You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

338 lines
8.0 KiB

#include <path/path_types.hpp>
#include <router_id.hpp>
#include <routing/message.hpp>
#include <service/intro_set.hpp>
#include <util/status.hpp>
#include <util/thread/threading.hpp>
#include <util/time.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
struct llarp_nodedb;
namespace llarp
6 years ago
struct RouterContact;
6 years ago
namespace dht
struct GotIntroMessage;
6 years ago
struct GotRouterMessage;
struct GotNameMessage;
6 years ago
} // namespace dht
6 years ago
namespace path
6 years ago
/// status of a path
enum PathStatus
6 years ago
/// Stats about all our path builds
struct BuildStats
static constexpr double MinGoodRatio = 0.25;
uint64_t attempts = 0;
uint64_t success = 0;
uint64_t fails = 0;
uint64_t timeouts = 0;
ExtractStatus() const;
SuccessRatio() const;
ToString() const;
friend std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& o, const BuildStats& st)
return o << st.ToString();
6 years ago
/// the role of this path can fulfill
6 years ago
using PathRole = int;
/// capable of any role
constexpr PathRole ePathRoleAny = 0;
6 years ago
/// outbound hs traffic capable
6 years ago
constexpr PathRole ePathRoleOutboundHS = (1 << 0);
/// inbound hs traffic capable
constexpr PathRole ePathRoleInboundHS = (1 << 1);
/// exit traffic capable
constexpr PathRole ePathRoleExit = (1 << 2);
/// service node capable
constexpr PathRole ePathRoleSVC = (1 << 3);
6 years ago
/// dht message capable
constexpr PathRole ePathRoleDHT = (1 << 4);
6 years ago
// forward declare
struct Path;
using Path_ptr = std::shared_ptr<Path>;
struct PathSet;
using PathSet_ptr = std::shared_ptr<PathSet>;
/// a set of paths owned by an entity
struct PathSet
/// maximum number of paths a path set can maintain
static constexpr size_t max_paths = 32;
/// construct
/// @params numPaths the number of paths to maintain
PathSet(size_t numPaths);
/// get a shared_ptr of ourself
virtual PathSet_ptr
GetSelf() = 0;
virtual void
BuildOne(PathRole roles = ePathRoleAny) = 0;
/// manual build on these hops
virtual void
Build(const std::vector<RouterContact>& hops, PathRole roles = ePathRoleAny) = 0;
/// tick owned paths
virtual void
Tick(llarp_time_t now) = 0;
/// count the number of paths that will exist at this timestamp in future
NumPathsExistingAt(llarp_time_t futureTime) const;
RemovePath(Path_ptr path);
virtual void
HandlePathBuilt(Path_ptr path) = 0;
virtual void
HandlePathBuildTimeout(Path_ptr path);
virtual void
HandlePathBuildFailed(Path_ptr path);
virtual void
PathBuildStarted(Path_ptr path);
/// a path died now what?
virtual void
HandlePathDied(Path_ptr path) = 0;
GetNewestIntro(service::Introduction& intro) const;
AddPath(Path_ptr path);
6 years ago
GetByUpstream(RouterID remote, PathID_t rxid) const;
ExpirePaths(llarp_time_t now, AbstractRouter* router);
6 years ago
/// get the number of paths in this status
NumInStatus(PathStatus st) const;
6 years ago
/// get the number of paths that match the role that are available
AvailablePaths(PathRole role) const;
/// get time from event loop
virtual llarp_time_t
Now() const = 0;
/// stop this pathset and mark it as to be removed
virtual bool
Stop() = 0;
6 years ago
/// return true if we are stopped
virtual bool
IsStopped() const = 0;
/// get the "name" of this pathset
virtual std::string
Name() const = 0;
/// return true if we can and should remove this pathset and underlying
/// resources from its parent context
virtual bool
ShouldRemove() const = 0;
/// return true if we should build another path
virtual bool
ShouldBuildMore(llarp_time_t now) const;
6 years ago
/// return true if we need another path with the given path roles
virtual bool
ShouldBuildMoreForRoles(llarp_time_t now, PathRole roles) const;
/// return the minimum number of paths we want for given roles
virtual size_t
MinRequiredForRoles(PathRole roles) const;
6 years ago
/// return true if we should publish a new hidden service descriptor
6 years ago
virtual bool
ShouldPublishDescriptors(__attribute__((unused)) llarp_time_t now) const
6 years ago
return false;
6 years ago
virtual void
BlacklistSNode(const RouterID) = 0;
6 years ago
/// override me in subtype
virtual bool HandleGotIntroMessage(std::shared_ptr<const dht::GotIntroMessage>)
return false;
/// override me in subtype
