#include "vpn/win32.hpp" #include #include #include namespace llarp::win32 { namespace { template std::string ip_to_string(T ip) { return var::visit([](auto&& ip) { return ip.ToString(); }, ip); } } // namespace void VPNPlatform::Route(std::string ip, std::string gw, std::string cmd) { llarp::win32::Exec( "route.exe", fmt::format("{} {} MASK {} METRIC {}", cmd, ip, gw, m_Metric)); } void VPNPlatform::DefaultRouteViaInterface(NetworkInterface& vpn, std::string cmd) { // route hole for loopback bacause god is dead on windows llarp::win32::Exec("route.exe", fmt::format("{} MASK", cmd)); // set up ipv4 routes RouteViaInterface(vpn, "", "", cmd); RouteViaInterface(vpn, "", "", cmd); } void VPNPlatform::RouteViaInterface( NetworkInterface& vpn, std::string addr, std::string mask, std::string cmd) { const auto& info = vpn.Info(); auto ifaddr = ip_to_string(info[0]); // this changes the last 1 to a 0 so that it routes over the interface // this is required because windows is idiotic af ifaddr.back()--; llarp::win32::Exec( "route.exe", fmt::format("{} {} MASK {} {} METRIC {}", cmd, addr, mask, ifaddr, m_Metric)); } void VPNPlatform::AddRoute(net::ipaddr_t ip, net::ipaddr_t gateway) { Route(ip_to_string(ip), ip_to_string(gateway), "ADD"); } void VPNPlatform::DelRoute(net::ipaddr_t ip, net::ipaddr_t gateway) { Route(ip_to_string(ip), ip_to_string(gateway), "DELETE"); } void VPNPlatform::AddRouteViaInterface(NetworkInterface& vpn, IPRange range) { RouteViaInterface(vpn, range.BaseAddressString(), range.NetmaskString(), "ADD"); } void VPNPlatform::DelRouteViaInterface(NetworkInterface& vpn, IPRange range) { RouteViaInterface(vpn, range.BaseAddressString(), range.NetmaskString(), "DELETE"); } std::vector VPNPlatform::GetGatewaysNotOnInterface(NetworkInterface& vpn) { std::set gateways; const auto ifaddr = vpn.Info()[0]; for (const auto& iface : Net().AllNetworkInterfaces()) { if (not iface.gateway) continue; for (const auto& range : iface.addrs) { if (not range.Contains(ifaddr)) gateways.emplace(*iface.gateway); } } return {gateways.begin(), gateways.end()}; } void VPNPlatform::AddDefaultRouteViaInterface(NetworkInterface& vpn) { // kill ipv6 llarp::win32::Exec( "WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe", "-Command (Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name \"* \" -ComponentID ms_tcpip6)"); DefaultRouteViaInterface(vpn, "ADD"); } void VPNPlatform::DelDefaultRouteViaInterface(NetworkInterface& vpn) { // restore ipv6 llarp::win32::Exec( "WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe", "-Command (Enable-NetAdapterBinding -Name \"* \" -ComponentID ms_tcpip6)"); DefaultRouteViaInterface(vpn, "DELETE"); } std::shared_ptr VPNPlatform::ObtainInterface(InterfaceInfo info, AbstractRouter* router) { return wintun::make_interface(std::move(info), router); } std::shared_ptr VPNPlatform::create_packet_io( unsigned int ifindex, const std::optional& dns_upstream_src) { // we only want do this on all interfaes with windivert if (ifindex) throw std::invalid_argument{ "cannot create packet io on explicitly specified interface, not currently supported on " "windows (yet)"}; uint16_t upstream_src_port = dns_upstream_src ? dns_upstream_src->getPort() : 0; std::string udp_filter = upstream_src_port != 0 ? fmt::format("( udp.DstPort == 53 and udp.SrcPort != {} )", upstream_src_port) : "udp.DstPort == 53"; auto filter = "outbound and ( " + udp_filter + " or tcp.DstPort == 53 )"; return WinDivert::make_interceptor(filter, [router = _ctx->router] { router->TriggerPump(); }); } } // namespace llarp::win32