#include "exit.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "service/protocol_type.hpp" namespace llarp { namespace handlers { ExitEndpoint::ExitEndpoint(std::string name, AbstractRouter* r) : m_Router(r) , m_Resolver(std::make_shared(r->loop(), this)) , m_Name(std::move(name)) , m_LocalResolverAddr("", 53) , m_QUIC{std::make_shared(*this)} , m_InetToNetwork(name + "_exit_rx", r->loop(), r->loop()) { m_ShouldInitTun = true; m_QUIC = std::make_shared(*this); } ExitEndpoint::~ExitEndpoint() = default; void ExitEndpoint::LookupNameAsync( std::string, std::function)> resultHandler) { // TODO: implement me resultHandler(std::nullopt); } void ExitEndpoint::LookupServiceAsync( std::string, std::string, std::function)> resultHandler) { // TODO: implement me resultHandler({}); } std::optional ExitEndpoint::GetEndpointWithConvoTag(service::ConvoTag tag) const { for (const auto& [pathID, pk] : m_Paths) { if (pathID.as_array() == tag.as_array()) return RouterID{pk.as_array()}; } for (const auto& [rid, session] : m_SNodeSessions) { PathID_t pathID{tag.as_array()}; if (session->GetPathByID(pathID)) return rid; } return std::nullopt; } std::optional ExitEndpoint::GetBestConvoTagFor(AddressVariant_t addr) const { if (auto* rid = std::get_if(&addr)) { service::ConvoTag tag{}; auto visit = [&tag](exit::Endpoint* const ep) -> bool { if (not ep) return false; if (auto path = ep->GetCurrentPath()) tag = service::ConvoTag{path->RXID().as_array()}; return true; }; if (VisitEndpointsFor(PubKey{*rid}, visit) and not tag.IsZero()) return tag; auto itr = m_SNodeSessions.find(*rid); if (itr == m_SNodeSessions.end()) { return std::nullopt; } if (auto path = itr->second->GetPathByRouter(*rid)) { tag = service::ConvoTag{path->RXID().as_array()}; return tag; } return std::nullopt; } else return std::nullopt; } const EventLoop_ptr& ExitEndpoint::Loop() { return m_Router->loop(); } bool ExitEndpoint::SendToOrQueue( service::ConvoTag tag, const llarp_buffer_t& payload, service::ProtocolType type) { if (auto maybeAddr = GetEndpointWithConvoTag(tag)) { if (std::holds_alternative(*maybeAddr)) return false; if (auto* rid = std::get_if(&*maybeAddr)) { auto range = m_ActiveExits.equal_range(PubKey{*rid}); auto itr = range.first; while (itr != range.second) { if (not itr->second->LooksDead(Now())) { if (itr->second->QueueInboundTraffic(ManagedBuffer{payload}, type)) return true; } ++itr; } if (not m_Router->ConnectionToRouterAllowed(*rid)) return false; ObtainSNodeSession(*rid, [data = payload.copy(), type](auto session) { if (session and session->IsReady()) { session->SendPacketToRemote(data, type); } }); } return true; } else return false; } bool ExitEndpoint::EnsurePathTo( AddressVariant_t addr, std::function)> hook, llarp_time_t) { if (std::holds_alternative(addr)) return false; if (auto* rid = std::get_if(&addr)) { if (m_SNodeKeys.count(PubKey{*rid}) or m_Router->ConnectionToRouterAllowed(*rid)) { ObtainSNodeSession( *rid, [hook, routerID = *rid](std::shared_ptr session) { if (session and session->IsReady()) { if (auto path = session->GetPathByRouter(routerID)) { hook(service::ConvoTag{path->RXID().as_array()}); } else hook(std::nullopt); } else hook(std::nullopt); }); } else { // probably a client hook(GetBestConvoTagFor(addr)); } } return true; } util::StatusObject ExitEndpoint::ExtractStatus() const { util::StatusObject obj{{"permitExit", m_PermitExit}, {"ip", m_IfAddr.ToString()}}; util::StatusObject exitsObj{}; for (const auto& item : m_ActiveExits) { exitsObj[item.first.ToString()] = item.second->ExtractStatus(); } obj["exits"] = exitsObj; return obj; } bool ExitEndpoint::SupportsV6() const { return m_UseV6; } bool