#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { // constants for config file default values constexpr int DefaultMinConnectionsForRouter = 6; constexpr int DefaultMaxConnectionsForRouter = 60; constexpr int DefaultMinConnectionsForClient = 4; constexpr int DefaultMaxConnectionsForClient = 6; void RouterConfig::defineConfigOptions(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params) { constexpr int DefaultJobQueueSize = 1024 * 8; constexpr auto DefaultNetId = "lokinet"; constexpr int DefaultPublicPort = 1090; constexpr int DefaultWorkerThreads = 1; constexpr int DefaultNetThreads = 1; constexpr bool DefaultBlockBogons = true; conf.defineOption("router", "job-queue-size", false, DefaultJobQueueSize, [this](int arg) { if (arg < 1024) throw std::invalid_argument("job-queue-size must be 1024 or greater"); m_JobQueueSize = arg; }); conf.defineOption("router", "netid", false, DefaultNetId, [this](std::string arg) { if (arg.size() > NetID::size()) throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("netid is too long, max length is ", NetID::size())); m_netId = std::move(arg); }); int minConnections = (params.isRelay ? DefaultMinConnectionsForRouter : DefaultMinConnectionsForClient); conf.defineOption("router", "min-connections", false, minConnections, [=](int arg) { if (arg < minConnections) throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("min-connections must be >= ", minConnections)); m_minConnectedRouters = arg; }); int maxConnections = (params.isRelay ? DefaultMaxConnectionsForRouter : DefaultMaxConnectionsForClient); conf.defineOption("router", "max-connections", false, maxConnections, [=](int arg) { if (arg < maxConnections) throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("max-connections must be >= ", maxConnections)); m_maxConnectedRouters = arg; }); conf.defineOption("router", "nickname", false, "", AssignmentAcceptor(m_nickname)); conf.defineOption( "router", "data-dir", false, params.defaultDataDir, [this](fs::path arg) { if (not fs::exists(arg)) throw std::runtime_error( stringify("Specified [router]:data-dir ", arg, " does not exist")); m_dataDir = std::move(arg); }); conf.defineOption("router", "public-address", false, "", [this](std::string arg) { if (not arg.empty()) { llarp::LogInfo("public ip ", arg, " size ", arg.size()); if (arg.size() > 16) throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("Not a valid IPv4 addr: ", arg)); m_publicAddress.setAddress(arg); } }); conf.defineOption("router", "public-port", false, DefaultPublicPort, [this](int arg) { if (arg <= 0 || arg > std::numeric_limits::max()) throw std::invalid_argument("public-port must be >= 0 and <= 65536"); m_publicAddress.setPort(arg); }); conf.defineOption( "router", "worker-threads", false, DefaultWorkerThreads, [this](int arg) { if (arg <= 0) throw std::invalid_argument("worker-threads must be > 0"); m_workerThreads = arg; }); conf.defineOption("router", "net-threads", false, DefaultNetThreads, [this](int arg) { if (arg <= 0) throw std::invalid_argument("net-threads must be > 0"); m_numNetThreads = arg; }); conf.defineOption( "router", "block-bogons", false, DefaultBlockBogons, AssignmentAcceptor(m_blockBogons)); conf.defineOption( "router", "contact-file", false, "", AssignmentAcceptor(m_routerContactFile)); conf.defineOption( "router", "encryption-privkey", false, "", AssignmentAcceptor(m_encryptionKeyFile)); conf.defineOption( "router", "ident-privkey", false, "", AssignmentAcceptor(m_identityKeyFile)); conf.defineOption( "router", "transport-privkey", false, "", AssignmentAcceptor(m_transportKeyFile)); } void NetworkConfig::defineConfigOptions(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params) { (void)params; constexpr bool DefaultProfilingValue = true; static constexpr bool ReachableDefault = false; static constexpr int HopsDefault = 4; static constexpr int PathsDefault = 6; conf.defineOption( "network", "type", false, "tun", AssignmentAcceptor(m_endpointType)); conf.defineOption("network", "exit", false, false, AssignmentAcceptor(m_AllowExit)); conf.defineOption( "network", "profiling", false, DefaultProfilingValue, AssignmentAcceptor(m_enableProfiling)); // TODO: this should be implied from [router]:data-dir