You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

150 lines
3.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include "llarp/service/address.hpp"
#include "llarp/service/convotag.hpp"
#include "llarp/service/protocol_type.hpp"
#include "router_id.hpp"
#include "llarp/ev/ev.hpp"
#include "llarp/dns/srv_data.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <set>
#include "oxenc/variant.h"
#include <quic.hpp>
namespace llarp
namespace quic
class TunnelManager;
namespace dns
class Server;
class EndpointBase
std::unordered_set<dns::SRVData> m_SRVRecords;
virtual ~EndpointBase() = default;
using AddressVariant_t = std::variant<service::Address, RouterID>;
struct SendStat
/// how many routing messages we sent to them
uint64_t messagesSend;
/// how many routing messages we got from them
uint64_t messagesRecv;
/// how many convos have we had to this guy total?
size_t numTotalConvos;
/// current estimated rtt
Duration_t estimatedRTT;
/// last time point when we sent a message to them
Duration_t lastSendAt;
/// last time point when we got a message from them
Duration_t lastRecvAt;
/// info about a quic mapping
struct QUICMappingInfo
/// srv data if it was provided
std::optional<dns::SRVData> srv;
/// address we are bound on
SockAddr localAddr;
/// the remote's lns name if we have one
std::optional<std::string> remoteName;
/// the remote's address
AddressVariant_t remoteAddr;
/// the remote's port we are connecting to
uint16_t remotePort;
/// maybe get quic mapping info given its stream id
/// returns std::nullopt if we have no stream given that id
GetQUICMappingInfoByID(int stream_id) const;
/// add an srv record to this endpoint's descriptor
PutSRVRecord(dns::SRVData srv);
/// get dns serverr if we have on on this endpoint
virtual std::shared_ptr<dns::Server>
DNS() const
return nullptr;
/// called when srv data changes in some way
virtual void
SRVRecordsChanged() = 0;
/// remove srv records from this endpoint that match a filter
/// for each srv record call it with filter, remove if filter returns true
/// return if we removed any srv records
DelSRVRecordIf(std::function<bool(const dns::SRVData&)> filter);
/// get copy of all srv records
SRVRecords() const;
/// get statistics about how much traffic we sent and recv'd to a remote endpoint
virtual std::optional<SendStat>
GetStatFor(AddressVariant_t remote) const = 0;
/// list all remote endpoint addresses we have that are mapped
virtual std::unordered_set<AddressVariant_t>
AllRemoteEndpoints() const = 0;
/// get our local address
virtual AddressVariant_t
LocalAddress() const = 0;
virtual quic::TunnelManager*
GetQUICTunnel() = 0;
virtual std::optional<AddressVariant_t>
GetEndpointWithConvoTag(service::ConvoTag tag) const = 0;
virtual std::optional<service::ConvoTag>
GetBestConvoTagFor(AddressVariant_t addr) const = 0;
virtual bool
AddressVariant_t addr,
std::function<void(std::optional<service::ConvoTag>)> hook,
llarp_time_t timeout) = 0;
virtual void
lookup_name(std::string name, std::function<void(oxen::quic::message)> func) = 0;
virtual const EventLoop_ptr&
Loop() = 0;
virtual bool
1 year ago
send_to(service::ConvoTag tag, std::string payload) = 0;
4 years ago
/// lookup srv records async
virtual void
std::string name,
std::string service,
std::function<void(std::vector<dns::SRVData>)> resultHandler) = 0;
virtual void
MarkAddressOutbound(service::Address remote) = 0;
} // namespace llarp