#include #include namespace { using llarp::dht::Key_t; using llarp::dht::TXOwner; struct TxOwnerData { Key_t node; uint64_t id; size_t expectedHash; TxOwnerData(const Key_t& k, uint64_t i, size_t h) : node(k), id(i), expectedHash(h) { } }; struct TxOwner : public ::testing::TestWithParam< TxOwnerData > { }; TEST_F(TxOwner, default_construct) { TXOwner dc; ASSERT_TRUE(dc.node.IsZero()); ASSERT_EQ(0u, dc.txid); ASSERT_EQ(0u, TXOwner::Hash()(dc)); } TEST_P(TxOwner, hash) { // test single interactions (constructor and hash) auto d = GetParam(); TXOwner constructor(d.node, d.id); ASSERT_EQ(d.expectedHash, TXOwner::Hash()(constructor)); } std::vector< TxOwnerData > makeData() { std::vector< TxOwnerData > result; Key_t zero; zero.Zero(); Key_t one; one.Fill(0x01); Key_t two; two.Fill(0x02); uint64_t max = std::numeric_limits< uint64_t >::max(); result.emplace_back(zero, 0, 0ull); result.emplace_back(zero, 1, 1ull); result.emplace_back(one, 0, 144680345676153346ull); result.emplace_back(one, 1, 144680345676153347ull); result.emplace_back(two, 0, 289360691352306692ull); result.emplace_back(two, 2, 289360691352306694ull); result.emplace_back(zero, max, 18446744073709551615ull); result.emplace_back(one, max, 18302063728033398269ull); result.emplace_back(two, max, 18157383382357244923ull); return result; } struct TxOwnerCmpData { TXOwner lhs; TXOwner rhs; bool equal; bool less; TxOwnerCmpData(const TXOwner& l, const TXOwner& r, bool e, bool ls) : lhs(l), rhs(r), equal(e), less(ls) { } }; struct TxOwnerOps : public ::testing::TestWithParam< TxOwnerCmpData > { }; TEST_P(TxOwnerOps, operators) { // test single interactions (constructor and hash) auto d = GetParam(); ASSERT_EQ(d.lhs == d.rhs, d.equal); ASSERT_EQ(d.lhs < d.rhs, d.less); } std::vector< TxOwnerCmpData > makeCmpData() { std::vector< TxOwnerCmpData > result; Key_t zero; zero.Fill(0x00); Key_t one; one.Fill(0x01); Key_t two; two.Fill(0x02); result.emplace_back(TXOwner(zero, 0), TXOwner(zero, 0), true, false); result.emplace_back(TXOwner(one, 0), TXOwner(one, 0), true, false); result.emplace_back(TXOwner(two, 0), TXOwner(two, 0), true, false); result.emplace_back(TXOwner(zero, 0), TXOwner(one, 0), false, true); result.emplace_back(TXOwner(two, 0), TXOwner(one, 0), false, false); return result; } } // namespace INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestDhtTxOwner, TxOwner, ::testing::ValuesIn(makeData())); INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestDhtTxOwner, TxOwnerOps, ::testing::ValuesIn(makeCmpData()));