#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pyllarp from time import sleep from signal import signal, SIGINT from shutil import rmtree from os import makedirs from socket import AF_INET, htons, inet_aton from pprint import pprint import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser as ap import threading from collections import deque import traceback class RouterHive(object): def __init__(self, n_relays=10, n_clients=10, netid="hive", shutup=True): self._log = pyllarp.LogContext() self._log.shutup = shutup try: self.endpointName = "pyllarp" self.tmpdir = "/tmp/lokinet_hive" self.netid = netid self.n_relays = n_relays self.n_clients = n_clients self.addrs = [] self.events = deque() self.hive = None self.RCs = [] pyllarp.EnableDebug() if not self.RemoveTmpDir(): raise RuntimeError("Failed to initialize Router Hive") except Exception as error: print("Exception in __init__: ", error); def RemoveTmpDir(self): if self.tmpdir.startswith("/tmp/") and len(self.tmpdir) > 5: print("calling rmdir -r %s" % self.tmpdir) rmtree(self.tmpdir, ignore_errors=True) return True else: print("not removing dir %s because it doesn't start with /tmp/" % self.tmpdir) return False def AddRelay(self, index): dirname = "%s/relays/%d" % (self.tmpdir, index) makedirs("%s/nodedb" % dirname, exist_ok=True) config = pyllarp.Config(dirname) config.Load(None, True) port = index + 30000 tunname = "lokihive%d" % index config.router.dataDir = dirname config.router.netid = self.netid config.router.nickname = "Router%d" % index config.router.overrideAddress('{}'.format(port)) config.router.blockBogons = False config.network.enableProfiling = False config.network.endpointType = 'null' config.links.addInboundLink("lo", AF_INET, port); config.links.setOutboundLink("lo", AF_INET, port + 10000); # config.dns.options = {"local-dns": ("" % port)} if index == 0: config.bootstrap.seednode = True else: config.bootstrap.routers = ["%s/relays/0/self.signed" % self.tmpdir] config.api.enableRPCServer = False config.lokid.whitelistRouters = False print("adding relay at index %d" % index) self.hive.AddRelay(config) def AddClient(self, index): dirname = "%s/clients/%d" % (self.tmpdir, index) makedirs("%s/nodedb" % dirname, exist_ok=True) config = pyllarp.Config(dirname) config.Load(None, False); port = index + 50000 tunname = "lokihive%d" % index config.router.dataDir = dirname config.router.netid = self.netid config.router.blockBogons = False config.network.enableProfiling = False config.network.endpointType = 'null' config.links.setOutboundLink("lo", AF_INET, port + 10000); # config.dns.options = {"local-dns": ("" % port)} config.bootstrap.routers = ["%s/relays/0/self.signed" % self.tmpdir] config.api.enableRPCServer = False config.lokid.whitelistRouters = False self.hive.AddClient(config) def InitFirstRC(self): print("Starting first router to init its RC for bootstrap") self.hive = pyllarp.RouterHive() self.AddRelay(0) self.hive.StartRelays() print("sleeping 2 sec to give plenty of time to save bootstrap rc") sleep(2) self.hive.StopAll() def Start(self): self.InitFirstRC() print("Resetting hive. Creating %d relays and %d clients" % (self.n_relays, self.n_clients)) self.hive = pyllarp.RouterHive() for i in range(0, self.n_relays): self.AddRelay(i) for i in range(0, self.n_clients): self.AddClient(i) print("Starting relays") self.hive.StartRelays() print("Sleeping 2 seconds before starting clients") sleep(2) self.RCs = self.hive.GetRelayRCs() self.hive.StartClients() def Stop(self): self.hive.StopAll() def CollectNextEvent(self): self.events.append(self.hive.GetNextEvent()) def CollectAllEvents(self): self.events.extend(self.hive.GetAllEvents()) def PopEvent(self): self.CollectAllEvents() if len(self.events): return self.events.popleft() return None def DistanceSortedRCs(self, dht_key): rcs = [] distances = [] for rc in self.RCs: distances.append(rc.AsDHTKey ^ dht_key) rcs.append(rc) distances, rcs = (list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(distances, rcs)))) return rcs def main(n_relays=10, n_clients=10, print_each_event=True, verbose=False): running = True def handle_sigint(sig, frame): nonlocal running running = False print("SIGINT received, attempting to stop all routers") signal(SIGINT, handle_sigint) try: hive = RouterHive(n_relays, n_clients, shutup=not verbose) hive.Start() except Exception as err: print(err) return 1 first_dht_pub = False dht_pub_sorted = None dht_pub_location = None total_events = 0 event_counts = dict() while running: hive.CollectAllEvents() print("Hive collected {} events this second.".format(len(hive.events))) for event in hive.events: event_name = event.__class__.__name__ if event: if print_each_event: print("Event: %s -- Triggered: %s" % (event_name, event.triggered)) print(event) hops = getattr(event, "hops", None) if hops: for hop in hops: print(hop) total_events = total_events + 1 if event_name in event_counts: event_counts[event_name] = event_counts[event_name] + 1 else: event_counts[event_name] = 1 if total_events % 10 == 0: pprint(event_counts) if event_name == "DhtPubIntroReceivedEvent": if not first_dht_pub: dht_pub_sorted = hive.DistanceSortedRCs(event.location) dht_pub_location = event.location print("location: {} landed at: {}, sorted distance list:".format(dht_pub_location.ShortString(), event.routerID.ShortString())) print([x.routerID.ShortString() for x in dht_pub_sorted[:4]]) first_dht_pub = True else: if event.location == dht_pub_location: print("location: {}, landed at: {}".format(dht_pub_location.ShortString(), event.routerID.ShortString())) # won't have printed event count above in this case. if len(hive.events) == 0: pprint(event_counts) hive.events = [] for _ in range(100): sleep(1.0 / 100) print('stopping') hive.Stop() print('stopped') del hive if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ap() print_events = False relay_count = 10 client_count = 10 parser.add_argument('--print-events', dest="print_events", action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--relay-count', dest="relay_count", type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument('--client-count', dest="client_count", type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose') args = parser.parse_args() main(n_relays=args.relay_count, n_clients=args.client_count, print_each_event = args.print_events, verbose=args.verbose)