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Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <NetworkExtension/NetworkExtension.h>
#include "context_wrapper.h"
#include "DNSTrampoline.h"
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
@interface LLARPPacketTunnel : NEPacketTunnelProvider
void* lokinet;
@public NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings* settings;
@public NEIPv4Route* tun_route4;
@public NEIPv6Route* tun_route6;
LLARPDNSTrampoline* dns_tramp;
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
- (void)startTunnelWithOptions:(NSDictionary<NSString*, NSObject*>*)options
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError* error))completionHandler;
- (void)stopTunnelWithReason:(NEProviderStopReason)reason
completionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler;
- (void)handleAppMessage:(NSData*)messageData
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSData* responseData))completionHandler;
- (void)readPackets;
- (void)updateNetworkSettings;
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
static void nslogger(const char* msg) { NSLog(@"%s", msg); }
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
static void packet_writer(int af, const void* data, size_t size, void* ctx) {
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
if (ctx == nil || data == nil)
NSData* buf = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:(void*)data length:size freeWhenDone:NO];
LLARPPacketTunnel* t = (__bridge LLARPPacketTunnel*) ctx;
NEPacket* packet = [[NEPacket alloc] initWithData:buf protocolFamily: af];
[t.packetFlow writePacketObjects:@[packet]];
static void start_packet_reader(void* ctx) {
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
if (ctx == nil)
LLARPPacketTunnel* t = (__bridge LLARPPacketTunnel*) ctx;
[t readPackets];
static void add_ipv4_route(const char* addr, const char* netmask, void* ctx) {
NEIPv4Route* route = [[NEIPv4Route alloc]
initWithDestinationAddress: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:addr]
subnetMask: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:netmask]];
LLARPPacketTunnel* t = (__bridge LLARPPacketTunnel*) ctx;
for (NEIPv4Route* r in t->settings.IPv4Settings.includedRoutes)
if ([r.destinationAddress isEqualToString:route.destinationAddress] &&
[r.destinationSubnetMask isEqualToString:route.destinationSubnetMask])
return; // Already in the settings, nothing to add.
t->settings.IPv4Settings.includedRoutes =
[t->settings.IPv4Settings.includedRoutes arrayByAddingObject:route];
[t updateNetworkSettings];
static void del_ipv4_route(const char* addr, const char* netmask, void* ctx) {
NEIPv4Route* route = [[NEIPv4Route alloc]
initWithDestinationAddress: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:addr]
subnetMask: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:netmask]];
LLARPPacketTunnel* t = (__bridge LLARPPacketTunnel*) ctx;
NSMutableArray<NEIPv4Route*>* routes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:t->settings.IPv4Settings.includedRoutes];
for (int i = 0; i < routes.count; i++) {
if ([routes[i].destinationAddress isEqualToString:route.destinationAddress] &&
[routes[i].destinationSubnetMask isEqualToString:route.destinationSubnetMask]) {
[routes removeObjectAtIndex:i];
if (routes.count != t->settings.IPv4Settings.includedRoutes.count) {
t->settings.IPv4Settings.includedRoutes = routes;
[t updateNetworkSettings];
static void add_ipv6_route(const char* addr, int prefix, void* ctx) {
NEIPv6Route* route = [[NEIPv6Route alloc]
initWithDestinationAddress: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:addr]
networkPrefixLength: [NSNumber numberWithInt:prefix]];
LLARPPacketTunnel* t = (__bridge LLARPPacketTunnel*) ctx;
for (NEIPv6Route* r in t->settings.IPv6Settings.includedRoutes)
if ([r.destinationAddress isEqualToString:route.destinationAddress] &&
[r.destinationNetworkPrefixLength isEqualToNumber:route.destinationNetworkPrefixLength])
return; // Already in the settings, nothing to add.
