You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

370 lines
12 KiB

#include <config.hpp>
#include <constants/defaults.hpp>
#include <net/net.hpp>
#include <util/fs.hpp>
#include <util/ini.hpp>
#include <util/logger.hpp>
#include <util/mem.hpp>
7 years ago
#include <fstream>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
namespace llarp
template < typename Config, typename Section >
6 years ago
find_section(Config &c, const std::string &name, const Section &fallback)
6 years ago
Section ret;
[&ret](const ConfigParser::Section_t &s) -> bool {
for(const auto &item : s)
6 years ago
return true;
return ret;
return fallback;
7 years ago
Config::Load(const char *fname)
6 years ago
ConfigParser parser;
6 years ago
return false;
6 years ago
router = find_section(parser, "router", section_t{});
network = find_section(parser, "network", section_t{});
connect = find_section(parser, "connect", section_t{});
netdb = find_section(parser, "netdb", section_t{});
dns = find_section(parser, "dns", section_t{});
iwp_links = find_section(parser, "bind", section_t{});
services = find_section(parser, "services", section_t{});
system = find_section(parser, "system", section_t{});
metrics = find_section(parser, "metrics", section_t{});
6 years ago
api = find_section(parser, "api", section_t{});
lokid = find_section(parser, "lokid", section_t{});
bootstrap = find_section(parser, "bootstrap", section_t{});
6 years ago
logging = find_section(parser, "logging", section_t{});
6 years ago
return true;
7 years ago
Config::visit(const Visitor &functor)
std::unordered_map< std::string, const llarp::Config::section_t & >
sections = {{"network", network},
{"connect", connect},
{"bootstrap", bootstrap},
{"system", system},
{"metrics", metrics},
{"netdb", netdb},
{"api", api},
{"services", services}};
auto visitor = [&](const char *name, const auto &item) {
functor(name, item.first.c_str(), item.second.c_str());
using namespace std::placeholders;
6 years ago
std::for_each(logging.begin(), logging.end(),
std::bind(visitor, "logging", _1));
// end of logging section commit settings and go
functor("logging", "", "");
std::for_each(lokid.begin(), lokid.end(), std::bind(visitor, "lokid", _1));
std::for_each(router.begin(), router.end(),
std::bind(visitor, "router", _1));
std::for_each(dns.begin(), dns.end(), std::bind(visitor, "dns", _1));
std::for_each(iwp_links.begin(), iwp_links.end(),
std::bind(visitor, "bind", _1));
std::for_each(sections.begin(), sections.end(), [&](const auto &section) {
std::for_each(section.second.begin(), section.second.end(),
std::bind(visitor, section.first.c_str(), _1));
7 years ago
} // namespace llarp
7 years ago
/// fname should be a relative path (from CWD) or absolute path to the config
/// file
extern "C" bool
6 years ago
llarp_ensure_config(const char *fname, const char *basedir, bool overwrite,
bool asRouter)
std::error_code ec;
if(fs::exists(fname, ec) && !overwrite)
return true;
return false;
6 years ago
std::string basepath = "";
basepath = basedir;
#ifndef _WIN32
basepath += "/";
basepath += "\\";
6 years ago
llarp::LogInfo("Attempting to create config file ", fname);
// abort if config already exists
6 years ago
if(fs::exists(fname, ec) && !overwrite)
llarp::LogError(fname, " currently exists, please use -f to overwrite");
return true;
return false;
6 years ago
// write fname ini
auto optional_f =
llarp::util::OpenFileStream< std::ofstream >(fname, std::ios::binary);
if(!optional_f || !optional_f.value().is_open())
llarp::LogError("failed to open ", fname, " for writing");
return false;
auto &f = optional_f.value();
llarp_generic_ensure_config(f, basepath);
6 years ago
llarp_ensure_router_config(f, basepath);
llarp_ensure_client_config(f, basepath);
llarp::LogInfo("Generated new config ", fname);
return true;
llarp_generic_ensure_config(std::ofstream &f, std::string basepath)
f << "# this configuration was auto generated with 'sane' defaults"
6 years ago
<< std::endl;
f << "# change these values as desired" << std::endl;
f << std::endl << std::endl;
f << "[router]" << std::endl;
f << "# number of crypto worker threads " << std::endl;
f << "threads=4" << std::endl;
f << "# path to store signed RC" << std::endl;
f << "contact-file=" << basepath << "self.signed" << std::endl;
f << "# path to store transport private key" << std::endl;
f << "transport-privkey=" << basepath << "transport.private" << std::endl;
f << "# path to store identity signing key" << std::endl;
f << "ident-privkey=" << basepath << "identity.private" << std::endl;
f << "# encryption key for onion routing" << std::endl;
f << "encryption-privkey=" << basepath << "encryption.private" << std::endl;
f << std::endl;
f << "# uncomment following line to set router nickname to 'lokinet'"
6 years ago
<< std::endl;
f << "#nickname=lokinet" << std::endl;
f << std::endl << std::endl;
6 years ago
6 years ago
// logging
f << "[logging]" << std::endl;
f << "level=info" << std::endl;
f << "# uncomment for logging to file" << std::endl;
f << "#type=file" << std::endl;
f << "#file=/path/to/logfile" << std::endl;
f << "# uncomment for syslog logging" << std::endl;
f << "#type=syslog" << std::endl;
// metrics
6 years ago
f << "[metrics]" << std::endl;
f << "json-metrics-path=" << basepath << "metrics.json" << std::endl;
f << std::endl << std::endl;
f << "# admin api (disabled by default)" << std::endl;
f << "[api]" << std::endl;
f << "enabled=false" << std::endl;
f << "#authkey=insertpubkey1here" << std::endl;
f << "#authkey=insertpubkey2here" << std::endl;
f << "#authkey=insertpubkey3here" << std::endl;
f << "bind=" << std::endl;
f << std::endl << std::endl;
f << "# system settings for privileges and such" << std::endl;
f << "[system]" << std::endl;
f << "user=" << DEFAULT_LOKINET_USER << std::endl;
f << "group=" << DEFAULT_LOKINET_GROUP << std::endl;
f << "pidfile=" << basepath << "" << std::endl;
f << std::endl << std::endl;
6 years ago
f << "# dns provider configuration section" << std::endl;
f << "[dns]" << std::endl;
f << "# resolver" << std::endl;
f << "upstream=" << DEFAULT_RESOLVER_US << std::endl;
// Make auto-config smarter
// will this break reproducibility rules?