ExitEndpoint::ShouldHookDNSMessage(const dns::Message& msg) const { if (msg.questions.size() == 0) return false; // always hook ptr for ranges we own if (msg.questions[0].qtype == dns::qTypePTR) { huint128_t ip; if (!dns::DecodePTR(msg.questions[0].qname, ip)) return false; return m_OurRange.Contains(ip); } if (msg.questions[0].qtype == dns::qTypeA || msg.questions[0].qtype == dns::qTypeCNAME || msg.questions[0].qtype == dns::qTypeAAAA) { if (msg.questions[0].IsName("localhost.loki")) return true; if (msg.questions[0].HasTLD(".snode")) return true; } return false; } bool ExitEndpoint::HandleHookedDNSMessage(dns::Message msg, std::function reply) { if (msg.questions[0].qtype == dns::qTypePTR) { huint128_t ip; if (!dns::DecodePTR(msg.questions[0].qname, ip)) return false; if (ip == m_IfAddr) { RouterID us = GetRouter()->pubkey(); msg.AddAReply(us.ToString(), 300); } else { auto itr = m_IPToKey.find(ip); if (itr != m_IPToKey.end() && m_SNodeKeys.find(itr->second) != m_SNodeKeys.end()) { RouterID them = itr->second; msg.AddAReply(them.ToString()); } else msg.AddNXReply(); } } else if (msg.questions[0].qtype == dns::qTypeCNAME) { if (msg.questions[0].IsName("random.snode")) { RouterID random; if (GetRouter()->GetRandomGoodRouter(random)) msg.AddCNAMEReply(random.ToString(), 1); else msg.AddNXReply(); } else if (msg.questions[0].IsName("localhost.loki")) { RouterID us = m_Router->pubkey(); msg.AddAReply(us.ToString(), 1); } else msg.AddNXReply(); } else if (msg.questions[0].qtype == dns::qTypeA || msg.questions[0].qtype == dns::qTypeAAAA) { const bool isV6 = msg.questions[0].qtype == dns::qTypeAAAA; const bool isV4 = msg.questions[0].qtype == dns::qTypeA; if (msg.questions[0].IsName("random.snode")) { RouterID random; if (GetRouter()->GetRandomGoodRouter(random)) { msg.AddCNAMEReply(random.ToString(), 1); auto ip = ObtainServiceNodeIP(random); msg.AddINReply(ip, false); } else msg.AddNXReply(); reply(msg); return true; } if (msg.questions[0].IsName("localhost.loki")) { msg.AddINReply(GetIfAddr(), isV6); reply(msg); return true; } // forward dns for snode RouterID r; if (r.FromString(msg.questions[0].Name())) { huint128_t ip; PubKey pubKey(r); if (isV4 && SupportsV6()) { msg.hdr_fields |= dns::flags_QR | dns::flags_AA | dns::flags_RA; } else if (m_SNodeKeys.find(pubKey) == m_SNodeKeys.end()) { // we do not have it mapped, async obtain it ObtainSNodeSession( r, [&, msg = std::make_shared(msg), reply]( std::shared_ptr session) { if (session && session->IsReady()) { msg->AddINReply(m_KeyToIP[pubKey], isV6); } else { msg->AddNXReply(); } reply(*msg); }); return true; } else { // we have it mapped already as a service node auto itr = m_KeyToIP.find(pubKey); if (itr != m_KeyToIP.end()) { ip = itr->second; msg.AddINReply(ip, isV6); } else // fallback case that should never happen (probably) msg.AddNXReply(); } } else msg.AddNXReply(); } reply(msg); return true; } void ExitEndpoint::ObtainSNodeSession(const RouterID& router, exit::SessionReadyFunc obtainCb) { if (not m_Router->rcLookupHandler().RemoteIsAllowed(router)) { obtainCb(nullptr); return; } ObtainServiceNodeIP(router); m_SNodeSessions[router]->AddReadyHook(obtainCb); } llarp_time_t ExitEndpoint::Now() const { return m_Router->Now(); } bool ExitEndpoint::VisitEndpointsFor( const PubKey& pk, std::function visit) const { auto range = m_ActiveExits.equal_range(pk); auto itr = range.first; while (itr != range.second) { if (visit(itr->second.get())) ++itr; else return true; } return false; } void ExitEndpoint::Flush() { m_InetToNetwork.Process([&](Pkt_t& pkt) { PubKey pk; { auto itr = m_IPToKey.find(pkt.dstv6()); if (itr == m_IPToKey.end()) { // drop LogWarn(Name(), " dropping