsize = unsent(); if (!rsize) return bufs; if (!buffer.empty()) { size_t rpos = (start + unacked_size) % buffer.size(); if (size_t rend = rpos + rsize; rend <= buffer.size()) { bufs.emplace_back(buffer.data() + rpos, rsize); } else { // wrapping bufs.reserve(2); bufs.emplace_back(buffer.data() + rpos, buffer.size() - rpos); bufs.emplace_back(buffer.data(), rend % buffer.size()); } } else { assert(!user_buffers.empty()); // If empty then unsent() should have been 0 auto [it, offset] = get_buffer_it(user_buffers, start + unacked_size); bufs.reserve(std::distance(it, user_buffers.end())); assert(it != user_buffers.end()); bufs.emplace_back(it->first.get() + offset, it->second - offset); for (++it; it != user_buffers.end(); ++it) bufs.emplace_back(it->first.get(), it->second); } return bufs; } void Stream::when_available(unblocked_callback_t unblocked_cb) { assert(available() == 0); unblocked_callbacks.push(std::move(unblocked_cb)); } void Stream::handle_unblocked() { if (is_closing) return; if (buffer.empty()) { while (!unblocked_callbacks.empty() && unblocked_callbacks.front()(*this)) unblocked_callbacks.pop(); } while (!unblocked_callbacks.empty() && available() > 0) { if (unblocked_callbacks.front()(*this)) unblocked_callbacks.pop(); else assert(available() == 0); } conn.io_ready(); } void Stream::io_ready() { conn.io_ready(); } void Stream::available_ready() { if (avail_trigger) avail_trigger->send(); } void Stream::wrote(size_t bytes) { // Called to tell us we sent some bytes off, e.g. wrote(3) changes: // [ áaarrrrrr ] or [rr áaar] // to: // [ áaaaaarrr ] or [aa áaaa] LogTrace("wrote ", bytes, ", unsent=", unsent()); assert(bytes <= unsent()); unacked_size += bytes; } void Stream::close(std::optional error_code) { LogDebug( "Closing ", stream_id, error_code ? " immediately with code " + std::to_string(*error_code) : " gracefully"); if (is_shutdown) LogDebug("Stream is already shutting down"); else if (error_code) { is_closing = is_shutdown = true; ngtcp2_conn_shutdown_stream(conn, stream_id.id, *error_code); } else if (is_closing) LogDebug("Stream is already closing"); else is_closing = true; if (is_shutdown) data_callback = {}; conn.io_ready(); } void Stream::data(std::shared_ptr data) { user_data = std::move(data); } void Stream::weak_data(std::weak_ptr data) { user_data = std::move(data); } } // namespace llarp::quic