You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
971 B

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <util/logging/loglevel.hpp>
using TestString = std::string;
struct TestParseLog
TestString input;
absl::optional< llarp::LogLevel > level;
struct LogLevelTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam< TestParseLog >
TEST_P(LogLevelTest, parseLevel)
const auto data = GetParam();
const auto maybe = llarp::LogLevelFromString(data.input);
EXPECT_EQ(maybe, data.level);
static const TestParseLog testParseLog[] = {
// bad cases
{"bogus", {}},
{"BOGUS", {}},
{"", {}},
{" ", {}},
// good cases
{"info", llarp::eLogInfo},
{"infO", llarp::eLogInfo},
{"iNfO", llarp::eLogInfo},
{"InfO", llarp::eLogInfo},
{"INFO", llarp::eLogInfo},
{"debug", llarp::eLogDebug},
{"warn", llarp::eLogWarn},
{"error", llarp::eLogError},
{"none", llarp::eLogNone}};
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestLogConfig, LogLevelTest,
::testing::ValuesIn(testParseLog), );