t->settings.IPv6Settings.includedRoutes =
[t->settings.IPv6Settings.includedRoutes arrayByAddingObject:route];
[t updateNetworkSettings];
static void del_ipv6_route(const char* addr, int prefix, void* ctx) {
NEIPv6Route* route = [[NEIPv6Route alloc]
initWithDestinationAddress: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:addr]
networkPrefixLength: [NSNumber numberWithInt:prefix]];
LLARPPacketTunnel* t = (__bridge LLARPPacketTunnel*) ctx;
NSMutableArray<NEIPv6Route*>* routes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:t->settings.IPv6Settings.includedRoutes];
for (int i = 0; i < routes.count; i++) {
if ([routes[i].destinationAddress isEqualToString:route.destinationAddress] &&
[routes[i].destinationNetworkPrefixLength isEqualToNumber:route.destinationNetworkPrefixLength]) {
[routes removeObjectAtIndex:i];
if (routes.count != t->settings.IPv6Settings.includedRoutes.count) {
t->settings.IPv6Settings.includedRoutes = routes;
[t updateNetworkSettings];
static void add_default_route(void* ctx) {
LLARPPacketTunnel* t = (__bridge LLARPPacketTunnel*) ctx;
t->settings.IPv4Settings.includedRoutes = @[NEIPv4Route.defaultRoute];
t->settings.IPv6Settings.includedRoutes = @[NEIPv6Route.defaultRoute];
[t updateNetworkSettings];
static void del_default_route(void* ctx) {
LLARPPacketTunnel* t = (__bridge LLARPPacketTunnel*) ctx;
t->settings.IPv4Settings.includedRoutes = @[t->tun_route4];
t->settings.IPv6Settings.includedRoutes = @[t->tun_route6];
[t updateNetworkSettings];
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
@implementation LLARPPacketTunnel
- (void)readPackets
[self.packetFlow readPacketObjectsWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSArray<NEPacket*>* packets) {
if (lokinet == nil)
for (NEPacket* p in packets) {
[self readPackets];
- (void)startTunnelWithOptions:(NSDictionary<NSString*, NSObject*>*)options
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError*))completionHandler
NSString* default_bootstrap = [NSBundle.mainBundle pathForResource:@"bootstrap" ofType:@"signed"];
NSString* home = NSHomeDirectory();
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
llarp_apple_config conf = {
.config_dir = home.UTF8String,
.default_bootstrap = default_bootstrap.UTF8String,
.ns_logger = nslogger,
.packet_writer = packet_writer,
.start_reading = start_packet_reader,
.route_callbacks = {
.add_ipv4_route = add_ipv4_route,
.del_ipv4_route = del_ipv4_route,
.add_ipv6_route = add_ipv6_route,
.del_ipv6_route = del_ipv6_route,
.add_default_route = add_default_route,
.del_default_route = del_default_route
lokinet = llarp_apple_init(&conf);
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
if (!lokinet) {
NSError *init_failure = [NSError errorWithDomain:error_domain code:500 userInfo:@{@"Error": @"Failed to initialize lokinet"}];
NSLog(@"%@", [init_failure localizedDescription]);
return completionHandler(init_failure);
NSString* ip = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:conf.tunnel_ipv4_ip];
NSString* mask = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:conf.tunnel_ipv4_netmask];
// We don't have a fixed address so just stick some bogus value here:
settings = [[NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings alloc] initWithTunnelRemoteAddress:@""];
NEDNSSettings* dns = [[NEDNSSettings alloc] initWithServers:@[ip]];
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
dns.domainName = @"localhost.loki";
dns.matchDomains = @[@""];
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
// In theory, matchDomains is supposed to be set to DNS suffixes that we resolve. This seems
// highly unreliable, though: often it just doesn't work at all (perhaps only if we make ourselves
// the default route?), and even when it does work, it seems there are secret reasons that some
// domains (such as still won't work because there's some magic sauce in the OS
// that Apple engineers don't want to disclose ("This is what I expected, actually. Although I
// will not comment on what I believe is happening here", from
// So the documentation sucks and the feature doesn't appear to work, so as much as it would be
// nice to capture only .loki and .snode when not in exit mode, we can't, so capture everything
// and use our default upstream.
