#include "outbound_message_handler.hpp" #include #include "router.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { const PathID_t OutboundMessageHandler::zeroID; using namespace std::chrono_literals; OutboundMessageHandler::OutboundMessageHandler(size_t maxQueueSize) : outboundQueue(maxQueueSize), recentlyRemovedPaths(5s), removedSomePaths(false) {} bool OutboundMessageHandler::QueueMessage( const RouterID& remote, const ILinkMessage& msg, SendStatusHandler callback) { // if the destination is invalid, callback with failure and return if (not _router->linkManager().SessionIsClient(remote) and not _router->rcLookupHandler().SessionIsAllowed(remote)) { DoCallback(callback, SendStatus::InvalidRouter); return true; } MessageQueueEntry ent; ent.router = remote; ent.inform = std::move(callback); ent.pathid = msg.pathid; ent.priority = msg.Priority(); std::array linkmsg_buffer; llarp_buffer_t buf{linkmsg_buffer}; if (!EncodeBuffer(msg, buf)) { return false; } ent.message.resize(buf.sz); std::copy_n(buf.base, buf.sz, ent.message.data()); // if we have a session to the destination, queue the message and return if (_router->linkManager().HasSessionTo(remote)) { QueueOutboundMessage(std::move(ent)); return true; } // if we don't have a session to the destination, queue the message onto // a special pending session queue for that destination, and then create // that pending session if there is not already a session establish attempt // in progress. bool shouldCreateSession = false; { util::Lock l{_mutex}; // create queue for if it doesn't exist, and get iterator auto [queue_itr, is_new] = pendingSessionMessageQueues.emplace(remote, MessageQueue()); queue_itr->second.push(std::move(ent)); shouldCreateSession = is_new; } if (shouldCreateSession) { QueueSessionCreation(remote); } return true; } void OutboundMessageHandler::Pump() { m_Killer.TryAccess([this]() { recentlyRemovedPaths.Decay(); ProcessOutboundQueue(); // TODO: this probably shouldn't be pumping, as it defeats the purpose // of having a limit on sends per tick, but chaning it is potentially bad // and requires testing so it should be changed later. if (/*bool more = */ SendRoundRobin()) _router->TriggerPump(); }); } void OutboundMessageHandler::RemovePath(const PathID_t& pathid) { m_Killer.TryAccess([this, pathid]() { /* add the path id to a list of recently removed paths to act as a filter * for messages that are queued but haven't been sorted into path queues yet. * * otherwise these messages would re-create the path queue we just removed, and * those path queues would be leaked / never removed. */ recentlyRemovedPaths.Insert(pathid); auto itr = outboundMessageQueues.find(pathid); if (itr != outboundMessageQueues.end()) { outboundMessageQueues.erase(itr); } removedSomePaths = true; }); } util::StatusObject OutboundMessageHandler::ExtractStatus() const { util::StatusObject status{ "queueStats", {{"queued", m_queueStats.queued}, {"dropped", m_queueStats.dropped}, {"sent", m_queueStats.sent}, {"queueWatermark", m_queueStats.queueWatermark}, {"perTickMax", m_queueStats.perTickMax}, {"numTicks", m_queueStats.numTicks}}}; return status; } void OutboundMessageHandler::Init(AbstractRouter* router) { _router = router; outboundMessageQueues.emplace(zeroID, MessageQueue()); } static inline SendStatus ToSendStatus(const SessionResult result) { switch (result) { case SessionResult::Establish: return SendStatus::Success; case SessionResult::Timeout: case SessionResult::EstablishFail: return SendStatus::Timeout; case SessionResult::RouterNotFound: return SendStatus::RouterNotFound; case SessionResult::InvalidRouter: return SendStatus::InvalidRouter; case SessionResult::NoLink: return SendStatus::NoLink; } throw std::invalid_argument{ stringify("SessionResult ", result, " has no corrispoding SendStatus when transforming")}; } void OutboundMessageHandler::OnSessionResult(const RouterID& router, const SessionResult result) { FinalizeSessionRequest(router, ToSendStatus(result)); } void OutboundMessageHandler::DoCallback(SendStatusHandler callback, SendStatus status) { if (callback) _router->loop()->call([f = std::move(callback), status] { f(status); }); } void OutboundMessageHandler::QueueSessionCreation(const RouterID& remote) { auto fn = util::memFn(&OutboundMessageHandler::OnSessionResult, this); _router->linkManager().GetSessionMaker()->CreateSessionTo(remote, fn); } bool OutboundMessageHandler::EncodeBuffer(const