packet, has no session at ", pkt.dstv6()); return; } pk = itr->second; } // check if this key is a service node if (m_SNodeKeys.count(pk)) { // check if it's a service node session we made and queue it via our // snode session that we made otherwise use an inbound session that // was made by the other service node auto itr = m_SNodeSessions.find(pk); if (itr != m_SNodeSessions.end()) { itr->second->SendPacketToRemote(pkt.ConstBuffer(), service::ProtocolType::TrafficV4); return; } } auto tryFlushingTraffic = [&](exit::Endpoint* const ep) -> bool { if (!ep->QueueInboundTraffic( ManagedBuffer{pkt.Buffer()}, service::ProtocolType::TrafficV4)) { LogWarn( Name(), " dropped inbound traffic for session ", pk, " as we are overloaded (probably)"); // continue iteration return true; } // break iteration return false; }; if (!VisitEndpointsFor(pk, tryFlushingTraffic)) { // we may have all dead sessions, wtf now? LogWarn( Name(), " dropped inbound traffic for session ", pk, " as we have no working endpoints"); } }); { auto itr = m_ActiveExits.begin(); while (itr != m_ActiveExits.end()) { if (!itr->second->Flush()) { LogWarn("exit session with ", itr->first, " dropped packets"); } ++itr; } } { auto itr = m_SNodeSessions.begin(); while (itr != m_SNodeSessions.end()) { itr->second->FlushUpstream(); itr->second->FlushDownstream(); ++itr; } } m_Router->PumpLL(); } bool ExitEndpoint::Start() { // map our address const PubKey us(m_Router->pubkey()); const huint128_t ip = GetIfAddr(); m_KeyToIP[us] = ip; m_IPToKey[ip] = us; m_IPActivity[ip] = std::numeric_limits::max(); m_SNodeKeys.insert(us); if (m_ShouldInitTun) { vpn::InterfaceInfo info; info.ifname = m_ifname; info.addrs.emplace(m_OurRange); m_NetIf = GetRouter()->GetVPNPlatform()->ObtainInterface(std::move(info)); if (not m_NetIf) { llarp::LogError("Could not create interface"); return false; } if (not GetRouter()->loop()->add_network_interface( m_NetIf, [this](net::IPPacket pkt) { OnInetPacket(std::move(pkt)); })) { llarp::LogWarn("Could not create tunnel for exit endpoint"); return false; } GetRouter()->loop()->add_ticker([this] { Flush(); }); llarp::LogInfo("Trying to start resolver ", m_LocalResolverAddr.toString()); return m_Resolver->Start(m_LocalResolverAddr.createSockAddr(), m_UpstreamResolvers); } return true; } AbstractRouter* ExitEndpoint::GetRouter() { return m_Router; } huint128_t ExitEndpoint::GetIfAddr() const { return m_IfAddr; } bool ExitEndpoint::Stop() { for (auto& item : m_SNodeSessions) item.second->Stop(); return true; } bool ExitEndpoint::ShouldRemove() const { for (auto& item : m_SNodeSessions) if (!item.second->ShouldRemove()) return false; return true; } bool ExitEndpoint::HasLocalMappedAddrFor(const PubKey& pk) const { return m_KeyToIP.find(pk) != m_KeyToIP.end(); } huint128_t ExitEndpoint::GetIPForIdent(const PubKey pk) { huint128_t found{}; if (!HasLocalMappedAddrFor(pk)) { // allocate and map found = AllocateNewAddress(); if (!m_KeyToIP.emplace(pk, found).second) { LogError(Name(), "failed to map ", pk, " to ", found); return found; } if (!m_IPToKey.emplace(found, pk).second) { LogError(Name(), "failed to map ", found, " to ", pk); return found; } if (HasLocalMappedAddrFor(pk)) LogInfo(Name(), " mapping ", pk, " to ", found); else LogError(Name(), "failed to map ", pk, " to ", found); } else found = m_KeyToIP[pk]; MarkIPActive(found); m_KeyToIP.rehash(0); assert(HasLocalMappedAddrFor(pk)); return found; } huint128_t ExitEndpoint::AllocateNewAddress() { if (m_NextAddr < m_HigestAddr) return ++m_NextAddr; // find oldest activity ip address huint128_t found = {0}; llarp_time_t min = std::numeric_limits::max(); auto itr = m_IPActivity.begin(); while (itr != m_IPActivity.end()) { if (itr->second < min) { found.h = itr->first.h; min = itr->second; } ++itr; } // kick old ident off exit // TODO: DoS PubKey pk = m_IPToKey[found]; KickIdentOffExit(pk); return found; } EndpointBase::AddressVariant_t ExitEndpoint::LocalAddress() const { return RouterID{m_Router->pubkey()}; } void ExitEndpoint::SRVRecordsChanged() { m_Router->ModifyOurRC( [srvRecords = SRVRecords()](RouterContact rc) -> std::optional { // check if there are any new srv records bool shouldUpdate = false; for (const auto& rcSrv : rc.srvRecords) { if (srvRecords.count(rcSrv) == 0) shouldUpdate = true; } // no new records so don't modify if (not shouldUpdate) return std::nullopt; // we got new entries so we clear the whole vector on the rc and recreate it rc.srvRecords.clear(); for (auto& record : srvRecords) rc.srvRecords.emplace_back(record); // set the version to 1 because we have srv records rc.version = 1; return rc; }); } std::optional ExitEndpoint::GetStatFor(AddressVariant_t) const { /// TODO: implement me return std::nullopt; } std::unordered_set ExitEndpoint::AllRemoteEndpoints() const { std::unordered_set remote; for (auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); itr != m_Paths.end(); ++itr) { remote.insert(RouterID{itr->second}); } return remote; } bool ExitEndpoint::QueueOutboundTraffic(net::IPPacket pkt) { return m_NetIf && m_NetIf->WritePacket(std::move(pkt)); } void ExitEndpoint::KickIdentOffExit(const PubKey& pk) { LogInfo(Name(), " kicking ", pk, " off exit"); huint128_t ip = m_KeyToIP[pk]; m_KeyToIP.erase(pk); m_IPToKey.erase(ip); auto range = m_ActiveExits.equal_range(pk); auto exit_itr = range.first; while (exit_itr != range.second) exit_itr = m_ActiveExits.erase(exit_itr); } void ExitEndpoint::MarkIPActive(huint128_t ip) { m_IPActivity[ip] = GetRouter()->Now(); } void ExitEndpoint::OnInetPacket(net::IPPacket pkt) { m_InetToNetwork.Emplace(std::move(pkt)); } bool ExitEndpoint::QueueSNodePacket(const llarp_buffer_t& buf, huint128_t from) { net::IPPacket pkt; if (!pkt.Load(buf)) return false; // rewrite ip if (m_UseV6) pkt.UpdateIPv6Address(from, m_IfAddr); else pkt.UpdateIPv4Address(xhtonl(net::TruncateV6(from)), xhtonl(net::TruncateV6(m_IfAddr))); return m_NetIf and m_NetIf->WritePacket(std::move(pkt)); } exit::Endpoint* ExitEndpoint::FindEndpointByPath(const PathID_t& path) { exit::Endpoint* endpoint = nullptr; PubKey pk; { auto itr = m_Paths.find(path); if (itr == m_Paths.end()) return nullptr; pk = itr->second; } { auto itr = m_ActiveExits.find(pk); if (itr != m_ActiveExits.end()) { if (itr->second->PubKey() == pk) endpoint = itr->second.get(); } } return endpoint; } bool ExitEndpoint::UpdateEndpointPath(const PubKey& remote, const PathID_t& next) { // check if already mapped auto itr = m_Paths.find(next); if (itr != m_Paths.end()) return false; m_Paths.emplace(next, remote); return true; } void ExitEndpoint::Configure(const NetworkConfig& networkConfig, const DnsConfig& dnsConfig) { /* * TODO: pre-config refactor, this was checking a couple things that were extremely vague * these could have appeared on either [dns] or [network], but they weren't documented * anywhere * if (k == "type" && v == "null") { m_ShouldInitTun = false; return true; } if (k == "exit") { m_PermitExit = IsTrueValue(v.c_str()); return true; } */ if (networkConfig.m_endpointType == "null") { m_ShouldInitTun = false; } m_LocalResolverAddr = dnsConfig.m_bind; m_UpstreamResolvers = dnsConfig.m_upstreamDNS; m_OurRange = networkConfig.m_ifaddr; if (!m_OurRange.addr.h) { const auto maybe = llarp::FindFreeRange(); if (not maybe.has_value()) throw std::runtime_error("cannot