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invisible wire protocol:
as of version 0 dtls is used, future versions will use this encrypted udp
transport protocol.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].
7 years ago
7 years ago
see crypto_v0.txt
7 years ago
wire decryption:
the first 32 bytes are message authentication bytes, h
the next 32 bytes are nounce for shared secret, n
the remaining bytes are interpreted as ciphertext, x
a shared secret s is generated via TKE(initiater, recipiant, n)
next the integrity of the ciphertext is done by checking MDS(n + x, s) == h
if the ciphertext is valid then the frame is decrypted via SD(s, n, x)
wire encryption:
given variadic sized payload p, 32 byte nounce n and public encryption keys A
and B
s = TKE(A, B, n)
x = SE(s, n, p)
h = MDS(n + x, s)
the resulting data is:
h + n + x
0) intro
6 years ago
64 bytes signature, s
32 bytes nounce, n
7 years ago
32 bytes encrypted alice's transport public encryption key e
variadic bytes padding, w0
6 years ago
Alice transmits ( h + n + e + w0 ) to Bob from the transport address matching
his public transport encryption key (b.k).
w0 = "[insert variable length random padding here]"
7 years ago
n = RAND(32)
6 years ago
e = SE(a.k, HS(b.k + n), n[0:24])
S = TKE(a.k, b.k, n)
s = S(a.k.privkey, n + e + w0 )
6 years ago
Bob recieves ( s + n + e + w0 )
1) intro ack
sent in reply to an intro, bob sends an intro ack encrypted to Alice using
6 years ago
64 bytes signature, s
32 bytes nounce, n
32 bytes ciphertext, x
variadic bytes padding, w1
w1 = "[insert variable length random padding here]"
token = RAND(32)
k = TKE(a.k, b.k, n)
x = SE(k, token, n[0:24])
6 years ago
s = S(b.k.privkey, n + x + w1)
6 years ago
Bob transmits ( s + n + x + w1 ), r is ignored and discarded
Alice recieves ( s + n + x + w1 ) and verifies the signature silently
dropping if it does not match.
2) session start
Alice uses the token from bob to start the wire session
32 bytes hmac, h
32 bytes nounce, n
32 bytes ciphertext, x
variadic byttes padding, w2
T = HS(token + n)
w2 = "[insert variable length random padding here]"
K = TKE(a.k, b.k, T)
x = SE(K, token, n[0:24])
h = MDS(n + x + w2, K)
Alice transmits ( h + n + x + w2 )
Bob recieves ( h + n + x + w2) and verifies that h == MDS(n + x, k) silently
drops if not matching
the session is now established with session key K,
Bob replies by transmitting a LIM
IWP payload format:
32 bytes hmac, h
32 bytes nounce, n
N bytes of ciphertext, x
plaintext header, H
8 bits protocol version, v (currently 0)
8 bits message type, t
12 bits payload size, s
4 bits flags, f
plaintext payload: P
s bytes of data
N bytes remaining data is discarded
D = H + P
x = SE(D, S, n)
h = MDS(n + x, S)
Alice transmits h + n + x
Bob recieves recieve h + n + x
Bob checks hmac by verifying h == MDS(n + x, S)
if the hmac fails the data is silently dropped
verify h == MDS(n + x, S)
D = SD(x, S, n)
H = D[0:4]
P = D[4:4+H.s]
message types:
6 years ago
ALIV = 0x00
keepalive message
XMIT = 0x01
begin link layer message transmission
ACKS = 0x02
acknolege link layer message fragment
FRAG = 0x03
transmit link layer message fragment
this session is now invalidated and a new session is required
high packet drop detected
the network uses an mtu greater than 1488 bytes
indicates we want to do protocol upgrade (future use)
XMIT payload:
start transmiting a link layer message
msg_bytes = BE(msg)
32 bytes hash of message computed by HS(msg_bytes)
64 bits unsigned int message id
12 bits unsigned int fragment size bytes, s
4 bits unsigned int nonzero number of fragments, n
8 bits size of last fragment in bytes, l
8 bits reserved flags, f
if f MSB is set then last fragment is included and is l bytes long
f's MSB MUST be set as of protocol version 0.
msg_bytes is s * (n - 1) + l bytes long
FRAG payload:
transmit a link layer message fragment
64 bits message id
4 bits ignored
4 bits unsigned int fragment number
remaining bytes of payload are fragment data
ACKS payload:
indicates we which chunks we have recieved
64 bits message id
16 bits bitmask of chunks we have received
remaining bytes discarded
control flow:
To transmit link message over an established session the transmitter sends an
XMIT frame.
In reply to an XMIT frame the recipiant MUST send an ACKS frame with an emtpy
After the transmitter recieves the first ACKS frame it is allowed to start
sending FRAG messages.
When all fragmenets are obtained by the recipiant, the recipiant sends an ACKS
frame with a full bitfield (0xFFFF), to indicate the link message was recieved.
In the event of packet drop the sender decides when to retransmit FRAG frames
with expontential backoff.
In the event of packet loss greater than 50% over 10 second the session is
invalidated and must be renegotiated with a new handshake.