#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace rpc { struct CallerHandler : public ::abyss::http::IRPCClientHandler { CallerImpl* m_Parent; CallerHandler(::abyss::http::ConnImpl* impl, CallerImpl* parent) : ::abyss::http::IRPCClientHandler(impl), m_Parent(parent) { } ~CallerHandler() override = default; virtual bool HandleJSONResult(const nlohmann::json& val) = 0; bool HandleResponse(::abyss::http::RPC_Response response) override { if(!response.is_object()) { return HandleJSONResult({}); } const auto itr = response.find("result"); if(itr == response.end()) { return HandleJSONResult({}); } if(itr.value().is_object()) { return HandleJSONResult(itr.value()); } return false; } void PopulateReqHeaders(abyss::http::Headers_t& hdr) override; }; struct LokiPingHandler final : public CallerHandler { ~LokiPingHandler() override = default; LokiPingHandler(::abyss::http::ConnImpl* impl, CallerImpl* parent) : CallerHandler(impl, parent) { } bool HandleJSONResult(const nlohmann::json& result) override { if(not result.is_object()) { LogError("invalid result from lokid ping, not an object"); return false; } const auto itr = result.find("status"); if(itr == result.end()) { LogError("invalid result from lokid ping, no result"); return false; } if(not itr->is_string()) { LogError("invalid result from lokid ping, status not an string"); return false; } const auto status = itr->get< std::string >(); if(status != "OK") { LogError("lokid ping failed: '", status, "'"); return false; } LogInfo("lokid ping: '", status, "'"); return true; } void HandleError() override { LogError("Failed to ping lokid"); } }; struct GetServiceNodeListHandler final : public CallerHandler { using PubkeyList_t = std::vector< RouterID >; using Callback_t = std::function< void(const PubkeyList_t&, bool) >; ~GetServiceNodeListHandler() override = default; Callback_t handler; GetServiceNodeListHandler(::abyss::http::ConnImpl* impl, CallerImpl* parent, Callback_t h) : CallerHandler(impl, parent), handler(std::move(h)) { } bool HandleJSONResult(const nlohmann::json& result) override; void HandleError() override { handler({}, false); } }; struct CallerImpl : public ::abyss::http::JSONRPC { AbstractRouter* router; llarp_time_t m_NextKeyUpdate = 0s; std::string m_LastBlockHash; llarp_time_t m_NextPing = 0s; const llarp_time_t KeyUpdateInterval = 5s; const llarp_time_t PingInterval = 5min; using PubkeyList_t = GetServiceNodeListHandler::PubkeyList_t; CallerImpl(AbstractRouter* r) : ::abyss::http::JSONRPC(), router(r) { } void Tick(llarp_time_t now) { if(not router->IsRunning()) return; if(not router->IsServiceNode()) return; if(now >= m_NextKeyUpdate) { AsyncUpdatePubkeyList(); m_NextKeyUpdate = now + KeyUpdateInterval; } if(now >= m_NextPing) { AsyncLokiPing(); m_NextPing = now + PingInterval; } Flush(); } void SetAuth(const std::string& user, const std::string& passwd) { username = user; password = passwd; } void AsyncLokiPing() { LogInfo("Pinging Lokid"); nlohmann::json version(llarp::VERSION); nlohmann::json params({{"version", version}}); QueueRPC("lokinet_ping", std::move(params), util::memFn(&CallerImpl::NewLokinetPingConn, this)); } void AsyncUpdatePubkeyList() { LogDebug("Updating service node list"); nlohmann::json params = {{"fields", { {"pubkey_ed25519", true}, {"active", true}, {"funded", true}, {"block_hash", true}, }}, {"poll_block_hash", m_LastBlockHash}}; QueueRPC("get_n_service_nodes", std::move(params), util::memFn(&CallerImpl::NewAsyncUpdatePubkeyListConn, this)); } bool Start(const std::string& remote) { return RunAsync(router->netloop(), remote); } abyss::http::IRPCClientHandler* NewLokinetPingConn(abyss::http::ConnImpl* impl) { return new LokiPingHandler(impl, this); } abyss::http::IRPCClientHandler* NewAsyncUpdatePubkeyListConn(abyss::http::ConnImpl* impl) { return new GetServiceNodeListHandler( impl, this, util::memFn(&CallerImpl::HandleServiceNodeListUpdated, this)); } void HandleServiceNodeListUpdated(const PubkeyList_t& list, bool updated) { if(updated) { router->SetRouterWhitelist(list); } else LogError("service node list not updated"); } ~CallerImpl() = default; }; bool GetServiceNodeListHandler::HandleJSONResult(const nlohmann::json& result) { PubkeyList_t keys; if(not result.is_object()) { LogWarn("Invalid result: not an object"); handler({}, false); return false; } // If lokid says tells us the block didn't change then nothing to do const auto unchanged_it = result.find("unchanged"); if(unchanged_it != result.end() and unchanged_it->get< bool >()) return true; const auto hash_it = result.find("block_hash"); if(hash_it == result.end()) { LogWarn("Invalid result: no block_hash member"); handler({}, false); return false; } else m_Parent->m_LastBlockHash = hash_it->get< std::string >(); const auto itr = result.find("service_node_states"); if(itr == result.end()) { LogWarn("Invalid result: no service_node_states member"); handler({}, false); return false; } if(not itr.value().is_array()) { LogWarn("Invalid result: service_node_states is not an array"); handler({}, false); return false; } for(const auto item : itr.value()) { if(not item.is_object()) continue; if(not item.value("active", false)) continue; if(not item.value("funded", false)) continue; const std::string pk = item.value("pubkey_ed25519", ""); if(pk.empty()) continue; PubKey