dns.matchDomains = @[@""];
dns.matchDomainsNoSearch = true;
dns.searchDomains = @[];
settings.DNSSettings = dns;
NWHostEndpoint* upstreamdns_ep;
if (strlen(conf.upstream_dns))
upstreamdns_ep = [NWHostEndpoint endpointWithHostname:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:conf.upstream_dns] port:@(conf.upstream_dns_port).stringValue];
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
NEIPv4Settings* ipv4 = [[NEIPv4Settings alloc] initWithAddresses:@[ip]
tun_route4 = [[NEIPv4Route alloc] initWithDestinationAddress:ip subnetMask: mask];
ipv4.includedRoutes = @[tun_route4];
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
settings.IPv4Settings = ipv4;
NSString* ip6 = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:conf.tunnel_ipv6_ip];
NSNumber* ip6_prefix = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:conf.tunnel_ipv6_prefix];
NEIPv6Settings* ipv6 = [[NEIPv6Settings alloc] initWithAddresses:@[ip6]
tun_route6 = [[NEIPv6Route alloc] initWithDestinationAddress:ip6
ipv6.includedRoutes = @[tun_route6];
settings.IPv6Settings = ipv6;
__weak LLARPPacketTunnel* weakSelf = self;
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
[self setTunnelNetworkSettings:settings completionHandler:^(NSError* err) {
if (err) {
NSLog(@"Failed to configure lokinet tunnel: %@", err);
return completionHandler(err);
LLARPPacketTunnel* strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (!strongSelf)
return completionHandler(nil);
int start_ret = llarp_apple_start(strongSelf->lokinet, (__bridge void*) strongSelf);
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
if (start_ret != 0) {
NSError *start_failure = [NSError errorWithDomain:error_domain code:start_ret userInfo:@{@"Error": @"Failed to start lokinet"}];
NSLog(@"%@", start_failure);
lokinet = nil;
return completionHandler(start_failure);
NSLog(@"Starting DNS exit mode trampoline to %@ on", upstreamdns_ep, dns_trampoline_port);
NWUDPSession* upstreamdns = [strongSelf createUDPSessionThroughTunnelToEndpoint:upstreamdns_ep fromEndpoint:nil];
strongSelf->dns_tramp = [LLARPDNSTrampoline alloc];
completionHandler:^(NSError* error) {
if (error)
NSLog(@"Error starting dns trampoline: %@", error);
return completionHandler(error);
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago
- (void)stopTunnelWithReason:(NEProviderStopReason)reason
completionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler
if (lokinet) {
lokinet = nil;
- (void)handleAppMessage:(NSData*)messageData
completionHandler:(void (^)(NSData* responseData))completionHandler
NSData* response = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:"ok" length:3 freeWhenDone:NO];
- (void)updateNetworkSettings
self.reasserting = YES;
__weak LLARPPacketTunnel* weakSelf = self;
// Apple documentation says that setting network settings to nil isn't required before setting it
// to a new value. Apple lies: both end up with a routing table that looks exactly the same (from
// both `netstat -rn` and from everything that happens in `route -n monitor`), but if we don't
// call with nil first then everything fails to route to either lokinet *and* clearnet through the
// exit, so there is apparently some special magic internal Apple state that actually *does*
// require the tunnel settings being reset with nil first.
// Thanks for the accurate documentation, Apple.
[self setTunnelNetworkSettings:nil completionHandler:^(NSError* err) {
if (err)
NSLog(@"Failed to clear lokinet tunnel settings: %@", err);
LLARPPacketTunnel* strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (strongSelf) {
[weakSelf setTunnelNetworkSettings:strongSelf->settings completionHandler:^(NSError* err) {
LLARPPacketTunnel* strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (strongSelf)
strongSelf.reasserting = NO;
if (err)
NSLog(@"Failed to reconfigure lokinet tunnel settings: %@", err);
Apple OS interface cleanup & refactoring - Add a C callback interface (context_wrapper.h) between lokinet and the objective-C code so that: - we can use objective-C (rather than objective-C++), which seems more likely to be supported by Apple into the future; - we minimize the amount of code that needs to be aware of the Apple APIs. - this replaces apple logger objective c++ implementation with a plain c++ implementation that takes a very simple C callback (provided from the obj-c code) to actually make the call to NSLog. - Add various documentation to the code of what is going on. - Send all DNS traffic to the primary IP on the tun interface. The match prefixes simply don't work as advertised, and have weird shit (like even if you get it working for some domains, "" still doesn't because of god-knows-what Apple internal politics). - Drop the dns proxy code as we don't need it anymore. - Don't use for default DNS. (We might consider the unfiltered as an alternative default, but if we do it should be a global lokinet change rather than a Mac-specific change). - Parse a lokinet.ini in the data directory, if it exists. (Since we are sandboxed, it is an app-specific "home" directory so is probably buried god knows where, but at least the GUI ought to be able to get it to let users add things to it). - This commit also adds a swift version of the PacketTunnelProvider glue, which ought to work in theory, but the *tooling* for cmake is so underdeveloped that I couldn't find any way to actually get the damn thing working. So I'm committing it here anyway (and will revert it away in the next commit) in case we someday want to switch to it. -
3 years ago