#include #include #include using namespace llarp; using namespace ::testing; TEST(Config, smoke) { Config config; (void)config; SUCCEED(); } TEST(Config, sample_config) { std::string text = R"( [router] # number of crypto worker threads threads=4 # path to store signed RC contact-file=/home/lokinet/1/self.signed # path to store transport private key transport-privkey=/home/lokinet/1/transport.private # path to store identity signing key ident-privkey=/home/lokinet/1/identity.private # encryption key for onion routing encryption-privkey=/home/lokinet/1/encryption.private # uncomment following line to set router nickname to 'lokinet' netid=bunny [logging] level=info # uncomment for logging to file #type=file #file=/path/to/logfile # uncomment for syslog logging #type=syslog [metrics] json-metrics-path=/home/lokinet/1/metrics.json # admin api (disabled by default) [api] enabled=false #authkey=insertpubkey1here #authkey=insertpubkey2here #authkey=insertpubkey3here bind= # system settings for privileges and such [system] user=lokinet group=lokinet pidfile=/home/lokinet/1/lokinet.pid # dns provider configuration section [dns] # resolver upstream= bind= # network database settings block [netdb] # directory for network database skiplist storage dir=/home/lokinet/1/netdb # bootstrap settings [bootstrap] # add a bootstrap node's signed identity to the list of nodes we want to bootstrap from # if we don't have any peers we connect to this router add-node=/home/lokinet/1/bootstrap.signed # snapps configuration section [services]# uncomment next line to enable a snapp #example-snapp=/home/lokinet/1/snapp-example.ini [bind] eth0=5501 [network] ifname=cluster-1 ifaddr= [metrics] metric-tank-host= )"; Config config; ASSERT_TRUE(config.LoadFromStr(text)); { using kv = NetworkConfig::NetConfig::value_type; ASSERT_THAT(config.network.netConfig(), UnorderedElementsAre(kv("ifname", "cluster-1"), kv("ifaddr", ""))); } ASSERT_FALSE(config.metrics.disableMetricLogs); ASSERT_FALSE(config.metrics.disableMetrics); { using kv = LinksConfig::Links::value_type; ASSERT_THAT(config.links.inboundLinks(), UnorderedElementsAre(kv("eth0", AF_INET, 5501, {}))); } ASSERT_THAT(config.bootstrap.routers, ElementsAre("/home/lokinet/1/bootstrap.signed")); }