You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

243 lines
5.6 KiB

#include <util/types.hpp>
#include <util/status.hpp>
#include <router/i_outbound_message_handler.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <ev/ev.h>
6 years ago
#include <functional>
#include <router_contact.hpp>
struct llarp_buffer_t;
struct llarp_dht_context;
struct llarp_nodedb;
struct llarp_threadpool;
namespace llarp
class Logic;
struct Config;
struct RouterID;
struct ILinkMessage;
struct ILinkSession;
struct PathID_t;
struct Profiling;
struct SecretKey;
struct Signature;
struct IOutboundMessageHandler;
struct IOutboundSessionMaker;
struct ILinkManager;
struct I_RCLookupHandler;
namespace exit
struct Context;
namespace path
struct PathContext;
namespace routing
struct IMessageHandler;
6 years ago
namespace service
struct Context;
namespace thread
class ThreadPool;
struct AbstractRouter
virtual ~AbstractRouter() = default;
virtual bool
HandleRecvLinkMessageBuffer(ILinkSession *from,
const llarp_buffer_t &msg) = 0;
5 years ago
virtual std::shared_ptr< Logic >
logic() const = 0;
virtual llarp_dht_context *
dht() const = 0;
virtual llarp_nodedb *
nodedb() const = 0;
virtual const path::PathContext &
pathContext() const = 0;
virtual path::PathContext &
pathContext() = 0;
virtual const RouterContact &
rc() const = 0;
virtual exit::Context &
exitContext() = 0;
virtual const SecretKey &
identity() const = 0;
virtual const SecretKey &
encryption() const = 0;
virtual Profiling &
routerProfiling() = 0;
virtual llarp_ev_loop_ptr
netloop() const = 0;
virtual std::shared_ptr< thread::ThreadPool >
threadpool() = 0;
virtual std::shared_ptr< thread::ThreadPool >
diskworker() = 0;
virtual service::Context &
hiddenServiceContext() = 0;
virtual const service::Context &
hiddenServiceContext() const = 0;
virtual IOutboundMessageHandler &
outboundMessageHandler() = 0;
virtual IOutboundSessionMaker &
outboundSessionMaker() = 0;
virtual ILinkManager &
linkManager() = 0;
virtual I_RCLookupHandler &
rcLookupHandler() = 0;
virtual bool
Sign(Signature &sig, const llarp_buffer_t &buf) const = 0;
virtual bool
Configure(Config *conf, llarp_nodedb *nodedb) = 0;
virtual bool
Run(struct llarp_nodedb *nodedb) = 0;
/// stop running the router logic gracefully
virtual void
Stop() = 0;
6 years ago
/// pump low level links
virtual void
PumpLL() = 0;
virtual bool
IsBootstrapNode(RouterID r) const = 0;
virtual const byte_t *
pubkey() const = 0;
/// connect to N random routers
virtual void
ConnectToRandomRouters(int N) = 0;
/// inject configuration and reconfigure router
virtual bool
Reconfigure(Config *conf) = 0;
6 years ago
virtual bool
TryConnectAsync(RouterContact rc, uint16_t tries) = 0;
/// validate new configuration against old one
/// return true on 100% valid
/// return false if not 100% valid
virtual bool
ValidateConfig(Config *conf) const = 0;
/// called by link when a remote session has no more sessions open
virtual void
SessionClosed(RouterID remote) = 0;
/// returns system clock milliseconds since epoch
virtual llarp_time_t
Now() const = 0;
/// returns milliseconds since started
virtual llarp_time_t
Uptime() const = 0;
virtual bool
GetRandomGoodRouter(RouterID &r) = 0;
virtual bool
SendToOrQueue(const RouterID &remote, const ILinkMessage *msg,
SendStatusHandler handler = nullptr) = 0;
virtual void
PersistSessionUntil(const RouterID &remote, llarp_time_t until) = 0;
virtual bool
ParseRoutingMessageBuffer(const llarp_buffer_t &buf,
routing::IMessageHandler *h,
const PathID_t &rxid) = 0;
/// count the number of service nodes we are connected to
virtual size_t
NumberOfConnectedRouters() const = 0;
/// count the number of clients that are connected to us
virtual size_t
NumberOfConnectedClients() const = 0;
virtual bool
GetRandomConnectedRouter(RouterContact &result) const = 0;
virtual void
HandleDHTLookupForExplore(RouterID remote,
const std::vector< RouterContact > &results) = 0;
6 years ago
/// lookup router by pubkey
/// if we are a service node this is done direct otherwise it's done via
/// path
virtual void
6 years ago
LookupRouter(RouterID remote, RouterLookupHandler resultHandler) = 0;
6 years ago
/// check if newRc matches oldRC and update local rc for this remote contact
/// if valid
/// returns true on valid and updated
/// returns false otherwise
virtual bool
CheckRenegotiateValid(RouterContact newRc, RouterContact oldRC) = 0;
/// set router's service node whitelist
6 years ago
virtual void
SetRouterWhitelist(const std::vector< RouterID > &routers) = 0;
6 years ago
/// visit each connected link session
virtual void
ForEachPeer(std::function< void(const ILinkSession *, bool) > visit,
bool randomize) const = 0;
virtual bool
ConnectionToRouterAllowed(const RouterID &router) const = 0;
/// return true if we have at least 1 session to this router in either
/// direction
virtual bool
HasSessionTo(const RouterID &router) const = 0;
virtual util::StatusObject
ExtractStatus() const = 0;
EnsureRouter(RouterID router, RouterLookupHandler handler);
} // namespace llarp