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328 lines
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7 years ago
#include <llarp/nodedb.h>
#include <llarp/router_contact.h>
#include <llarp/crypto_async.h>
#include <fstream>
6 years ago
#include <map>
#include "buffer.hpp"
7 years ago
#include "crypto.hpp"
#include "fs.hpp"
6 years ago
#include "mem.hpp"
#include "encode.hpp"
#include "logger.hpp"
static const char skiplist_subdirs[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
struct llarp_nodedb
llarp_nodedb(llarp_crypto *c) : crypto(c)
6 years ago
llarp_crypto *crypto;
std::map< llarp::pubkey, llarp_rc * > entries;
7 years ago
6 years ago
auto itr = entries.begin();
while(itr != entries.end())
delete itr->second;
6 years ago
itr = entries.erase(itr);
inline llarp::pubkey getPubKeyFromRC(llarp_rc *rc)
llarp::pubkey pk;
memcpy(, rc->pubkey, pk.size());
return pk;
llarp_rc *getRC(llarp::pubkey pk)
return entries[pk];
bool pubKeyExists(llarp_rc *rc)
// extract pk from rc
llarp::pubkey pk = getPubKeyFromRC(rc);
// return true if we found before end
return entries.find(pk) != entries.end();
bool check(llarp_rc *rc)
if (!pubKeyExists(rc))
// we don't have it
return false;
llarp::pubkey pk = getPubKeyFromRC(rc);
// TODO: zero out any fields you don't want to compare
// serialize both and memcmp
byte_t nodetmp[MAX_RC_SIZE];
auto nodebuf = llarp::StackBuffer< decltype(nodetmp) >(nodetmp);
if (llarp_rc_bencode(entries[pk], &nodebuf))
byte_t paramtmp[MAX_RC_SIZE];
auto parambuf = llarp::StackBuffer< decltype(paramtmp) >(paramtmp);
if (llarp_rc_bencode(rc, &parambuf))
if (memcmp(&parambuf, &nodebuf, MAX_RC_SIZE) == 0)
return true;
return false;
bool setRC(llarp_rc *rc) {
byte_t tmp[MAX_RC_SIZE];
auto buf = llarp::StackBuffer< decltype(tmp) >(tmp);
// extract pk from rc
llarp::pubkey pk = getPubKeyFromRC(rc);
// set local db
entries[pk] = rc;
if (llarp_rc_bencode(rc, &buf))
char ftmp[68] = {0};
const char *hexname =
llarp::HexEncode< llarp::pubkey, decltype(ftmp) >(pk, ftmp);
std::string filename(hexname);
llarp::Info("saving RC.pubkey ", filename);
// write buf to disk
//auto filename = hexStr(, sizeof(pk)) + ".rc";
// FIXME: path?
