- Previous android java and jni code updated to work, but with much love
still needed to make it work nicely, e.g. handling when the VPN is
turned off.
- DNS handling refactored to allow android to intercept and handle DNS
requests as we can't set the system DNS to use a high port
(and apparently Chrome ignores system DNS settings anyway)
- add packet router structure to allow separate handling of specific
intercepted traffic, e.g. UDP traffic to port 53 gets handled by our
DNS handler rather than being naively forwarded as exit traffic.
- For now, android lokinet is exit-only and hard-coded to use exit.loki
as its exit. The exit will be configurable before release, but
allowing to not use exit-only mode is more of a challenge.
- some old gitignore remnants which were matching to things we don't
want them to (and are no longer relevant) removed
- some minor changes to CI configuration
- Remove SIIT from method names & comments because we're doing IPv4
mapped addresses (::ffff:0:0/96) rather than actual SIIT
- add constructor taking a string+numeric port (and then don't allow a
port in the string).
- simplify IP string parsing by using parse_int()
- replace addrIsV4 with call to ipv6_is_mapped_ipv4 (this also fixes a
bug where addrIsV4 was not checking for leading 0s and so could return
true for a public IPv6 that happened to have ffff in the wrong spot).
* enable client relay profiling by default
* macos dns fixes
* improve peer profiling algorithm to track timeouts vs failures
* remove debug ioctl call in tuntap code
* use ub_wait instead of ub_process as that was what was there before
* const correctness
* DRY out checking for SIIT
* typofix
* correct name