conf.defineOption( "network", "profiles", false, m_routerProfilesFile, AssignmentAcceptor(m_routerProfilesFile)); conf.defineOption( "network", "strict-connect", false, "", AssignmentAcceptor(m_strictConnect)); conf.defineOption("network", "keyfile", false, "", AssignmentAcceptor(m_keyfile)); conf.defineOption( "network", "reachable", false, ReachableDefault, AssignmentAcceptor(m_reachable)); conf.defineOption("network", "hops", false, HopsDefault, [this](int arg) { if (arg < 1 or arg > 8) throw std::invalid_argument("[endpoint]:hops must be >= 1 and <= 8"); m_hops = arg; }); conf.defineOption("network", "paths", false, PathsDefault, [this](int arg) { if (arg < 1 or arg > 8) throw std::invalid_argument("[endpoint]:paths must be >= 1 and <= 8"); m_paths = arg; }); conf.defineOption("network", "exit-node", false, "", [this](std::string arg) { if (arg.empty()) return; service::Address exit; if (not exit.FromString(arg)) { throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("[endpoint]:exit-node bad address: ", arg)); } m_exitNode = exit; }); conf.defineOption("network", "mapaddr", false, "", [this](std::string arg) { if (arg.empty()) return; huint128_t ip; service::Address addr; const auto pos = arg.find(":"); if (pos == std::string::npos) { throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("[endpoint]:mapaddr invalid entry: ", arg)); } std::string addrstr = arg.substr(0, pos); std::string ipstr = arg.substr(pos + 1); if (not ip.FromString(ipstr)) { huint32_t ipv4; if (not ipv4.FromString(ipstr)) { throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("[endpoint]:mapaddr invalid ip: ", ipstr)); } ip = net::ExpandV4(ipv4); } if (not addr.FromString(addrstr)) { throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("[endpoint]:mapaddr invalid addresss: ", addrstr)); } if (m_mapAddrs.find(ip) != m_mapAddrs.end()) { throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("[endpoint]:mapaddr ip already mapped: ", ipstr)); } m_mapAddrs[ip] = addr; }); conf.defineOption("network", "ifaddr", false, "", [this](std::string arg) { if (arg.empty()) { const auto maybe = llarp::FindFreeRange(); if (not maybe) throw std::invalid_argument("cannot determine free ip range"); arg = *maybe; } m_ifaddr = arg; }); conf.defineOption("network", "ifname", false, "", [this](std::string arg) { if (arg.empty()) { const auto maybe = llarp::FindFreeTun(); if (not maybe) throw std::invalid_argument("cannot determine free interface name"); arg = *maybe; } m_ifname = arg; }); conf.defineOption( "network", "blacklist-snode", false, true, "", [this](std::string arg) { RouterID id; if (not id.FromString(arg)) throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("Invalid RouterID: ", arg)); auto itr = m_snodeBlacklist.emplace(std::move(id)); if (itr.second) throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("Duplicate blacklist-snode: ", arg)); }); } void DnsConfig::defineConfigOptions(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params) { (void)params; auto parseDNSAddr = [](auto arg) { IpAddress addr{arg}; if (not addr.getPort()) addr.setPort(53); return addr; }; conf.defineOption( "dns", "upstream", false, true, std::nullopt, [=](std::string arg) { m_upstreamDNS.push_back(parseDNSAddr(std::move(arg))); }); conf.defineOption("dns", "bind", false, "", [=](std::string arg) { m_bind = parseDNSAddr(std::move(arg)); }); } LinksConfig::LinkInfo LinksConfig::LinkInfoFromINIValues(std::string_view name, std::string_view value) { // we treat the INI k:v pair as: // k: interface name, * indicating outbound // v: a comma-separated list of values, an int indicating port (everything else ignored) // this is somewhat of a backwards- and forwards-compatibility thing LinkInfo info; info.port = 0; info.addressFamily = AF_INET; info.interface = name; std::vector splits = split(value, ','); for (std::string_view str : splits) { int asNum = std::atoi(str.data()); if (asNum > 0) info.port = asNum; // otherwise, ignore ("future-proofing") } return info; } void LinksConfig::defineConfigOptions(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params) { (void)params; constexpr auto DefaultOutboundLinkValue = "0"; conf.defineOption( "bind", "*", false, false, DefaultOutboundLinkValue, [this](std::string arg) { m_OutboundLink = LinkInfoFromINIValues("*", arg); }); conf.addUndeclaredHandler( "bind", [&](std::string_view, std::string_view name, std::string_view value) { LinkInfo info = LinkInfoFromINIValues(name, value); if (info.port <= 0) throw