k; if(k.FromString(pk)) keys.emplace_back(std::move(k)); } handler(keys, not keys.empty()); return true; } void CallerHandler::PopulateReqHeaders(abyss::http::Headers_t& hdr) { hdr.emplace("User-Agent", "lokinet rpc (YOLO)"); } struct Handler : public ::abyss::httpd::IRPCHandler { std::string expectedHostname; AbstractRouter* router; std::unordered_map< std::string, std::function< Response() > > m_dispatch; Handler(::abyss::httpd::ConnImpl* conn, AbstractRouter* r, std::string hostname) : ::abyss::httpd::IRPCHandler(conn) , expectedHostname(std::move(hostname)) , router(r) , m_dispatch{ {"llarp.admin.die", [=]() { return KillRouter(); }}, {"llarp.admin.wakeup", [=]() { return StartRouter(); }}, {"llarp.admin.link.neighbor", [=]() { return ListNeighbors(); }}, {"llarp.admin.exit.list", [=]() { return ListExitLevels(); }}, {"llarp.admin.dumpstate", [=]() { return DumpState(); }}, {"llarp.admin.status", [=]() { return DumpStatus(); }}, {"llarp.our.addresses", [=]() { return OurAddresses(); }}, {"llarp.version", [=]() { return DumpVersion(); }}} { } ~Handler() override = default; bool ValidateHost(const std::string& host) const override { return host == "localhost" || host == expectedHostname; } Response StartRouter() const { const bool rc = router->Run(); return Response{{"status", rc}}; } Response DumpState() const { return router->ExtractStatus(); } Response KillRouter() const { if(not router->IsRunning()) return {{"error", "already stopping"}}; router->Stop(); return {{"status", "OK"}}; } Response ListExitLevels() const { exit::Context::TrafficStats stats; router->exitContext().CalculateExitTraffic(stats); Response resp; for(const auto& stat : stats) { resp.emplace_back(Response{ {"ident", stat.first.ToHex()}, {"tx", stat.second.first}, {"rx", stat.second.second}, }); } return resp; } Response ListNeighbors() const { Response resp = Response::array(); router->ForEachPeer( [&](const ILinkSession* session, bool outbound) { resp.emplace_back( Response{{"ident", RouterID(session->GetPubKey()).ToString()}, {"svcnode", session->GetRemoteRC().IsPublicRouter()}, {"outbound", outbound}}); }, false); return resp; } Response DumpStatus() const { size_t numServices = 0; size_t numServicesReady = 0; Response services = Response::array(); auto visitor = [&](const std::string& name, const std::shared_ptr< service::Endpoint >& ptr) -> bool { numServices++; if(ptr->IsReady()) numServicesReady++; const Response status{{"ready", ptr->IsReady()}, {"stopped", ptr->IsStopped()}, {"stale", ptr->IntrosetIsStale()}}; services.emplace_back(Response{name, status}); return true; }; router->hiddenServiceContext().ForEachService(visitor); const Response resp{{"uptime", to_json(router->Uptime())}, {"servicesTotal", numServices}, {"servicesReady", numServicesReady}, {"services", services}}; return resp; } Response OurAddresses() const { Response services; router->hiddenServiceContext().ForEachService( [&](const std::string&, const std::shared_ptr< service::Endpoint >& service) { const service::Address addr = service->GetIdentity().pub.Addr(); services.push_back(addr.ToString()); return true; }); return Response{{"services", services}}; } Response DumpVersion() const { const Response resp{{"version", llarp::VERSION_FULL}}; return resp; } Response HandleJSONRPC(Method_t method, const Params& /*params*/) override { auto it = m_dispatch.find(method); if(it != m_dispatch.end()) { return it->second(); } return false; } }; struct ReqHandlerImpl : public ::abyss::httpd::BaseReqHandler { ReqHandlerImpl(AbstractRouter* r, llarp_time_t reqtimeout) : ::abyss::httpd::BaseReqHandler(reqtimeout), router(r) { } std::string expectedHostname; AbstractRouter* router; ::abyss::httpd::IRPCHandler* CreateHandler(::abyss::httpd::ConnImpl* conn) override { return new Handler(conn, router, expectedHostname); } }; struct ServerImpl { AbstractRouter* router; ReqHandlerImpl _handler; ServerImpl(AbstractRouter* r) : router(r), _handler(r, 2s) { } ~ServerImpl() = default; void Stop() { _handler.Close(); } bool Start(const std::string& addr) { sockaddr_in saddr; saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_port = 1190; auto idx = addr.find_first_of(':'); if(idx != std::string::npos) { _handler.expectedHostname = addr.substr(0, idx); Addr netaddr{addr.substr(0, idx), addr.substr(1 + idx)}; saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = netaddr.ton(); saddr.sin_port = htons(netaddr.port()); } else { _handler.expectedHostname = addr; } return _handler.ServeAsync(router->netloop(), router->logic(), (const sockaddr*)&saddr); } }; Caller::Caller(AbstractRouter* r) : m_Impl(std::make_unique< CallerImpl >(r)) { } Caller::~Caller() = default; void Caller::Stop() { m_Impl->Stop(); } bool Caller::Start(const std::string& addr) { return m_Impl->Start(addr); } void Caller::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { m_Impl->Tick(now); } void Caller::SetAuth(const std::string& user, const std::string& passwd) { m_Impl->SetAuth(user, passwd); } Server::Server(AbstractRouter* r) : m_Impl(std::make_unique< ServerImpl >(r)) { } Server::~Server() = default; void Server::Stop() { m_Impl->Stop(); } bool Server::Start(const std::string& addr) { return m_Impl->Start(addr); } } // namespace rpc } // namespace llarp