#ifndef LLARP_ROUTER_HPP #define LLARP_ROUTER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { struct Config; } // namespace llarp namespace llarp { struct Router final : public AbstractRouter { llarp_time_t _lastPump = 0s; bool ready; // transient iwp encryption key fs::path transport_keyfile = "transport.key"; // nodes to connect to on startup // DEPRECATED // std::map< std::string, fs::path > connect; // long term identity key fs::path ident_keyfile = "identity.key"; fs::path encryption_keyfile = "encryption.key"; // path to write our self signed rc to fs::path our_rc_file = "rc.signed"; // use file based logging? bool m_UseFileLogging = false; // our router contact RouterContact _rc; /// are we using the lokid service node seed ? bool usingSNSeed = false; /// should we obey the service node whitelist? bool whitelistRouters = false; std::shared_ptr< Logic > logic() const override { return _logic; } llarp_dht_context * dht() const override { return _dht; } util::StatusObject ExtractStatus() const override; llarp_nodedb * nodedb() const override { return _nodedb; } const path::PathContext & pathContext() const override { return paths; } path::PathContext & pathContext() override { return paths; } const RouterContact & rc() const override { return _rc; } void SetRouterWhitelist(const std::vector< RouterID > &routers) override; exit::Context & exitContext() override { return _exitContext; } std::shared_ptr< KeyManager > keyManager() const override { return m_keyManager; } const SecretKey & identity() const override { return _identity; } const SecretKey & encryption() const override { return _encryption; } Profiling & routerProfiling() override { return _routerProfiling; } llarp_ev_loop_ptr netloop() const override { return _netloop; } std::shared_ptr< llarp::thread::ThreadPool > threadpool() override { return cryptoworker; } std::shared_ptr< llarp::thread::ThreadPool > diskworker() override { return disk; } // our ipv4 public setting bool publicOverride = false; struct sockaddr_in ip4addr; AddressInfo addrInfo; LinkFactory::LinkType _defaultLinkType; llarp_ev_loop_ptr _netloop; std::shared_ptr< llarp::thread::ThreadPool > cryptoworker; std::shared_ptr< Logic > _logic; path::PathContext paths; exit::Context _exitContext; SecretKey _identity; SecretKey _encryption; std::shared_ptr< thread::ThreadPool > disk; llarp_dht_context *_dht = nullptr; llarp_nodedb *_nodedb; llarp_time_t _startedAt; llarp_time_t Uptime() const override; bool Sign(Signature &sig, const llarp_buffer_t &buf) const override; uint16_t m_OutboundPort = 0; /// how often do we resign our RC? milliseconds. // TODO: make configurable llarp_time_t rcRegenInterval = 1h; // should we be sending padded messages every interval? bool sendPadding = false; uint32_t ticker_job_id = 0; LinkMessageParser inbound_link_msg_parser; routing::InboundMessageParser inbound_routing_msg_parser; service::Context _hiddenServiceContext; service::Context & hiddenServiceContext() override { return _hiddenServiceContext; } const service::Context & hiddenServiceContext() const override { return _hiddenServiceContext; } llarp_time_t _lastTick = 0s; bool LooksAlive() const override { const llarp_time_t now = Now(); return now <= _lastTick || (now - _lastTick) <= llarp_time_t{30000}; } using NetConfig_t = std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::string >; /// default network config for default network interface NetConfig_t netConfig; /// bootstrap RCs BootstrapList bootstrapRCList; bool ExitEnabled() const { // TODO: use equal_range ? auto itr = netConfig.find("exit"); if(itr == netConfig.end()) return false; return IsTrueValue(itr->second.c_str()); } void PumpLL() override; bool CreateDefaultHiddenService(); const std::string DefaultRPCBindAddr = ""; bool enableRPCServer = false; std::unique_ptr< rpc::Server > rpcServer; std::string rpcBindAddr = DefaultRPCBindAddr; const llarp_time_t _randomStartDelay; /// lokid caller std::unique_ptr< rpc::Caller > rpcCaller; std::string lokidRPCAddr = ""; std::string lokidRPCUser; std::string lokidRPCPassword; Profiling _routerProfiling; std::string routerProfilesFile = "profiles.dat"; OutboundMessageHandler _outboundMessageHandler; OutboundSessionMaker _outboundSessionMaker; LinkManager _linkManager; RCLookupHandler _rcLookupHandler; RCGossiper _rcGossiper; using Clock_t = std::chrono::steady_clock; using TimePoint_t = Clock_t::time_point; TimePoint_t m_NextExploreAt; IOutboundMessageHandler & outboundMessageHandler() override { return _outboundMessageHandler; } IOutboundSessionMaker & outboundSessionMaker() override { return _outboundSessionMaker; } ILinkManager & linkManager() override { return _linkManager; } I_RCLookupHandler & rcLookupHandler() override { return _rcLookupHandler; } void GossipRCIfNeeded(const RouterContact rc) override; Router(std::shared_ptr< llarp::thread::ThreadPool > worker, llarp_ev_loop_ptr __netloop, std::shared_ptr< Logic > logic); ~Router() override; bool HandleRecvLinkMessageBuffer(ILinkSession *from, const llarp_buffer_t &msg) override; bool InitOutboundLinks(); bool GetRandomGoodRouter(RouterID &r) override; /// initialize us as a service node /// return true on success bool InitServiceNode(); bool IsRunning() const override; /// return true if we are running in service node mode bool IsServiceNode() const override; void Close(); bool LoadHiddenServiceConfig(string_view fname); bool AddHiddenService(const service::Config::section_t &config); bool Configure(Config *conf, llarp_nodedb *nodedb = nullptr) override; bool StartJsonRpc() override; bool Run() override; /// stop running the router logic gracefully void Stop() override; /// close all sessions and shutdown all links void StopLinks(); void PersistSessionUntil(const RouterID &remote, llarp_time_t until) override; bool EnsureIdentity(); bool EnsureEncryptionKey(); bool ConnectionToRouterAllowed(const RouterID &router) const override; void HandleSaveRC() const; bool SaveRC(); const byte_t * pubkey() const override { return seckey_topublic(_identity); } void try_connect(fs::path rcfile); /// inject configuration and reconfigure router bool Reconfigure(Config *conf) override; bool TryConnectAsync(RouterContact rc, uint16_t tries) override; /// validate new configuration against old one /// return true on 100% valid /// return false if not 100% valid bool ValidateConfig(Config *conf) const override; /// send to remote router or queue for sending /// returns false on overflow /// returns true on successful queue /// NOT threadsafe /// MUST be called in the logic thread bool SendToOrQueue(const RouterID &remote, const ILinkMessage *msg, SendStatusHandler handler) override; void ForEachPeer(std::function< void(const ILinkSession *, bool) > visit, bool randomize = false) const override; void ForEachPeer(std::function< void(ILinkSession *) > visit); bool IsBootstrapNode(RouterID) const override; /// check if newRc matches oldRC and update local rc for this remote contact /// if valid /// returns true on valid and updated /// returns false otherwise bool CheckRenegotiateValid(RouterContact newRc, RouterContact oldRC) override; /// called by link when a remote session has no more sessions open void SessionClosed(RouterID remote) override; /// call internal router ticker void Tick(); llarp_time_t Now() const override { return llarp::time_now_ms(); } /// schedule ticker to call i ms from now void ScheduleTicker(llarp_time_t i = 1s); /// parse a routing message in a buffer and handle it with a handler if /// successful parsing return true on parse and handle success otherwise /// return false bool ParseRoutingMessageBuffer(const llarp_buffer_t &buf, routing::IMessageHandler *h, const PathID_t &rxid) override; void ConnectToRandomRouters(int N) override; /// count the number of unique service nodes connected via pubkey size_t NumberOfConnectedRouters() const override; /// count the number of unique clients connected by pubkey size_t NumberOfConnectedClients() const override; bool GetRandomConnectedRouter(RouterContact &result) const override; void HandleDHTLookupForExplore( RouterID remote, const std::vector< RouterContact > &results) override; void LookupRouter(RouterID remote, RouterLookupHandler resultHandler) override; bool HasSessionTo(const RouterID &remote) const override; std::string ShortName() const; uint32_t NextPathBuildNumber(); void handle_router_ticker(); void AfterStopLinks(); void AfterStopIssued(); private: std::atomic< bool > _stopping; std::atomic< bool > _running; bool m_isServiceNode = false; llarp_time_t m_LastStatsReport = 0s; std::shared_ptr< llarp::KeyManager > m_keyManager; uint32_t path_build_count = 0; bool ShouldReportStats(llarp_time_t now) const; void ReportStats(); bool UpdateOurRC(bool rotateKeys = false); template < typename Config > void mergeHiddenServiceConfig(const Config &in, Config &out) { for(const auto &item : netConfig) out.push_back({item.first, item.second}); for(const auto &item : in) out.push_back({item.first, item.second}); } bool FromConfig(Config *conf); void MessageSent(const RouterID &remote, SendStatus status); }; } // namespace llarp #endif