std::invalid_argument( stringify("Invalid [bind] port specified on interface", name)); assert(name != "*"); // handled by defineOption("bind", "*", ...) above m_InboundLinks.emplace_back(std::move(info)); }); } void ConnectConfig::defineConfigOptions(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params) { (void)params; conf.addUndeclaredHandler( "connect", [this](std::string_view section, std::string_view name, std::string_view value) { fs::path file{value.begin(), value.end()}; if (not fs::exists(file)) throw std::runtime_error(stringify( "Specified bootstrap file ", value, "specified in [", section, "]:", name, " does not exist")); routers.emplace_back(std::move(file)); return true; }); } void ApiConfig::defineConfigOptions(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params) { (void)params; constexpr bool DefaultRPCEnabled = true; constexpr auto DefaultRPCBindAddr = ""; conf.defineOption( "api", "enabled", false, DefaultRPCEnabled, AssignmentAcceptor(m_enableRPCServer)); conf.defineOption( "api", "bind", false, DefaultRPCBindAddr, AssignmentAcceptor(m_rpcBindAddr)); // TODO: this was from pre-refactor: // TODO: add pubkey to whitelist } void LokidConfig::defineConfigOptions(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params) { (void)params; constexpr bool DefaultWhitelistRouters = false; constexpr auto DefaultLokidRPCAddr = ""; conf.defineOption( "lokid", "service-node-seed", false, our_identity_filename, [this](std::string arg) { if (not arg.empty()) { usingSNSeed = true; ident_keyfile = std::move(arg); } }); conf.defineOption( "lokid", "enabled", false, DefaultWhitelistRouters, AssignmentAcceptor(whitelistRouters)); conf.defineOption( "lokid", "jsonrpc", false, DefaultLokidRPCAddr, AssignmentAcceptor(lokidRPCAddr)); conf.defineOption( "lokid", "username", false, "", AssignmentAcceptor(lokidRPCUser)); conf.defineOption( "lokid", "password", false, "", AssignmentAcceptor(lokidRPCPassword)); } void BootstrapConfig::defineConfigOptions(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params) { (void)params; conf.defineOption( "bootstrap", "add-node", false, true, "", [this](std::string arg) { // TODO: validate as router fs path routers.emplace_back(std::move(arg)); }); } void LoggingConfig::defineConfigOptions(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params) { (void)params; constexpr auto DefaultLogType = "file"; constexpr auto DefaultLogFile = "stdout"; constexpr auto DefaultLogLevel = "info"; conf.defineOption( "logging", "type", false, DefaultLogType, [this](std::string arg) { LogType type = LogTypeFromString(arg); if (type == LogType::Unknown) throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("invalid log type: ", arg)); m_logType = type; }); conf.defineOption( "logging", "level", false, DefaultLogLevel, [this](std::string arg) { std::optional level = LogLevelFromString(arg); if (not level) throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("invalid log level value: ", arg)); m_logLevel = *level; }); conf.defineOption( "logging", "file", false, DefaultLogFile, AssignmentAcceptor(m_logFile)); } bool Config::Load(const char* fname, bool isRelay, fs::path defaultDataDir) { try { ConfigGenParameters params; params.isRelay = isRelay; params.defaultDataDir = std::move(defaultDataDir); ConfigDefinition conf; initializeConfig(conf, params); addBackwardsCompatibleConfigOptions(conf); ConfigParser parser; if (!parser.LoadFile(fname)) { return false; } parser.IterAll([&](std::string_view section, const SectionValues_t& values) { for (const auto& pair : values) { conf.addConfigValue(section, pair.first, pair.second); } }); conf.acceptAllOptions(); // TODO: better way to support inter-option constraints if (router.m_maxConnectedRouters < router.m_minConnectedRouters) throw std::invalid_argument("[router]:min-connections must be <= [router]:max-connections"); return true; } catch (const std::exception& e) { LogError("Error trying to init and parse config from file: ", e.what()); return false; } } bool Config::LoadDefault(bool isRelay, fs::path dataDir) { try { ConfigGenParameters params; params.isRelay = isRelay; params.defaultDataDir = std::move(dataDir); ConfigDefinition conf; initializeConfig(conf, params); conf.acceptAllOptions(); return true; } catch (const std::exception& e) { LogError("Error trying to init default config: ", e.what()); return false; } } void