You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

383 lines
12 KiB

#include <llarp/dns_dotlokilookup.hpp>
#include <llarp/handlers/tun.hpp>
#include <llarp/service/context.hpp>
std::string const default_chars =
6 years ago
#include <random>
random_string(size_t len = 15, std::string const &allowed_chars = default_chars)
std::mt19937_64 gen{std::random_device()()};
6 years ago
std::uniform_int_distribution< size_t > dist{0, allowed_chars.length() - 1};
6 years ago
std::string ret;
6 years ago
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(ret), len,
[&] { return allowed_chars[dist(gen)]; });
return ret;
struct check_query_simple_request
const struct sockaddr *from; // source
dnsd_question_request *request;
std::unordered_map< std::string, struct dnsd_query_hook_response * >
6 years ago
llarp_dotlokilookup_checkQuery(void *u, __attribute__((unused)) uint64_t orig,
uint64_t left)
// struct check_query_request *request = static_cast< struct
// check_query_request * >(u);
struct check_query_simple_request *qr =
6 years ago
static_cast< struct check_query_simple_request * >(u);
dotLokiLookup *dll = (dotLokiLookup *)qr->request->context->user;
6 years ago
llarp::LogError("DNSd dotLokiLookup is not configured");
write404_dnss_response(qr->from, qr->request);
delete qr;
// we do have result
// if so send that
// else
// if we have a free private ip, send that
llarp::service::Address addr;
llarp::LogWarn("Could not base32 decode address: ",
write404_dnss_response(qr->from, qr->request);
delete qr;
// cache hit
auto itr = loki_tld_lookup_cache.find(addr.ToString());
if(itr != loki_tld_lookup_cache.end())
llarp::LogDebug("Found in .loki lookup cache");
writesend_dnss_response(itr->second->returnThis, qr->from, qr->request);
delete qr;
struct dns_pointer *free_private = dns_iptracker_get_free(dll->ip_tracker);
// in_addr ip_address = ((sockaddr_in *)free_private->hostResult)->sin_addr;
6 years ago
llarp::service::Context *routerHiddenServiceContext =
6 years ago
(llarp::service::Context *)dll->user;
llarp::LogWarn("dotLokiLookup user isnt a service::Context: ", dll->user);
write404_dnss_response(qr->from, qr->request);
delete qr;
6 years ago
6 years ago
llarp::huint32_t *tunIp =
new llarp::huint32_t(routerHiddenServiceContext->GetIpForAddr(addr));
llarp::LogWarn("dotLokiLookup failed to map address");
write404_dnss_response(qr->from, qr->request);
delete qr;
bool mapResult = routerHiddenServiceContext->MapAddressAll(
addr, free_private->hostResult);
llarp::LogWarn("dotLokiLookup failed to map address");
write404_dnss_response(qr->from, qr->request);
delete qr;
// make a dnsd_query_hook_response for the cache
dnsd_query_hook_response *response = new dnsd_query_hook_response;
response->dontLookUp = true;
response->dontSendResponse = false;
// llarp::Addr test(*free_private->hostResult.getSockAddr());
// llarp::LogInfo("IP Test: ", test);
// response->returnThis = &free_private->hostResult;
response->returnThis = tunIp;
llarp::LogInfo("Saving ", qr->request->;
loki_tld_lookup_cache[qr->request->] = response;
// we can't delete response now...
6 years ago
llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *tunEndpoint =
(llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *)dll->user;
if (!tunEndpoint)
llarp::LogWarn("dotLokiLookup user isnt a tunEndpoint: ", dll->user);
bool mapResult = tunEndpoint->MapAddress(addr,
free_private->hostResult.tohl()); if(!mapResult)
delete qr;
llarp::huint32_t foundAddr;
if(!routerHiddenServiceContext->FindBestAddressFor(addr, foundAddr))
write404_dnss_response(qr->from, qr->request);
delete qr;
// make a dnsd_query_hook_response for the cache
6 years ago
dnsd_query_hook_response *response = new dnsd_query_hook_response;
response->dontLookUp = true;
response->dontSendResponse = false;
6 years ago
// we can't delete response now...
6 years ago
// sockaddr_in saddr;
// saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
// saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = llarp::xhtonl(foundAddr).n;
// FIXME: flush cache to disk
// on crash we'll need to bring up all the same IPs we assigned before...
6 years ago
writesend_dnss_response(&foundAddr, qr->from, qr->request);
delete qr;
std::vector< std::string >
split(std::string str)
size_t pos = 0;
std::string token;
std::string s(str);
std::vector< std::string > tokens;
while((pos = s.find(".")) != std::string::npos)
token = s.substr(0, pos);
6 years ago
// llarp::LogInfo("token [", token, "]");
s.erase(0, pos + 1);
token = s.substr(0, pos);
6 years ago
// llarp::LogInfo("token [", token, "]");
return tokens;
struct reverse_handler_iter_context
std::string lName;
const struct sockaddr *from;
const struct dnsd_question_request *request;
#if defined(ANDROID) || defined(RPI)
static int
stoi(const std::string &s)
return atoi(s.c_str());
ReverseHandlerIter(struct llarp::service::Context::endpoint_iter *endpointCfg)
reverse_handler_iter_context *context =
(reverse_handler_iter_context *)endpointCfg->user;
// llarp::LogInfo("context ", context->request->;
// llarp::LogInfo("Checking ", lName);
llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *tunEndpoint =
(llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *)endpointCfg->endpoint;
llarp::LogError("No tunnel endpoint found");
return true; // still continue
// llarp::LogInfo("for ", tunEndpoint->tunif.ifaddr);
std::string checkStr(tunEndpoint->tunif.ifaddr);
std::vector< std::string > tokensSearch = split(context->lName);
std::vector< std::string > tokensCheck = split(checkStr);
6 years ago
// well the tunif is just one ip on a network range...
