You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

146 lines
5.6 KiB

#include <util/printer.hpp>
#include <absl/types/variant.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
using namespace llarp;
using namespace ::testing;
struct PrintableType
std::ostream &
print(std::ostream &stream, int level, int spaces) const
stream << "PrintableType " << level << " " << spaces;
return stream;
using SingleVariant =
absl::variant< char, bool, short, int, unsigned int, const void *,
const char *, std::string, const int *,
std::pair< int, std::string >,
std::tuple< int, std::string, int >,
std::map< std::string, char >, PrintableType >;
using SingleType = std::pair< SingleVariant, Matcher< std::string > >;
class SingleValueTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam< SingleType >
TEST_P(SingleValueTest, value)
SingleType d = GetParam();
std::ostringstream stream;
Printer printer(stream, -1, -1);
absl::visit([&](const auto &x) { printer.printValue(x); }, d.first);
ASSERT_THAT(stream.str(), d.second);
static const char PTR_TYPE[] = "abacus";
static const int INT_VAL = 100;
// clang-format off
static const SingleType singleType[] = {
{char('a'), StrEq("[ 'a' ]")},
{bool(true), StrEq("[ true ]")},
{bool(false), StrEq("[ false ]")},
{short(123), StrEq("[ 123 ]")},
{int(INT_MAX - 1), StrEq("[ 2147483646 ]")},
{static_cast< unsigned int >(std::numeric_limits< int >::max()) + 1, StrEq("[ 2147483648 ]")},
{static_cast< const void * >(PTR_TYPE), AllOf(StartsWith("[ 0x"), EndsWith(" ]"))},
{static_cast< const char * >(PTR_TYPE), StrEq("[ \"abacus\" ]")},
{std::string("abacus"), StrEq("[ \"abacus\" ]")},
{static_cast< const int * >(&INT_VAL), AllOf(StartsWith("[ 0x"), EndsWith(" ]"))},
{std::pair< int, std::string >(100, "abacus"), StrEq("[ [ 100 \"abacus\" ] ]")},
{std::tuple< int, std::string, int >(100, "abacus", 123), StrEq("[ [ 100 \"abacus\" 123 ] ]")},
{std::map< std::string, char >{{"one", 'a'}, {"two", 'b'}, {"three", 'c'}}, StrEq("[ [ [ \"one\" \'a\' ] [ \"three\" \'c\' ] [ \"two\" 'b' ] ] ]")},
{PrintableType(), StrEq("[ PrintableType -2 -1 ]")},
// clang-format on
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Printer, SingleValueTest,
using SingleAttributeType =
std::tuple< std::string, SingleVariant, Matcher< std::string > >;
class SingleAttributeTest
: public ::testing::TestWithParam< SingleAttributeType >
TEST_P(SingleAttributeTest, value)
SingleAttributeType d = GetParam();
std::ostringstream stream;
Printer printer(stream, -1, -1);
[&](const auto &x) { printer.printAttribute(std::get< 0 >(d), x); },
std::get< 1 >(d));
ASSERT_THAT(stream.str(), std::get< 2 >(d));
// clang-format off
static const SingleAttributeType singleAttributeType[] = {
SingleAttributeType("our_value", char('a'), StrEq("[ our_value = 'a' ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", bool(true), StrEq("[ our_value = true ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", bool(false), StrEq("[ our_value = false ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", short(123), StrEq("[ our_value = 123 ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", int(INT_MAX - 1), StrEq("[ our_value = 2147483646 ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", static_cast< unsigned int >(std::numeric_limits< int >::max()) + 1, StrEq("[ our_value = 2147483648 ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", static_cast< const void * >(PTR_TYPE), AllOf(StartsWith("[ our_value = 0x"), EndsWith(" ]"))),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", static_cast< const char * >(PTR_TYPE), StrEq("[ our_value = \"abacus\" ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", std::string("abacus"), StrEq("[ our_value = \"abacus\" ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", static_cast< const int * >(&INT_VAL), AllOf(StartsWith("[ our_value = 0x"), EndsWith(" ]"))),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", std::pair< int, std::string >(100, "abacus"), StrEq("[ our_value = [ 100 \"abacus\" ] ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", std::tuple< int, std::string, int >(100, "abacus", 123), StrEq("[ our_value = [ 100 \"abacus\" 123 ] ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", std::map< std::string, char >{{"one", 'a'}, {"two", 'b'}, {"three", 'c'}}, StrEq("[ our_value = [ [ \"one\" \'a\' ] [ \"three\" \'c\' ] [ \"two\" 'b' ] ] ]")),
SingleAttributeType("our_value", PrintableType(), StrEq("[ our_value = PrintableType -2 -1 ]")),
// clang-format on
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Printer, SingleAttributeTest,
using ManyAttributes =
std::pair< std::vector< std::pair< std::string, SingleVariant > >,
Matcher< std::string > >;
class ManyAttributesTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam< ManyAttributes >
TEST_P(ManyAttributesTest, value)
ManyAttributes d = GetParam();
std::ostringstream stream;
Printer printer(stream, -1, -1);
std::for_each(d.first.begin(), d.first.end(), [&](const auto &y) {
std::string n = y.first;
const auto &v = y.second;
absl::visit([&](const auto &x) { printer.printAttribute(n, x); }, v);
ASSERT_THAT(stream.str(), d.second);
// clang-format off
static const ManyAttributes manyAttributes[] = {
{{{"val", 1}, {"v2", 2}, {"v3", 3}, {"str", std::string("xxx")}}, StrEq("[ val = 1 v2 = 2 v3 = 3 str = \"xxx\" ]")},
{{{"str", std::string("xxx")}}, StrEq("[ str = \"xxx\" ]")}
// clang-format on
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Printer, ManyAttributesTest,