Config::initializeConfig(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params) { router.defineConfigOptions(conf, params); network.defineConfigOptions(conf, params); connect.defineConfigOptions(conf, params); dns.defineConfigOptions(conf, params); links.defineConfigOptions(conf, params); api.defineConfigOptions(conf, params); lokid.defineConfigOptions(conf, params); bootstrap.defineConfigOptions(conf, params); logging.defineConfigOptions(conf, params); } void Config::addBackwardsCompatibleConfigOptions(ConfigDefinition& conf) { auto addIgnoreOption = [&](const std::string& section, const std::string& name) { conf.defineOption(section, name, false, true, "", [=](std::string arg) { (void)arg; LogWarn("*** WARNING: The config option [", section, "]:", name, " is deprecated"); }); }; addIgnoreOption("system", "user"); addIgnoreOption("system", "group"); addIgnoreOption("system", "pidfile"); addIgnoreOption("api", "authkey"); addIgnoreOption("netdb", "dir"); // these weren't even ever used! addIgnoreOption("router", "max-routers"); addIgnoreOption("router", "min-routers"); // TODO: this may have been a synonym for [router]worker-threads addIgnoreOption("router", "threads"); addIgnoreOption("metrics", "json-metrics-path"); addIgnoreOption("network", "enabled"); } void ensureConfig( const fs::path& defaultDataDir, const fs::path& confFile, bool overwrite, bool asRouter) { std::error_code ec; // fail to overwrite if not instructed to do so if (fs::exists(confFile, ec) && !overwrite) { LogDebug("Not creating config file; it already exists."); return; } if (ec) throw std::runtime_error(stringify("filesystem error: ", ec)); // create parent dir if it doesn't exist if (not fs::exists(confFile.parent_path(), ec)) { if (not fs::create_directory(confFile.parent_path())) throw std::runtime_error(stringify("Failed to create parent directory for ", confFile)); } if (ec) throw std::runtime_error(stringify("filesystem error: ", ec)); llarp::LogInfo("Attempting to create config file, asRouter: ", asRouter, " path: ", confFile); llarp::Config config; std::string confStr; if (asRouter) confStr = config.generateBaseRouterConfig(std::move(defaultDataDir)); else confStr = config.generateBaseClientConfig(std::move(defaultDataDir)); // open a filestream auto stream = llarp::util::OpenFileStream(confFile.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (not stream or not stream->is_open()) throw std::runtime_error(stringify("Failed to open file ", confFile, " for writing")); llarp::LogInfo("confStr: ", confStr); *stream << confStr; stream->flush(); llarp::LogInfo("Generated new config ", confFile); } void generateCommonConfigComments(ConfigDefinition& def) { // router def.addSectionComments( "router", { "Configuration for routing activity.", }); def.addOptionComments( "router", "threads", { "The number of threads available for performing cryptographic functions.", "The minimum is one thread, but network performance may increase with more.", "threads. Should not exceed the number of logical CPU cores.", }); def.addOptionComments( "router", "data-dir", { "Optional directory for containing lokinet runtime data. This includes generated", "private keys.", }); // TODO: why did Kee want this, and/or what does it really do? Something about logs? def.addOptionComments("router", "nickname", {"Router nickname. Kee wanted it."}); def.addOptionComments( "router", "min-connections", { "Minimum number of routers lokinet will attempt to maintain connections to.", }); def.addOptionComments( "router", "max-connections", { "Maximum number (hard limit) of routers lokinet will be connected to at any time.", }); // logging def.addSectionComments( "logging", { "logging settings", }); def.addOptionComments( "logging", "level", { "Minimum log level to print. Logging below this level will be ignored.", "Valid log levels, in ascending order, are:", " trace", " debug", " info", " warn", " error", }); def.addOptionComments( "logging", "type", { "Log type (format). Valid options are:", " file - plaintext formatting", " json - json-formatted log statements", " syslog - logs directed to syslog", }); // api def.addSectionComments( "api", { "JSON API settings", }); def.addOptionComments( "api", "enabled", { "Determines whether or not the JSON API is enabled.", }); def.addOptionComments( "api", "bind", { "IP address and port to bind to.", "Recommend