#include #include "rc_lookup_handler.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "router.hpp" #include #include #include namespace llarp { void RCLookupHandler::add_valid_router(const RouterID& rid) { router->loop()->call([this, rid]() { router_whitelist.insert(rid); }); } void RCLookupHandler::remove_valid_router(const RouterID& rid) { router->loop()->call([this, rid]() { router_whitelist.erase(rid); }); } static void loadColourList(std::unordered_set& beigelist, const std::vector& new_beige) { beigelist.clear(); beigelist.insert(new_beige.begin(), new_beige.end()); } void RCLookupHandler::set_router_whitelist( const std::vector& whitelist, const std::vector& greylist, const std::vector& greenlist) { if (whitelist.empty()) return; router->loop()->call([this, whitelist, greylist, greenlist]() { loadColourList(router_whitelist, whitelist); loadColourList(router_greylist, greylist); loadColourList(router_greenlist, greenlist); LogInfo("lokinet service node list now has ", router_whitelist.size(), " active routers"); }); } bool RCLookupHandler::has_received_whitelist() const { return router->loop()->call_get([this]() { return not router_whitelist.empty(); }); } std::unordered_set RCLookupHandler::whitelist() const { return router->loop()->call_get([this]() { return router_whitelist; }); } void RCLookupHandler::get_rc(const RouterID& rid, RCRequestCallback callback, bool forceLookup) { RouterContact remoteRC; if (not forceLookup) { if (const auto maybe = node_db->get_rc(rid); maybe.has_value()) { remoteRC = *maybe; if (callback) { callback(rid, remoteRC, true); } return; } } auto lookup_cb = [this, callback, rid](oxen::quic::message m) mutable { auto& r = link_manager->router(); if (m) { std::string payload; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; payload = btdc.require("RC"); } catch (...) { log::warning(link_cat, "Failed to parse Find Router response!"); throw; } RouterContact result{std::move(payload)}; if (callback) callback(result.router_id(), result, true); else { r.node_db()->put_rc_if_newer(result); // r.connect_to(result); } } else { if (callback) callback(rid, std::nullopt, false); else link_manager->handle_find_router_error(std::move(m)); } }; // if we are a client try using the hidden service endpoints if (!isServiceNode) { bool sent = false; LogInfo("Lookup ", rid, " anonymously"); hidden_service_context->ForEachService( [&, cb = lookup_cb]( const std::string&, const std::shared_ptr& ep) -> bool { const bool success = ep->lookup_router(rid, cb); sent = sent || success; return !success; }); if (sent) return; LogWarn("cannot lookup ", rid, " anonymously"); } contacts->lookup_router(rid, lookup_cb); } bool RCLookupHandler::is_grey_listed(const RouterID& remote) const { if (strict_connect_pubkeys.size() && strict_connect_pubkeys.count(remote) == 0 && !is_remote_in_bootstrap(remote)) { return false; } if (not isServiceNode) return false; return router->loop()->call_get([this, remote]() { return router_greylist.count(remote); }); } bool RCLookupHandler::is_green_listed(const RouterID& remote) const { return router->loop()->call_get([this, remote]() { return router_greenlist.count(remote); }); } bool RCLookupHandler::is_registered(const RouterID& rid) const { return router->loop()->call_get([this, rid]() { return router_whitelist.count(rid) || router_greylist.count(rid) || router_greenlist.count(rid); }); } bool RCLookupHandler::is_path_allowed(const RouterID& rid) const { return router->loop()->call_get([this, rid]() { if (strict_connect_pubkeys.size() && strict_connect_pubkeys.count(rid) == 0 && !is_remote_in_bootstrap(rid)) { return false; } if (not isServiceNode) return true; return router_whitelist.count(rid) != 0; }); } bool RCLookupHandler::is_session_allowed(const RouterID& rid) const { return router->loop()->call_get([this, rid]() { if (strict_connect_pubkeys.size() && strict_connect_pubkeys.count(rid) == 0 && !is_remote_in_bootstrap(rid)) { return false; } if (not isServiceNode) return true; return router_whitelist.count(rid) or router_greylist.count(rid); }); } bool RCLookupHandler::check_rc(const RouterContact& rc) const { if (not is_session_allowed(rc.pubkey)) { contacts->delete_rc_node_async(dht::Key_t{rc.pubkey}); return false; } if (not rc.Verify(llarp::time_now_ms())) { LogWarn("RC for ", RouterID(rc.pubkey), " is invalid"); return false; } // update nodedb if required if (rc.IsPublicRouter()) { LogDebug("Adding or updating RC for ", RouterID(rc.pubkey), " to nodedb and dht."); node_db->put_rc_if_newer(rc); contacts->put_rc_node_async(rc); } return true; } size_t RCLookupHandler::num_strict_connect_routers() const { return strict_connect_pubkeys.size(); } bool RCLookupHandler::get_random_whitelist_router(RouterID& rid) const { return router->loop()->call_get([this, rid]() mutable { const auto sz = router_whitelist.size(); auto itr = router_whitelist.begin(); if (sz == 0) return false; if (sz > 1) std::advance(itr, randint() % sz); rid = *itr; return true; }); } bool RCLookupHandler::check_renegotiate_valid(RouterContact newrc, RouterContact oldrc) { // mismatch of identity ? if (newrc.pubkey != oldrc.pubkey) return false; if (!is_session_allowed(newrc.pubkey)) return false; auto func = [this, newrc] { check_rc(newrc); }; work_func(func); // update dht if required if (contacts->rc_nodes()->HasNode(dht::Key_t{newrc.pubkey})) { contacts->rc_nodes()->PutNode(newrc); } // TODO: check for other places that need updating the RC return true; } void RCLookupHandler::periodic_update(llarp_time_t now) { // try looking up stale routers std::unordered_set routersToLookUp; node_db->VisitInsertedBefore( [&](const RouterContact& rc) { routersToLookUp.insert(rc.pubkey); }, now - RouterContact::UpdateInterval); for (const auto& router : routersToLookUp) { get_rc(router, nullptr, true); } node_db->remove_stale_rcs(boostrap_rid_list, now - RouterContact::StaleInsertionAge); } void RCLookupHandler::explore_network() { const size_t known = node_db->num_loaded(); if (bootstrap_rc_list.empty() && known == 0) { LogError("we have no bootstrap nodes specified"); } else if (known <= bootstrap_rc_list.size()) { for (const auto& rc : bootstrap_rc_list) { log::info(link_cat, "Doing explore via bootstrap node: {}", RouterID(rc.pubkey)); // TODO: replace this concept // dht->ExploreNetworkVia(dht::Key_t{rc.pubkey}); } } if (isServiceNode) { static constexpr size_t LookupPerTick = 5; std::vector lookup_routers = router->loop()->call_get([this]() { std::vector lookups; lookups.reserve(LookupPerTick); for (const auto& r : router_whitelist) { if (not node_db->has_router(r)) lookups.emplace_back(r); } return lookups; }); if (lookup_routers.size() > LookupPerTick) { std::shuffle(lookup_routers.begin(), lookup_routers.end(), CSRNG{}); lookup_routers.resize(LookupPerTick); } for (const auto& r : lookup_routers) get_rc(r, nullptr, true); return; } // service nodes gossip, not explore if (contacts->router()->IsServiceNode()) return; // explore via every connected peer /* * TODO: DHT explore via libquic * _linkManager->ForEachPeer([&](ILinkSession* s) { if (!s->IsEstablished()) return; const RouterContact rc = s->GetRemoteRC(); if (rc.IsPublicRouter() && (_bootstrapRCList.find(rc) == _bootstrapRCList.end())) { LogDebug("Doing explore via public node: ", RouterID(rc.pubkey)); _dht->impl->ExploreNetworkVia(dht::Key_t{rc.pubkey}); } }); * * */ } void RCLookupHandler::init( std::shared_ptr c, std::shared_ptr nodedb, EventLoop_ptr l, std::function)> dowork, LinkManager* linkManager, service::Context* hiddenServiceContext, const std::unordered_set& strictConnectPubkeys, const std::set& bootstrapRCList, bool isServiceNode_arg) { contacts = c; node_db = std::move(nodedb); loop = std::move(l); work_func = std::move(dowork); hidden_service_context = hiddenServiceContext; strict_connect_pubkeys = strictConnectPubkeys; bootstrap_rc_list = bootstrapRCList; link_manager = linkManager; router = &link_manager->router(); isServiceNode = isServiceNode_arg; for (const auto& rc : bootstrap_rc_list) { boostrap_rid_list.insert(rc.pubkey); } } bool RCLookupHandler::is_remote_in_bootstrap(const RouterID& remote) const { for (const auto& rc : bootstrap_rc_list) { if (rc.pubkey == remote) { return true; } } return false; } } // namespace llarp