You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

208 lines
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#include "key_manager.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include <llarp/crypto/crypto.hpp>
#include <llarp/crypto/types.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/logging.hpp>
#include <system_error>
namespace llarp
5 months ago
KeyManager::KeyManager() : is_initialized(false), backup_keys(false)
5 months ago
bool KeyManager::initialize(const llarp::Config& config, bool gen_if_absent, bool is_snode)
5 months ago
if (is_initialized)
return false;
5 months ago
if (not is_snode)
5 months ago
return true;
5 months ago
const fs::path root = config.router.data_dir;
// utility function to assign a path, using the specified config parameter if present and
// falling back to root / defaultName if not
auto deriveFile = [&](const std::string& defaultName, const std::string& option) {
if (option.empty())
return root / defaultName;
fs::path file(option);
if (not file.is_absolute())
file = root / file;
return file;
rc_path = deriveFile(our_rc_filename, config.router.rc_file);
idkey_path = deriveFile(our_identity_filename, config.router.idkey_file);
enckey_path = deriveFile(our_enc_key_filename, config.router.enckey_file);
transkey_path = deriveFile(our_transport_key_filename, config.router.transkey_file);
RemoteRC rc;
if (auto exists =; not exists)
if (not gen_if_absent)
log::error(logcat, "Could not read RC at path {}", rc_path);
return false;
if (backup_keys = (is_snode and not rc.verify()); backup_keys)
auto err = "RC (path:{}) is invalid or out of date"_format(rc_path);
if (not gen_if_absent)
log::error(logcat, err);
return false;
log::warning(logcat, "{}; backing up and regenerating private keys...", err);
if (not copy_backup_keyfiles())
log::error(logcat, "Failed to copy-backup key files");
return false;
5 months ago
// load encryption key
auto enckey_gen = [](llarp::SecretKey& key) { llarp::crypto::encryption_keygen(key); };
if (not keygen(enckey_path, encryption_key, enckey_gen))
5 months ago
logcat, "KeyManager::keygen failed to generate encryption key line:{}", __LINE__);
return false;
5 months ago
// TODO: transport key (currently done in LinkLayer)
auto transkey_gen = [](llarp::SecretKey& key) {
5 months ago
if (not keygen(transkey_path, transport_key, transkey_gen))
logcat, "KeyManager::keygen failed to generate transport key line:{}", __LINE__);
return false;
5 months ago
if (not config.router.is_relay)
// load identity key or create if needed
auto idkey_gen = [](llarp::SecretKey& key) {
// TODO: handle generating from service node seed
if (not keygen(idkey_path, identity_key, idkey_gen))
logcat, "KeyManager::keygen failed to generate identity key line:{}", __LINE__);
return false;
5 months ago
is_initialized = true;
return true;
5 months ago
bool KeyManager::copy_backup_keyfile(const fs::path& filepath)
5 months ago
auto findFreeBackupFilename = [](const fs::path& filepath) {
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
std::string ext("." + std::to_string(i) + ".bak");
fs::path newPath = filepath;
newPath += ext;
if (not fs::exists(newPath))
return newPath;
return fs::path();
std::error_code ec;
bool exists = fs::exists(filepath, ec);
if (ec)
LogError("Could not determine status of file ", filepath, ": ", ec.message());
return false;
5 months ago
if (not exists)
LogInfo("File ", filepath, " doesn't exist; no backup needed");
return true;
5 months ago
fs::path newFilepath = findFreeBackupFilename(filepath);
if (newFilepath.empty())
LogWarn("Could not find an appropriate backup filename for", filepath);
return false;
5 months ago
LogInfo("Backing up (moving) key file ", filepath, " to ", newFilepath, "...");
5 months ago
fs::rename(filepath, newFilepath, ec);
if (ec)
LogError("Failed to move key file ", ec.message());
return false;
return true;
5 months ago
bool KeyManager::copy_backup_keyfiles() const
std::vector<fs::path> files = {rc_path, idkey_path, enckey_path, transkey_path};
5 months ago
for (auto& filepath : files)
if (not copy_backup_keyfile(filepath))
return false;
5 months ago
return true;
5 months ago
bool KeyManager::keygen(
fs::path path, llarp::SecretKey& key, std::function<void(llarp::SecretKey& key)> keygen)
5 months ago
if (not fs::exists(path))
LogInfo("Generating new key", path);
if (!key.SaveToFile(path))
LogError("Failed to save new key");
return false;
LogDebug("Loading key from file ", path);
return key.LoadFromFile(path);
} // namespace llarp