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#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <crypto/crypto.hpp>
#include <crypto/crypto_libsodium.hpp>
#include <string_view>
#include <router_contact.hpp>
#include <iwp/iwp.hpp>
#include <util/meta/memfn.hpp>
#include <messages/link_message_parser.hpp>
#include <messages/discard.hpp>
#include <util/time.hpp>
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG __FILE__
namespace iwp = llarp::iwp;
namespace util = llarp::util;
/// make an iwp link
template <bool inbound, typename... Args_t>
static llarp::LinkLayer_ptr
make_link(Args_t... args)
if (inbound)
return iwp::NewInboundLink(args...);
return iwp::NewOutboundLink(args...);
using Logic_ptr = std::shared_ptr<llarp::Logic>;
/// a single iwp link with associated keys and members to make unit tests work
struct IWPLinkContext
llarp::RouterContact rc;
llarp::IpAddress localAddr;
llarp::LinkLayer_ptr link;
std::shared_ptr<llarp::KeyManager> keyManager;
llarp::LinkMessageParser m_Parser;
llarp_ev_loop_ptr m_Loop;
/// is the test done on this context ?
bool gucci = false;
IWPLinkContext(std::string_view addr, llarp_ev_loop_ptr loop)
: localAddr{std::move(addr)}
, keyManager{std::make_shared<llarp::KeyManager>()}
, m_Parser{nullptr}
, m_Loop{std::move(loop)}
// generate keys
// set keys in rc
rc.pubkey = keyManager->identityKey.toPublic();
rc.enckey = keyManager->encryptionKey.toPublic();
template <typename Func_t>
Call(Func_t work)
HandleMessage(llarp::ILinkSession* from, const llarp_buffer_t& buf)
return m_Parser.ProcessFrom(from, buf);
/// initialize link
template <bool inbound>
InitLink(std::function<void(llarp::ILinkSession*)> established)
link = make_link<inbound>(
// getrc
[&]() -> const llarp::RouterContact& { return rc; },
// link message handler
util::memFn(&IWPLinkContext::HandleMessage, this),
// sign buffer
[&](llarp::Signature& sig, const llarp_buffer_t& buf) {
REQUIRE(llarp::CryptoManager::instance()->sign(sig, keyManager->identityKey, buf));
return true;
// established handler
[established](llarp::ILinkSession* s) {
REQUIRE(s != nullptr);
return true;
// renegotiate handler
[](llarp::RouterContact newrc, llarp::RouterContact oldrc) {
REQUIRE(newrc.pubkey == oldrc.pubkey);
return true;
// timeout handler
[&](llarp::ILinkSession*) {
FAIL("session timeout");
// session closed handler
[](llarp::RouterID) {},
// pump done handler
[]() {},
// do work function
[l = m_Loop](llarp::Work_t work) { l->call_soon(work); });
m_Loop, llarp::net::LoopbackInterfaceName(), AF_INET, *localAddr.getPort()));
if (inbound)
// only add address info on the recipiant's rc
// sign rc
REQUIRE(keyManager != nullptr);
using Context_ptr = std::shared_ptr<IWPLinkContext>;
/// run an iwp unit test after setup
/// call take 2 parameters, test and a timeout
/// test is a callable that takes 5 arguments:
/// 0) std::function<Logic_ptr(void)> that starts the iwp links and gives a logic to call with
/// 1) std::function<void(void)> that ends the unit test if we are done
/// 2) std::function<void(void)> that ends the unit test right now as a success
/// 3) client iwp link context (shared_ptr)
/// 4) relay iwp link context (shared_ptr)
/// timeout is a std::chrono::duration that tells the driver how long to run the unit test for
/// before it should assume failure of unit test
template <typename Func_t, typename Duration_t = std::chrono::milliseconds>
RunIWPTest(Func_t test, Duration_t timeout = 10s)
// shut up logs
llarp::LogSilencer shutup;
// set up event loop
auto logic = std::make_shared<llarp::Logic>();
auto loop = llarp_make_ev_loop();
llarp::eLogDebug, llarp::LogType::File, "stdout", "unit test", [loop](auto work) {
// turn off bogon blocking
auto oldBlockBogons = llarp::RouterContact::BlockBogons;
llarp::RouterContact::BlockBogons = false;
// set up cryptography
llarp::sodium::CryptoLibSodium crypto{};
llarp::CryptoManager manager{&crypto};
// set up client
auto initiator = std::make_shared<IWPLinkContext>("", loop);