localhost-only for security purposes.", }); // dns def.addSectionComments( "dns", { "DNS configuration", }); def.addOptionComments( "dns", "upstream-dns", { "Upstream resolver(s) to use as fallback for non-loki addresses.", "Multiple values accepted.", }); def.addOptionComments( "dns", "bind", { "Address to bind to for handling DNS requests.", "Multiple values accepted.", }); // bootstrap def.addSectionComments( "bootstrap", { "Configure nodes that will bootstrap us onto the network", }); def.addOptionComments( "bootstrap", "add-node", { "Specify a bootstrap file containing a signed RouterContact of a service node", "which can act as a bootstrap. Accepts multiple values.", }); // network def.addSectionComments( "network", { "Network settings", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "profiles", { "File to contain router profiles.", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "strict-connect", { "Public key of a router which will act as sole first-hop. This may be used to", "provide a trusted router (consider that you are not fully anonymous with your", "first hop).", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "exit-node", { "Public key of an exit-node.", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "ifname", { "Interface name for lokinet traffic.", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "ifaddr", { "Local IP address for lokinet traffic.", }); } std::string Config::generateBaseClientConfig(fs::path defaultDataDir) { ConfigGenParameters params; params.isRelay = false; params.defaultDataDir = std::move(defaultDataDir); llarp::ConfigDefinition def; initializeConfig(def, params); generateCommonConfigComments(def); def.addSectionComments( "network", { "Snapp settings", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "keyfile", { "The private key to persist address with. If not specified the address will be", "ephemeral.", }); // TODO: is this redundant with / should be merged with basic client config? def.addOptionComments( "network", "reachable", { "Determines whether we will publish our snapp's introset to the DHT.", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "hops", { "Number of hops in a path. Min 1, max 8.", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "paths", { "Number of paths to maintain at any given time.", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "blacklist-snode", { "Adds a `.snode` address to the blacklist.", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "exit-node", { "Specify a `.loki` address to use as an exit broker.", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "mapaddr", { "Permanently map a `.loki` address to an IP owned by the snapp. Example:", "mapaddr=whatever.loki: # maps `whatever.loki` to ``.", }); return def.generateINIConfig(true); } std::string Config::generateBaseRouterConfig(fs::path defaultDataDir) { ConfigGenParameters params; params.isRelay = true; params.defaultDataDir = std::move(defaultDataDir); llarp::ConfigDefinition def; initializeConfig(def, params); generateCommonConfigComments(def); // lokid def.addSectionComments( "lokid", { "Lokid configuration (settings for talking to lokid", }); def.addOptionComments( "lokid", "enabled", { "Whether or not we should talk to lokid. Must be enabled for staked routers.", }); def.addOptionComments( "lokid", "jsonrpc", { "Host and port of running lokid that we should talk to.", }); // TODO: doesn't appear to be used in the codebase def.addOptionComments( "lokid", "service-node-seed", { "File containing service node's seed.", }); // extra [network] options // TODO: probably better to create an [exit] section and only allow it for routers def.addOptionComments( "network", "exit", { "Whether or not we should act as an exit node. Beware that this increases demand", "on the server and may pose liability concerns. Enable at your own risk.", }); // TODO: define the order of precedence (e.g. is whitelist applied before blacklist?) // additionally, what's default? What if I don't whitelist anything? def.addOptionComments( "network", "exit-whitelist", { "List of destination protocol:port pairs to whitelist, example: udp:*", "or tcp:80. Multiple values supported.", }); def.addOptionComments( "network", "exit-blacklist", { "Blacklist of destinations (same format as whitelist).", }); return def.generateINIConfig(true); } } // namespace llarp