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#pragma once
#include "stream.hpp"
#include <charconv>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <uvw/tcp.h>
namespace llarp::quic::tunnel
// The server sends back a 0x00 to signal that the remote TCP connection was established and that
// it is now accepting stream data; the client is not allowed to send any other data down the
// stream until this comes back (any data sent down the stream before then is discarded.)
inline constexpr std::byte CONNECT_INIT{0x00};
// QUIC application error codes we sent on failures:
// Failure to establish an initial connection:
inline constexpr uint64_t ERROR_CONNECT{0x5471907};
// Error if we receive something other than CONNECT_INIT as the initial stream data from the
// server
inline constexpr uint64_t ERROR_BAD_INIT{0x5471908};
// Close error code sent if we get an error on the TCP socket (other than an initial connect
// failure)
inline constexpr uint64_t ERROR_TCP{0x5471909};
// We pause reading from the local TCP socket if we have more than this amount of outstanding
// unacked data in the quic tunnel, then resume once it drops below this.
inline constexpr size_t PAUSE_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
// Callbacks for network events. The uvw::TCPHandle client must contain a shared pointer to the
// associated llarp::quic::Stream in its data, and the llarp::quic::Stream must contain a weak
// pointer to the uvw::TCPHandle.
// Callback when we receive data to go out over lokinet, i.e. read from the local TCP socket
on_outgoing_data(uvw::DataEvent& event, uvw::TCPHandle& client);
// Callback when we receive data from lokinet to write to the local TCP socket
on_incoming_data(llarp::quic::Stream& stream, llarp::quic::bstring_view bdata);
// Callback to handle and discard the first incoming 0x00 byte that initiates the stream
on_init_incoming_data(llarp::quic::Stream& stream, llarp::quic::bstring_view bdata);
// Creates a new tcp handle that forwards incoming data/errors/closes into appropriate actions on
// the given quic stream.
install_stream_forwarding(uvw::TCPHandle& tcp, llarp::quic::Stream& stream);
} // namespace llarp::quic::tunnel