ILinkMessage& msg, llarp_buffer_t& buf) { if (!msg.BEncode(&buf)) { LogWarn("failed to encode outbound message, buffer size left: ", buf.size_left()); return false; } // set size of message buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; buf.cur = buf.base; return true; } bool OutboundMessageHandler::Send(const MessageQueueEntry& ent) { const llarp_buffer_t buf{ent.message}; m_queueStats.sent++; SendStatusHandler callback = ent.inform; return _router->linkManager().SendTo( ent.router, buf, [this, callback](ILinkSession::DeliveryStatus status) { if (status == ILinkSession::DeliveryStatus::eDeliverySuccess) DoCallback(callback, SendStatus::Success); else { DoCallback(callback, SendStatus::Congestion); } }, ent.priority); } bool OutboundMessageHandler::SendIfSession(const MessageQueueEntry& ent) { if (_router->linkManager().HasSessionTo(ent.router)) { return Send(ent); } return false; } bool OutboundMessageHandler::QueueOutboundMessage(MessageQueueEntry entry) { // copy callback in case we need to call it, so we can std::move(entry) auto callback = entry.inform; if (outboundQueue.tryPushBack(std::move(entry)) != llarp::thread::QueueReturn::Success) { m_queueStats.dropped++; DoCallback(callback, SendStatus::Congestion); } else { m_queueStats.queued++; uint32_t queueSize = outboundQueue.size(); m_queueStats.queueWatermark = std::max(queueSize, m_queueStats.queueWatermark); } return true; } void OutboundMessageHandler::ProcessOutboundQueue() { while (not outboundQueue.empty()) { MessageQueueEntry entry = outboundQueue.popFront(); // messages may still be queued for processing when a pathid is removed, // so check here if the pathid was recently removed. if (recentlyRemovedPaths.Contains(entry.pathid)) { continue; } auto [queue_itr, is_new] = outboundMessageQueues.emplace(entry.pathid, MessageQueue()); if (is_new && !entry.pathid.IsZero()) { roundRobinOrder.push(entry.pathid); } MessageQueue& path_queue = queue_itr->second; if (path_queue.size() < MAX_PATH_QUEUE_SIZE || entry.pathid.IsZero()) { path_queue.push(std::move(entry)); } else { DoCallback(entry.inform, SendStatus::Congestion); m_queueStats.dropped++; } } } bool OutboundMessageHandler::SendRoundRobin() { m_queueStats.numTicks++; // send routing messages first priority auto& routing_mq = outboundMessageQueues[zeroID]; while (not routing_mq.empty()) { const MessageQueueEntry& entry = routing_mq.top(); Send(entry); routing_mq.pop(); } size_t num_queues = roundRobinOrder.size(); // if any paths have been removed since last tick, remove any stale // entries from the round-robin ordering if (removedSomePaths) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_queues; i++) { PathID_t pathid = std::move(roundRobinOrder.front()); roundRobinOrder.pop(); if (outboundMessageQueues.find(pathid) != outboundMessageQueues.end()) { roundRobinOrder.push(std::move(pathid)); } } } removedSomePaths = false; num_queues = roundRobinOrder.size(); if (num_queues == 0) { return false; } // send messages for each pathid in roundRobinOrder, stopping when // either every path's queue is empty or a set maximum amount of // messages have been sent. size_t consecutive_empty = 0; for (size_t sent_count = 0; sent_count < MAX_OUTBOUND_MESSAGES_PER_TICK;) { PathID_t pathid = std::move(roundRobinOrder.front()); roundRobinOrder.pop(); auto& message_queue = outboundMessageQueues[pathid]; if (message_queue.size() > 0) { const MessageQueueEntry& entry = message_queue.top(); Send(entry); message_queue.pop(); consecutive_empty = 0; consecutive_empty++; } else { consecutive_empty++; } roundRobinOrder.push(std::move(pathid)); // if num_queues empty queues in a row, all queues empty. if (consecutive_empty == num_queues) { break; } } m_queueStats.perTickMax = std::max((uint32_t)consecutive_empty, m_queueStats.perTickMax); return consecutive_empty != num_queues; } void OutboundMessageHandler::FinalizeSessionRequest(const RouterID& router, SendStatus status) { MessageQueue movedMessages; { util::Lock l(_mutex); auto itr = pendingSessionMessageQueues.find(router); if (itr == pendingSessionMessageQueues.end()) { return; } movedMessages.swap(itr->second); pendingSessionMessageQueues.erase(itr); } while (!movedMessages.empty()) { const MessageQueueEntry& entry = movedMessages.top(); if (status == SendStatus::Success) { Send(entry); } else { DoCallback(entry.inform, status); } movedMessages.pop(); } } } // namespace llarp