You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

210 lines
6.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include <util/str.hpp>
#include <nonstd/optional.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace llarp
/// non-templated base class for all config definition types.
struct ConfigDefinitionBase
ConfigDefinitionBase(std::string section_,
std::string name_,
bool required_,
bool multiValued_);
~ConfigDefinitionBase() {}
/// subclasses should provide their default value as a string
virtual std::string
defaultValueAsString() = 0;
/// subclasses should parse and store the provided input
virtual void
parseValue(const std::string& input) = 0;
/// subclasess should write their parsed value (not default value) as a string
virtual std::string
writeValue(bool useDefault) = 0;
std::string section;
std::string name;
bool required = false;
bool multiValued = false;
size_t numFound = 0;
template<typename T>
struct ConfigDefinition : public ConfigDefinitionBase
ConfigDefinition(std::string section_,
std::string name_,
bool required_,
bool multiValued_,
nonstd::optional<T> defaultValue_)
: ConfigDefinitionBase(section_, name_, required_, multiValued_)
, defaultValue(defaultValue_)
getValue() const
if (parsedValue)
return parsedValue.value();
else if (not required)
return defaultValue.value();
return {};
std::ostringstream oss;
if (defaultValue.has_value())
oss << defaultValue.value();
return oss.str();
parseValue(const std::string& input)
if (not multiValued and parsedValue.has_value())
throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("duplicate value for ", name,
", previous value: ", parsedValue.value()));
std::istringstream iss(input);
T t;
iss >> t;
if (
throw std::invalid_argument(stringify(input, " is not a valid ", typeid(T).name()));
parsedValue = t;
writeValue(bool useDefault)
std::ostringstream oss;
if (parsedValue.has_value())
oss << parsedValue.value();
else if (useDefault and defaultValue.has_value())
oss << defaultValue.value();
return oss.str();
nonstd::optional<T> defaultValue;
nonstd::optional<T> parsedValue; // needs to be set when parseValue() called
using ConfigDefinition_ptr = std::unique_ptr<ConfigDefinitionBase>;
// map of k:v pairs
using DefinitionMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, ConfigDefinition_ptr>;
// map of section-name to map-of-definitions
using SectionMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, DefinitionMap>;
/// A configuration holds an ordered set of ConfigDefinitions defining the allowable values and
/// their constraints and an optional set defining overrides of those values (e.g. the results
/// of a parsed config file).
struct Configuration {
SectionMap m_definitions;
addConfigOption(ConfigDefinition_ptr def);
addConfigValue(string_view section,
string_view name,
string_view value);
/// Get a config value. If the value hasn't been provided but a default has, the default will
/// be returned. If no value and no default is provided, an empty optional will be returned.
/// The type T should exactly match that provided by the definition; it is not sufficient for
/// one type to be a valid substitution for the other.
/// @param section is the section this value resides in
/// @param name is the name of the value
/// @return an optional providing the configured value, the default, or empty
/// @throws std::invalid_argument if there is no such config option or the wrong type T was
// provided
template<typename T>
nonstd::optional<T> getConfigValue(string_view section, string_view name)
ConfigDefinition_ptr& definition = lookupDefinitionOrThrow(section, name);
auto derived = dynamic_cast<const ConfigDefinition<T>*>(definition.get());
if (not derived)
throw std::invalid_argument(stringify("", typeid(T).name(),
" is the incorrect type for [", section, "]:", name));
return derived->getValue();
/// Validate the config, presumably called after parsing. This will throw an exception if the
/// parsed values do not meet the provided definition.
/// Note that this will only handle a subset of errors that may occur. Specifically, this will
/// handle errors about missing required fields, whereas errors about incorrect type,
/// duplicates, etc. are handled during parsing.
/// @throws std::invalid_argument if configuration constraints are not met
/// Generate a config string from the current config definition, optionally using overridden
/// values. The generated config will preserve insertion order of both sections and their
/// definitions.
/// Definitions which are required or have an overriden value (and useValues == true) will be
/// written normally. Otherwise, they will be written commented-out in order to provide a
/// complete documentation of the configuration file.
/// @param useValues specifies whether we use specified values (e.g. those from calls to
/// addConfigValue()) or only definitions
/// @return a string containing the config in INI format
generateINIConfig(bool useValues = false);
ConfigDefinition_ptr& lookupDefinitionOrThrow(string_view section, string_view name);
const ConfigDefinition_ptr& lookupDefinitionOrThrow(string_view section, string_view name) const;
using SectionVisitor = std::function<void(const std::string&, const DefinitionMap&)>;
void visitSections(SectionVisitor visitor) const;
using DefVisitor = std::function<void(const std::string&, const ConfigDefinition_ptr&)>;
void visitDefinitions(const std::string& section, DefVisitor visitor) const;
// track insertion order
std::vector<std::string> m_sectionOrdering;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> m_definitionOrdering;
} // namespace llarp