//printf("filename[%s]\n", filename.c_str());
std::ofstream ofs (filename, std::ofstream::out & std::ofstream::binary & std::ofstream::trunc);
ofs.write((char *)buf.base,;
if (!ofs)
llarp::Error("Failed to write", filename);
return false;
llarp::Info("saved RC.pubkey", filename);
return true;
return false;
Load(const fs::path &path)
7 years ago
std::error_code ec;
if(!fs::exists(path, ec))
7 years ago
return -1;
ssize_t loaded = 0;
6 years ago
for(const char &ch : skiplist_subdirs)
6 years ago
std::string p;
p += ch;
fs::path sub = path / p;
for(auto &f : fs::directory_iterator(sub))
7 years ago
ssize_t l = loadSubdir(f);
if(l > 0)
loaded += l;
7 years ago
return loaded;
loadSubdir(const fs::path &dir)
ssize_t sz = 0;
for(auto &path : fs::directory_iterator(dir))
return sz;
loadfile(const fs::path &fpath)
std::ifstream f(fpath, std::ios::binary);
return false;
byte_t tmp[MAX_RC_SIZE];
auto buf = llarp::StackBuffer< decltype(tmp) >(tmp);
f.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
size_t sz = f.tellg();
f.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
if(sz >
7 years ago
return false;
// TODO: error checking *)buf.base, sz); = sz;
llarp_rc *rc = new llarp_rc;
llarp::Zero(rc, sizeof(llarp_rc));
if(llarp_rc_bdecode(rc, &buf))
if(llarp_rc_verify_sig(crypto, rc))
7 years ago
llarp::pubkey pk;
memcpy(, rc->pubkey, pk.size());
entries[pk] = rc;
return true;
delete rc;
7 years ago
return false;
6 years ago
bool Save()
auto itr = entries.begin();
while(itr != entries.end())
llarp::pubkey pk = itr->first;
llarp_rc *rc= itr->second;
itr++; // advance
7 years ago
return true;
7 years ago
7 years ago
// call request hook
void logic_threadworker_callback(void *user) {
llarp_async_verify_rc *verify_request =
static_cast < llarp_async_verify_rc * >(user);
// write it to disk
void disk_threadworker_setRC(void *user) {
llarp_async_verify_rc *verify_request =
static_cast < llarp_async_verify_rc * >(user);
verify_request->valid = verify_request->nodedb->setRC(&verify_request->rc);
llarp_logic_queue_job(verify_request->logic, { verify_request, &logic_threadworker_callback });
// we run the crypto verify in the crypto threadpool worker
void crypto_threadworker_verifyrc(void *user)
llarp_async_verify_rc *verify_request =
static_cast< llarp_async_verify_rc * >(user);
verify_request->valid = llarp_rc_verify_sig(verify_request->crypto, &verify_request->rc);
// if it's valid we need to set it
if (verify_request->valid)
llarp::Debug("RC is valid, saving to disk");
{ verify_request, &disk_threadworker_setRC });
} else {
// callback to logic thread
llarp::Warn("RC is not valid, can't save to disk");
{ verify_request, &logic_threadworker_callback });
7 years ago
extern "C" {
struct llarp_nodedb *
llarp_nodedb_new(struct llarp_crypto *crypto)
return new llarp_nodedb(crypto);
6 years ago
7 years ago
llarp_nodedb_free(struct llarp_nodedb **n)
6 years ago
auto i = *n;
*n = nullptr;
delete i;
6 years ago
6 years ago
7 years ago
llarp_nodedb_ensure_dir(const char *dir)
6 years ago
fs::path path(dir);
std::error_code ec;
if(!fs::exists(dir, ec))
fs::create_directories(path, ec);
7 years ago
return false;
7 years ago
return false;
6 years ago
for(const char &ch : skiplist_subdirs)
6 years ago
std::string p;
p += ch;
fs::path sub = path / p;
6 years ago
fs::create_directory(sub, ec);
return false;
7 years ago
6 years ago
return true;
llarp_nodedb_load_dir(struct llarp_nodedb *n, const char *dir)
6 years ago
return n->Load(dir);
6 years ago
llarp_nodedb_async_verify(struct llarp_nodedb *nodedb,
struct llarp_logic *logic,
struct llarp_crypto *crypto,
struct llarp_threadpool *cryptoworker,
struct llarp_threadpool *diskworker,
struct llarp_async_verify_rc *job)
// TODO: ask jeff is safe to remove the parameters
// we expect the following to be already set up at this point: user (context: router, llarp_link_establish_job), rc, hook
// do additional job set up
job->logic = logic;
job->crypto = crypto;
job->cryptoworker = cryptoworker;
job->diskworker = diskworker;
job->nodedb = nodedb;
// switch to crypto threadpool and continue with crypto_threadworker_verifyrc
llarp_threadpool_queue_job(cryptoworker, { job, &crypto_threadworker_verifyrc });
6 years ago
llarp_nodedb_find_rc(struct llarp_nodedb *nodedb, struct llarp_rc *dst,
llarp_pubkey_t k)
return false;
} // end function
} // end extern