#include "profiling.hpp" #include #include "util/fs.hpp" namespace llarp { bool RouterProfile::BEncode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) const { if (!bencode_start_dict(buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeWriteDictInt("g", connectGoodCount, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeWriteDictInt("p", pathSuccessCount, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeWriteDictInt("q", pathTimeoutCount, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeWriteDictInt("s", pathFailCount, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeWriteDictInt("t", connectTimeoutCount, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeWriteDictInt("u", lastUpdated.count(), buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeWriteDictInt("v", version, buf)) return false; return bencode_end(buf); } bool RouterProfile::DecodeKey(const llarp_buffer_t& k, llarp_buffer_t* buf) { bool read = false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("g", connectGoodCount, read, k, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("t", connectTimeoutCount, read, k, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("u", lastUpdated, read, k, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("v", version, read, k, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("s", pathFailCount, read, k, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("p", pathSuccessCount, read, k, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("q", pathTimeoutCount, read, k, buf)) return false; return read; } void RouterProfile::Decay() { connectGoodCount /= 2; connectTimeoutCount /= 2; pathSuccessCount /= 2; pathFailCount /= 2; pathTimeoutCount /= 2; lastDecay = llarp::time_now_ms(); } void RouterProfile::Tick() { static constexpr auto updateInterval = 30min; const auto now = llarp::time_now_ms(); if (lastDecay < now && now - lastDecay > updateInterval) Decay(); } bool RouterProfile::IsGood(uint64_t chances) const { if (connectTimeoutCount > chances) return connectTimeoutCount < connectGoodCount && (pathSuccessCount * chances) > pathFailCount; return (pathSuccessCount * chances) > pathFailCount; } static bool constexpr checkIsGood(uint64_t fails, uint64_t success, uint64_t chances) { if (fails > 0 && (fails + success) >= chances) return (success / fails) > 1; if (success == 0) return fails < chances; return true; } bool RouterProfile::IsGoodForConnect(uint64_t chances) const { return checkIsGood(connectTimeoutCount, connectGoodCount, chances); } bool RouterProfile::IsGoodForPath(uint64_t chances) const { return checkIsGood(pathFailCount, pathSuccessCount, chances) and checkIsGood(pathTimeoutCount, pathSuccessCount, chances); } Profiling::Profiling() : m_DisableProfiling(false) {} void Profiling::Disable() { m_DisableProfiling.store(true); } void Profiling::Enable() { m_DisableProfiling.store(false); } bool Profiling::IsBadForConnect(const RouterID& r, uint64_t chances) { if (m_DisableProfiling.load()) return false; util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; auto itr = m_Profiles.find(r); if (itr == m_Profiles.end()) return false; return not itr->second.IsGoodForConnect(chances); } bool Profiling::IsBadForPath(const RouterID& r, uint64_t chances) { if (m_DisableProfiling.load()) return false; util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; auto itr = m_Profiles.find(r); if (itr == m_Profiles.end()) return false; return not itr->second.IsGoodForPath(chances); } bool Profiling::IsBad(const RouterID& r, uint64_t chances) { if (m_DisableProfiling.load()) return false; util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; auto itr = m_Profiles.find(r); if (itr == m_Profiles.end()) return false; return not itr->second.IsGood(chances); } void Profiling::Tick() { util::Lock lock(m_ProfilesMutex); std::for_each(m_Profiles.begin(), m_Profiles.end(), [](auto& item) { item.second.Tick(); }); } void Profiling::MarkConnectTimeout(const RouterID& r) { util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; m_Profiles[r].connectTimeoutCount += 1; m_Profiles[r].lastUpdated = llarp::time_now_ms(); } void Profiling::MarkConnectSuccess(const RouterID& r) { util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; m_Profiles[r].connectGoodCount += 1; m_Profiles[r].lastUpdated = llarp::time_now_ms(); } void Profiling::ClearProfile(const RouterID& r) { util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; m_Profiles.erase(r); } void Profiling::MarkHopFail(const RouterID& r) { util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; m_Profiles[r].pathFailCount += 1; m_Profiles[r].lastUpdated = llarp::time_now_ms(); } void Profiling::MarkPathFail(path::Path* p) { util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; size_t idx = 0; for (const auto& hop : p->hops) { // don't mark first hop as failure because we are connected to it directly if (idx) { m_Profiles[hop.rc.pubkey].pathFailCount += 1; m_Profiles[hop.rc.pubkey].lastUpdated = llarp::time_now_ms(); } ++idx; } } void Profiling::MarkPathTimeout(path::Path* p) { util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; size_t idx = 0; for (const auto& hop : p->hops) { if (idx) { m_Profiles[hop.rc.pubkey].pathTimeoutCount += 1; m_Profiles[hop.rc.pubkey].lastUpdated = llarp::time_now_ms(); } ++idx; } } void Profiling::MarkPathSuccess(path::Path* p) { util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; const auto sz = p->hops.size(); for (const auto& hop : p->hops) { // redeem previous fails by halfing the fail count and setting timeout to zero m_Profiles[hop.rc.pubkey].pathFailCount /= 2; m_Profiles[hop.rc.pubkey].pathTimeoutCount = 0; // mark success at hop m_Profiles[hop.rc.pubkey].pathSuccessCount += sz; m_Profiles[hop.rc.pubkey].lastUpdated = llarp::time_now_ms(); } } bool Profiling::Save(const fs::path fpath) { const size_t sz = (m_Profiles.size() * (RouterProfile::MaxSize + 32 + 8)) + 8; std::vector tmp(sz, 0); llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp); { util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; if (not BEncode(&buf)) return false; } buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; auto optional_f = util::OpenFileStream(fpath, std::ios::binary); if (!optional_f) return false; auto& f = *optional_f; if (not f.is_open()) return false; f.write(reinterpret_cast(buf.base), buf.sz); if (not f.good()) return false; m_LastSave = llarp::time_now_ms(); return true; } bool Profiling::BEncode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) const { if (!bencode_start_dict(buf)) return false; auto itr = m_Profiles.begin(); while (itr != m_Profiles.end()) { if (!itr->first.BEncode(buf)) return false; if (!itr->second.BEncode(buf)) return false; ++itr; } return bencode_end(buf); } bool Profiling::DecodeKey(const llarp_buffer_t& k, llarp_buffer_t* buf) { if (k.sz != 32) return false; RouterProfile profile; if (!bencode_decode_dict(profile, buf)) return false; RouterID pk = k.base; return m_Profiles.emplace(pk, profile).second; } bool Profiling::BDecode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) { return bencode_decode_dict(*this, buf); } bool Profiling::Load(const fs::path fname) { util::Lock lock{m_ProfilesMutex}; m_Profiles.clear(); if (!BDecodeReadFile(fname, *this)) { llarp::LogWarn("failed to load router profiles from ", fname); return false; } m_LastSave = llarp::time_now_ms(); return true; } bool Profiling::ShouldSave(llarp_time_t now) const { auto dlt = now - m_LastSave; return dlt > 1min; } } // namespace llarp