6 years ago
// support ""
size_t searchTokens = tokensSearch.size();
std::string searchIp = tokensSearch[searchTokens - 3] + "."
+ tokensSearch[searchTokens - 4] + "." + tokensSearch[searchTokens - 5]
+ "." + tokensSearch[searchTokens - 6];
std::string checkIp = tokensCheck[0] + "." + tokensCheck[1] + "."
+ tokensCheck[2] + "." + tokensCheck[3];
llarp::LogDebug(searchIp, " vs ", checkIp);
6 years ago
llarp::IPRange range = llarp::iprange_ipv4(
stoi(tokensCheck[0]), stoi(tokensCheck[1]), stoi(tokensCheck[2]),
stoi(tokensCheck[3]), tunEndpoint->tunif.netmask); // create range
// hack atm to work around limitations in ipaddr_ipv4_bits and llarp::IPRange
6 years ago
llarp::huint32_t searchIPv4_fixed = llarp::ipaddr_ipv4_bits(
stoi(tokensSearch[searchTokens - 6]),
stoi(tokensSearch[searchTokens - 5]),
stoi(tokensSearch[searchTokens - 4]),
6 years ago
stoi(tokensSearch[searchTokens - 3])); // create ip
6 years ago
llarp::huint32_t searchIPv4_search = llarp::ipaddr_ipv4_bits(
stoi(tokensSearch[searchTokens - 3]),
stoi(tokensSearch[searchTokens - 4]),
stoi(tokensSearch[searchTokens - 5]),
6 years ago
stoi(tokensSearch[searchTokens - 6])); // create ip
6 years ago
// bool inRange = range.Contains(searchAddr.xtohl());
bool inRange = range.Contains(searchIPv4_search);
llarp::Addr searchAddr(searchIp);
llarp::Addr checkAddr(checkIp);
6 years ago
llarp::LogDebug(searchAddr, " vs ", range, " = ",
6 years ago
inRange ? "inRange" : "not match");
6 years ago
llarp::service::Address addr =
6 years ago
tunEndpoint->ObtainAddrForIP< llarp::service::Address >(
6 years ago
(dnsd_question_request *)context->request);
6 years ago
// llarp::LogInfo("Returning [", addr.ToString(), "]");
writesend_dnss_revresponse(addr.ToString(), context->from,
6 years ago
(dnsd_question_request *)context->request);
return false;
return true; // we don't do anything with the result yet
dnsd_query_hook_response *
llarp_dotlokilookup_handler(std::string name, const struct sockaddr *from,
struct dnsd_question_request *const request)
dnsd_query_hook_response *response = new dnsd_query_hook_response;
response->dontLookUp = false;
response->dontSendResponse = false;
response->returnThis = nullptr;
llarp::LogDebug("Hooked ", name);
std::string lName = name;
std::transform(lName.begin(), lName.end(), lName.begin(), ::tolower);
// llarp::LogDebug("Transformed ", lName);
6 years ago
if(lName.find("") != std::string::npos)
// llarp::LogDebug("Checking ", lName);
dotLokiLookup *dll = (dotLokiLookup *)request->context->user;
llarp::service::Context *routerHiddenServiceContext =
(llarp::service::Context *)dll->user;
llarp::LogWarn("dotLokiLookup user isnt a service::Context: ", dll->user);
return response;
// llarp::LogDebug("Starting rev iter for ", lName);
// which range?
// for each tun interface
struct reverse_handler_iter_context context;
context.lName = lName;
context.from = from;
context.request = request;
struct llarp::service::Context::endpoint_iter i;
i.user = &context;
i.index = 0;
i.visit = &ReverseHandlerIter;
bool res = routerHiddenServiceContext->iterate(i);
6 years ago
llarp::LogDebug("Reverse is ours");
response->dontSendResponse = true; // should have already sent it
llarp::LogInfo("Reverse is not ours");
6 years ago
else if((lName.length() > 5 && lName.substr(lName.length() - 5, 5) == ".loki")
|| (lName.length() > 6
&& lName.substr(lName.length() - 6, 6) == ".loki."))
llarp::LogInfo("Detect Loki Lookup for ", lName);
auto cache_check = loki_tld_lookup_cache.find(lName);
if(cache_check != loki_tld_lookup_cache.end())
// was in cache
llarp::LogInfo("Reused address from LokiLookupCache");
// FIXME: avoid the response allocation if you could
delete response;
return cache_check->second;
// decode string into HS addr
llarp::service::Address addr;
llarp::LogWarn("Could not base32 decode address");
response->dontLookUp = true; // will return nullptr which will give a 404
return response;
llarp::LogDebug("Base32 decoded address ", addr);
dotLokiLookup *dll = (dotLokiLookup *)request->context->user;
llarp::service::Context *routerHiddenServiceContext =
(llarp::service::Context *)dll->user;
llarp::LogWarn("dotLokiLookup user isnt a service::Context: ", dll->user);
return response;
// start path build early (if you're looking it up, you're probably going to
// use it)
6 years ago
// main_router_prefetch(ctx, addr);
// schedule future response
check_query_simple_request *qr = new check_query_simple_request;
qr->from = from;
qr->request = request;
auto tun = routerHiddenServiceContext->getFirstTun();
llarp_dotlokilookup_checkQuery(qr, 0, 0);
response->dontSendResponse = true; // will send it shortly
return response;
// nslookup on osx is about 5 sec before a retry, 2s on linux
6 years ago
{2000, qr, &llarp_dotlokilookup_checkQuery});
response->dontSendResponse = true; // will send it shortly
return response;