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Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
#pragma once
// C-linkage wrappers for interacting with a lokinet context, so that we can call them from Swift
// code (which currently doesn't support C++ interoperability at all).
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
/// C callback function for us to invoke when we need to write a packet
typedef void(packet_writer_callback)(int af, const void* data, size_t size, void* ctx);
/// C callback function to invoke once we are ready to start receiving packets
typedef void(start_reading_callback)(void* ctx);
/// C callback that bridges things into NSLog
typedef void(ns_logger_callback)(const char* msg);
/// Initializes a lokinet instance by initializing various objects and loading the configuration
/// (if {config_dir}/lokinet.ini exists). Does not actually start lokinet (call llarp_apple_start
/// for that).
/// Returns NULL if there was a problem initializing/loading the configuration, otherwise returns
/// an opaque void pointer that should be passed into the other llarp_apple_* functions.
/// \param logger a logger callback that we pass log messages to to relay them (i.e. via NSLog).
/// \param config_dir the lokinet configuration directory where lokinet.ini can be and the various
/// other lokinet state files go.
/// \param default_bootstrap the path to the default bootstrap.signed included in installation,
/// which will be used if no explicit bootstrap is set in the config file.
/// \param ip - char buffer where we will write the primary tunnel IP address as a string such as
/// "". Will write up to 16 characters (including the null terminator). This will be
/// the tunnel IP from the lokinet.ini, if it exists and specifies a range, otherwise we'll
/// configure lokinet to use a currently-unused range and return that.
/// \param netmask the tunnel netmask as a string such as "". Will write up to 16
/// characters (including the null terminator).
/// \param dns the DNS address that should be configured to query lokinet, as a string such as
/// "". Will write up to 16 characters (including the null terminator).
ns_logger_callback ns_logger,
const char* config_dir,
const char* default_bootstrap,
char* ip,
char* netmask,
char* dns);
/// Starts the lokinet instance in a new thread.
/// \param packet_writer C function callback that will be called when we need to write a packet to
/// the packet tunnel. Will be passed AF_INET or AF_INET6, a void pointer to the data, the size
/// of the data in bytes, and the opaque callback_context pointer.
/// \param start_reading C function callback that will be called when lokinet is setup and ready
/// to start receiving packets from the packet tunnel. This should set up the read handler to
/// deliver packets via llarp_apple_incoming. This is called with a single argument of the opaque
/// callback_context pointer.
/// \param callback_context Opaque pointer that is passed into the packet_writer and start_reading
/// callback, intended to allow context to be passed through to the callbacks. This code does
/// nothing with this pointer aside from passing it through to callbacks.
/// \returns 0 on succesful startup, -1 on failure.
void* lokinet,
packet_writer_callback packet_writer,
start_reading_callback start_reading,
void* callback_context);
/// Called to deliver an incoming packet from the apple layer into lokinet; returns 0 on success,
/// -1 if the packet could not be parsed, -2 if there is no current active VPNInterface associated
/// with the lokinet (which generally means llarp_apple_start wasn't called or failed, or lokinet
/// is in the process of shutting down).
llarp_apple_incoming(void* lokinet, const void* bytes, size_t size);
/// Stops a lokinet instance created with `llarp_apple_initialize`. This waits for lokinet to
/// shut down and rejoins the thread. After this call the given pointer is no longer valid.
llarp_apple_shutdown(void* lokinet);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"