#include "tunnel_server.hpp" #include "tunnel.hpp" #include "connection.hpp" #include "server.hpp" #include #include #include /* using namespace std::literals; namespace llarp::quic::tunnel { IncomingTunnel::IncomingTunnel(uint16_t localhost_port) : IncomingTunnel{ [localhost_port]( [[maybe_unused]] const auto& remote, uint16_t port, SockAddr& connect_to) { if (port != localhost_port) return AcceptResult::DECLINE; connect_to.setIPv4(127, 0, 0, 1); connect_to.setPort(port); return AcceptResult::ACCEPT; }} {} int usage(std::string_view arg0, std::string_view msg) { std::cerr << msg << "\n\n" << "Usage: " << arg0 << " [LISTENPORT [ALLOWED ...]]\n\nDefaults to listening on 4242 and allowing " "22,80,4444,8080\n"; return 1; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { uint16_t listen_port = 4242; std::set allowed_ports{{22, 80, 4444, 8080}}; if (argc >= 2 && !parse_int(argv[1], listen_port)) return usage(argv[0], "Invalid port "s + argv[1]); if (argc >= 3) { allowed_ports.clear(); for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i] == "all"sv) { allowed_ports.clear(); break; } uint16_t port; if (!parse_int(argv[i], port)) return usage(argv[0], "Invalid port "s + argv[i]); allowed_ports.insert(port); } } auto loop = uvw::Loop::create(); Address listen_addr{{0, 0, 0, 0}, listen_port}; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); // The local address we connect to for incoming connections. (localhost for this demo, should // be the localhost.loki address for lokinet). std::string localhost = ""; LogInfo("Initializing QUIC server"); llarp::quic::Server s{ listen_addr, loop, [loop, localhost, allowed_ports]( llarp::quic::Server&, llarp::quic::Stream& stream, uint16_t port) { LogDebug("New incoming quic stream ", stream.id(), " to reach ", localhost, ":", port); if (port == 0 || !(allowed_ports.empty() || allowed_ports.count(port))) { LogWarn( "quic stream denied by configuration: ", port, " is not a permitted local port"); return false; } stream.close_callback = [](llarp::quic::Stream& strm, std::optional error_code) { LogDebug( error_code ? "Remote side" : "We", " closed the quic stream, closing localhost tcp connection"); if (error_code && *error_code > 0) LogWarn("Remote quic stream was closed with error code ", *error_code); auto tcp = strm.data(); if (!tcp) LogDebug("Local TCP connection already closed"); else tcp->close(); }; // Try to open a TCP connection to the configured localhost port; if we establish a // connection then we immediately send a CONNECT_INIT back down the stream; if we fail // then we send a fail-to-connect error code. Once we successfully connect both of // these handlers get replaced with the normal tunnel handlers. auto tcp = loop->resource(); auto error_handler = tcp->once( [&stream, localhost, port](const uvw::ErrorEvent&, uvw::TCPHandle&) { LogWarn( "Failed to connect to ", localhost, ":", port, ", shutting down quic stream"); stream.close(tunnel::ERROR_CONNECT); }); tcp->once( [streamw = stream.weak_from_this(), error_handler = std::move(error_handler)]( const uvw::ConnectEvent&, uvw::TCPHandle& tcp) { auto peer = tcp.peer(); auto stream = streamw.lock(); if (!stream) { LogWarn( "Connected to ", peer.ip, ":", peer.port, " but quic stream has gone away; resetting local connection"); tcp.closeReset(); return; } LogDebug("Connected to ", peer.ip, ":", peer.port, " for quic ", stream->id()); tcp.erase(error_handler); tunnel::install_stream_forwarding(tcp, *stream); assert(stream->used() == 0); stream->append_buffer(new std::byte[1]{tunnel::CONNECT_INIT}, 1); tcp.read(); }); // FIXME, need to configure this tcp->connect("", port); return true; }}; s.default_stream_buffer_size = 0; // We steal uvw's provided buffers LogDebug("Initialized server"); std::cout << "Listening on localhost:" << listen_port << " with tunnel(s) to localhost port(s):"; if (allowed_ports.empty()) std::cout << " (any)"; for (auto p : allowed_ports) std::cout << ' ' << p; std::cout << '\n'; loop->run(); return 0; } } // namespace llarp::quic::tunnel */