virtual bool HandleGotRouterMessage(std::shared_ptr<const dht::GotRouterMessage>)
return false;
/// override me in subtype
virtual bool HandleGotNameMessage(std::shared_ptr<const dht::GotNameMessage>)
return false;
virtual routing::IMessageHandler*
return nullptr;
GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(RouterID router, PathRole roles = ePathRoleAny) const;
6 years ago
PickRandomEstablishedPath(PathRole roles = ePathRoleAny) const;
6 years ago
6 years ago
GetPathByRouter(RouterID router, PathRole roles = ePathRoleAny) const;
GetNewestPathByRouter(RouterID router, PathRole roles = ePathRoleAny) const;
GetRandomPathByRouter(RouterID router, PathRole roles = ePathRoleAny) const;
6 years ago
GetPathByID(PathID_t id) const;
6 years ago
GetByEndpointWithID(RouterID router, PathID_t id) const;
std::set<service::Introduction>& intros,
std::function<bool(const service::Introduction&)> filter) const;
GetCurrentIntroductions(std::set<service::Introduction>& intros) const;
6 years ago
virtual bool
PublishIntroSet(const service::EncryptedIntroSet&, AbstractRouter*)
6 years ago
return false;
6 years ago
/// reset all cooldown timers
virtual void
ResetInternalState() = 0;
virtual bool
llarp_nodedb* db,
const std::set<RouterID>& prev,
RouterContact& cur,
size_t hop,
PathRole roles) = 0;
virtual bool
BuildOneAlignedTo(const RouterID endpoint) = 0;
virtual void
SendPacketToRemote(const llarp_buffer_t& pkt) = 0;
ForEachPath(std::function<void(const Path_ptr&)> visit) const
De-abseil, part 2: mutex, locks, (most) time - util::Mutex is now a std::shared_timed_mutex, which is capable of exclusive and shared locks. - util::Lock is still present as a std::lock_guard<util::Mutex>. - the locking annotations are preserved, but updated to the latest supported by clang rather than using abseil's older/deprecated ones. - ACQUIRE_LOCK macro is gone since we don't pass mutexes by pointer into locks anymore (WTF abseil). - ReleasableLock is gone. Instead there are now some llarp::util helper methods to obtain unique and/or shared locks: - `auto lock = util::unique_lock(mutex);` gets an RAII-but-also unlockable object (std::unique_lock<T>, with T inferred from `mutex`). - `auto lock = util::shared_lock(mutex);` gets an RAII shared (i.e. "reader") lock of the mutex. - `auto lock = util::unique_locks(mutex1, mutex2, mutex3);` can be used to atomically lock multiple mutexes at once (returning a tuple of the locks). This are templated on the mutex which makes them a bit more flexible than using a concrete type: they can be used for any type of lockable mutex, not only util::Mutex. (Some of the code here uses them for getting locks around a std::mutex). Until C++17, using the RAII types is painfully verbose: ```C++ // pre-C++17 - needing to figure out the mutex type here is annoying: std::unique_lock<util::Mutex> lock(mutex); // pre-C++17 and even more verbose (but at least the type isn't needed): std::unique_lock<decltype(mutex)> lock(mutex); // our compromise: auto lock = util::unique_lock(mutex); // C++17: std::unique_lock lock(mutex); ``` All of these functions will also warn (under gcc or clang) if you discard the return value. You can also do fancy things like `auto l = util::unique_lock(mutex, std::adopt_lock)` (which lets a lock take over an already-locked mutex). - metrics code is gone, which also removes a big pile of code that was only used by metrics: - llarp::util::Scheduler - llarp::thread::TimerQueue - llarp::util::Stopwatch
5 years ago
Lock_t lock(m_PathsMutex);
auto itr = m_Paths.begin();
while (itr != m_Paths.end())
UpstreamFlush(AbstractRouter* r);
DownstreamFlush(AbstractRouter* r);
size_t numPaths;
BuildStats m_BuildStats;
TickPaths(AbstractRouter* r);
using PathInfo_t = std::pair<RouterID, PathID_t>;
struct PathInfoHash
6 years ago
operator()(const PathInfo_t& i) const
return RouterID::Hash()(i.first) ^ PathID_t::Hash()(i.second);
struct PathInfoEquals
operator()(const PathInfo_t& left, const PathInfo_t& right) const
return left.first == right.first && left.second == right.second;
using Mtx_t = util::NullMutex;
using Lock_t = util::NullLock;
using PathMap_t = std::unordered_map<PathInfo_t, Path_ptr, PathInfoHash, PathInfoEquals>;
6 years ago
mutable Mtx_t m_PathsMutex;
PathMap_t m_Paths;
} // namespace path
} // namespace llarp
6 years ago