find free interface range"); m_OurRange = *maybe; } const auto host_str = m_OurRange.BaseAddressString(); // string, or just a plain char array? m_IfAddr = m_OurRange.addr; m_NextAddr = m_IfAddr; m_HigestAddr = m_OurRange.HighestAddr(); m_UseV6 = not m_OurRange.IsV4(); m_ifname = networkConfig.m_ifname; if (m_ifname.empty()) { const auto maybe = llarp::FindFreeTun(); if (not maybe.has_value()) throw std::runtime_error("cannot find free interface name"); m_ifname = *maybe; } LogInfo(Name(), " set ifname to ", m_ifname); if (auto* quic = GetQUICTunnel()) { quic->listen([ifaddr = net::TruncateV6(m_IfAddr)](std::string_view, uint16_t port) { return llarp::SockAddr{ifaddr, huint16_t{port}}; }); } // TODO: "exit-whitelist" and "exit-blacklist" // (which weren't originally implemented) } huint128_t ExitEndpoint::ObtainServiceNodeIP(const RouterID& other) { const PubKey pubKey{other}; const PubKey us{m_Router->pubkey()}; // just in case if (pubKey == us) return m_IfAddr; huint128_t ip = GetIPForIdent(pubKey); if (m_SNodeKeys.emplace(pubKey).second) { auto session = std::make_shared( other, std::bind(&ExitEndpoint::QueueSNodePacket, this, std::placeholders::_1, ip), GetRouter(), 2, 1, true, this); // this is a new service node make an outbound session to them m_SNodeSessions[other] = session; } return ip; } quic::TunnelManager* ExitEndpoint::GetQUICTunnel() { return m_QUIC.get(); } bool ExitEndpoint::AllocateNewExit(const PubKey pk, const PathID_t& path, bool wantInternet) { if (wantInternet && !m_PermitExit) return false; path::HopHandler_ptr handler = m_Router->pathContext().GetByUpstream(m_Router->pubkey(), path); if (handler == nullptr) return false; auto ip = GetIPForIdent(pk); if (GetRouter()->pathContext().TransitHopPreviousIsRouter(path, pk.as_array())) { // we think this path belongs to a service node // mark it as such so we don't make an outbound session to them m_SNodeKeys.emplace(pk.as_array()); } m_ActiveExits.emplace( pk, std::make_unique(pk, handler, !wantInternet, ip, this)); m_Paths[path] = pk; return HasLocalMappedAddrFor(pk); } std::string ExitEndpoint::Name() const { return m_Name; } void ExitEndpoint::DelEndpointInfo(const PathID_t& path) { m_Paths.erase(path); } void ExitEndpoint::RemoveExit(const exit::Endpoint* ep) { auto range = m_ActiveExits.equal_range(ep->PubKey()); auto itr = range.first; while (itr != range.second) { if (itr->second->GetCurrentPath() == ep->GetCurrentPath()) { itr = m_ActiveExits.erase(itr); // now ep is gone af return; } ++itr; } } void ExitEndpoint::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { { auto itr = m_SNodeSessions.begin(); while (itr != m_SNodeSessions.end()) { if (itr->second->IsExpired(now)) itr = m_SNodeSessions.erase(itr); else { itr->second->Tick(now); ++itr; } } } { // expire auto itr = m_ActiveExits.begin(); while (itr != m_ActiveExits.end()) { if (itr->second->IsExpired(now)) itr = m_ActiveExits.erase(itr); else ++itr; } // pick chosen exits and tick m_ChosenExits.clear(); itr = m_ActiveExits.begin(); while (itr != m_ActiveExits.end()) { // do we have an exit set for this key? if (m_ChosenExits.find(itr->first) != m_ChosenExits.end()) { // yes if (m_ChosenExits[itr->first]->createdAt < itr->second->createdAt) { // if the iterators's exit is newer use it for the chosen exit for // key if (!itr->second->LooksDead(now)) m_ChosenExits[itr->first] = itr->second.get(); } } else if (!itr->second->LooksDead(now)) // set chosen exit if not dead for key that // doesn't have one yet m_ChosenExits[itr->first] = itr->second.get(); // tick which clears the tx rx counters itr->second->Tick(now); ++itr; } } } } // namespace handlers } // namespace llarp