// set up server
auto recipiant = std::make_shared<IWPLinkContext>("", loop);
// function for ending unit test on success
auto endIfDone = [initiator, recipiant, loop, logic]() {
if (initiator->gucci and recipiant->gucci)
LogicCall(logic, [loop]() { llarp_ev_loop_stop(loop); });
// function to start test and give logic to unit test
auto start = [initiator, recipiant, logic]() {
return logic;
// function to end test immediately
auto endTest = [logic, loop]() { LogicCall(logic, [loop]() { llarp_ev_loop_stop(loop); }); };
std::chrono::duration_cast<llarp_time_t>(timeout), []() { FAIL("test timeout"); });
test(start, endIfDone, endTest, initiator, recipiant);
llarp_ev_loop_run_single_process(loop, logic);
llarp::RouterContact::BlockBogons = oldBlockBogons;
/// ensure clients can connect to relays
TEST_CASE("IWP handshake", "[iwp]")
RunIWPTest([](std::function<Logic_ptr(void)> start,
std::function<void(void)> endIfDone,
[[maybe_unused]] std::function<void(void)> endTestNow,
Context_ptr alice,
Context_ptr bob) {
// set up initiator
alice->InitLink<false>([=](auto remote) {
REQUIRE(remote->GetRemoteRC() == bob->rc);
alice->gucci = true;
// set up recipiant
bob->InitLink<true>([=](auto remote) {
REQUIRE(remote->GetRemoteRC() == alice->rc);
bob->gucci = true;
// start unit test
auto logic = start();
// try establishing a session
LogicCall(logic, [link = alice->link, rc = bob->rc]() { REQUIRE(link->TryEstablishTo(rc)); });
/// ensure relays cannot connect to clients
TEST_CASE("IWP handshake reverse", "[iwp]")
RunIWPTest([](std::function<Logic_ptr(void)> start,
[[maybe_unused]] std::function<void(void)> endIfDone,
std::function<void(void)> endTestNow,
Context_ptr alice,
Context_ptr bob) {
alice->InitLink<false>([](auto) {});
bob->InitLink<true>([](auto) {});
// start unit test
auto logic = start();
// try establishing a session in the wrong direction
LogicCall(logic, [logic, link = bob->link, rc = alice->rc, endTestNow]() {
REQUIRE(not link->TryEstablishTo(rc));
/// ensure iwp can send messages between sessions
TEST_CASE("IWP send messages", "[iwp]")
RunIWPTest([](std::function<Logic_ptr(void)> start,
std::function<void(void)> endIfDone,
std::function<void(void)> endTestNow,
Context_ptr alice,
Context_ptr bob) {
constexpr int numSend = 128;
int aliceNumSent = 0;
int bobNumSent = 0;
// when alice makes a session to bob send `aliceNumSend` messages to him
alice->InitLink<false>([endIfDone, alice, &aliceNumSent](auto session) {
for (auto index = 0; index < numSend; index++)
alice->Call([session, endIfDone, alice, &aliceNumSent]() {
// generate a discard message that is 512 bytes long
llarp::DiscardMessage msg;
std::vector<byte_t> msgBuff(512);
llarp_buffer_t buf(msgBuff);
// add random padding
// encode the discard message
// send the message
session->SendMessageBuffer(msgBuff, [endIfDone, alice, &aliceNumSent](auto status) {
if (status == llarp::ILinkSession::DeliveryStatus::eDeliverySuccess)
// on successful transmit increment the number we sent
// if we sent all the messages sucessfully we end the unit test
alice->gucci = aliceNumSent == numSend;
bob->InitLink<true>([endIfDone, bob, &bobNumSent](auto session) {
for (auto index = 0; index < numSend; index++)
bob->Call([session, endIfDone, bob, &bobNumSent]() {
// generate a discard message that is 512 bytes long
llarp::DiscardMessage msg;
std::vector<byte_t> msgBuff(512);
llarp_buffer_t buf(msgBuff);
// add random padding
// encode the discard message
// send the message
session->SendMessageBuffer(msgBuff, [endIfDone, bob, &bobNumSent](auto status) {
if (status == llarp::ILinkSession::DeliveryStatus::eDeliverySuccess)
// on successful transmit increment the number we sent
// if we sent all the messages sucessfully we end the unit test
bob->gucci = bobNumSent == numSend;
// start unit test
auto logic = start();
// try establishing a session from alice to bob
LogicCall(logic, [logic, link = alice->link, rc = bob->rc, endTestNow]() {