// (probably)
#ifdef __linux__
#ifdef ANDROID
f << "bind=" << std::endl;
f << "bind=" << std::endl;
f << "bind=" << std::endl;
f << std::endl << std::endl;
6 years ago
f << "# network database settings block " << std::endl;
f << "[netdb]" << std::endl;
f << "# directory for network database skiplist storage" << std::endl;
f << "dir=" << basepath << "netdb" << std::endl;
f << std::endl << std::endl;
6 years ago
f << "# bootstrap settings" << std::endl;
f << "[bootstrap]" << std::endl;
f << "# add a bootstrap node's signed identity to the list of nodes we want "
"to bootstrap from"
<< std::endl;
f << "# if we don't have any peers we connect to this router" << std::endl;
f << "add-node=" << basepath << "bootstrap.signed" << std::endl;
// we only process one of these...
// f << "# add another bootstrap node" << std::endl;
// f << "#add-node=/path/to/alternative/self.signed" << std::endl;
f << std::endl << std::endl;
llarp_ensure_router_config(std::ofstream &f, std::string basepath)
f << "# lokid settings (disabled by default)" << std::endl;
f << "[lokid]" << std::endl;
f << "enabled=false" << std::endl;
f << "jsonrpc=" << std::endl;
6 years ago
f << "#service-node-seed=/path/to/servicenode/seed" << std::endl;
f << std::endl;
f << "# network settings " << std::endl;
f << "[network]" << std::endl;
f << "profiles=" << basepath << "profiles.dat" << std::endl;
// better to let the routers auto-configure
// f << "ifaddr=auto" << std::endl;
// f << "ifname=auto" << std::endl;
f << "enabled=true" << std::endl;
f << "exit=false" << std::endl;
f << "#exit-blacklist=tcp:25" << std::endl;
f << "#exit-whitelist=tcp:*" << std::endl;
f << "#exit-whitelist=udp:*" << std::endl;
f << std::endl;
f << "# ROUTERS ONLY: publish network interfaces for handling inbound traffic"
6 years ago
<< std::endl;
f << "[bind]" << std::endl;
// get ifname
std::string ifname;
if(llarp::GetBestNetIF(ifname, AF_INET))
f << ifname << "=1090" << std::endl;
f << "# could not autodetect network interface" << std::endl
<< "#eth0=1090" << std::endl;
6 years ago
f << std::endl;
llarp_ensure_client_config(std::ofstream &f, std::string basepath)
// write snapp-example.ini
const std::string snappExample_fpath = basepath + "snapp-example.ini";
auto stream = llarp::util::OpenFileStream< std::ofstream >(
snappExample_fpath, std::ios::binary);
return false;
auto &example_f = stream.value();
// pick ip
5 years ago
// don't revert me
const static std::string ip = "";
std::string ip = llarp::findFreePrivateRange();
if(ip == "")
"Couldn't easily detect a private range to map lokinet onto");
return false;
example_f << "# this is an example configuration for a snapp"
<< std::endl;
example_f << "[example-snapp]" << std::endl;
example_f << "# keyfile is the path to the private key of the snapp, "
"your .loki is tied to this key, DON'T LOSE IT"
<< std::endl;
example_f << "keyfile=" << basepath << "example-snap-keyfile.private"
<< std::endl;
example_f << "# ifaddr is the ip range to allocate to this snapp"
<< std::endl;
example_f << "ifaddr=" << ip << std::endl;
// probably fine to leave this (and not-auto-detect it) I'm not worried
// about any collisions
example_f << "# ifname is the name to try and give to the network "
"interface this snap owns"
<< std::endl;
example_f << "ifname=snapp-tun0" << std::endl;
llarp::LogError("failed to write ", snappExample_fpath);
// now do up fname
f << std::endl << std::endl;
f << "# snapps configuration section" << std::endl;
f << "[services]";
f << "# uncomment next line to enable a snapp" << std::endl;
f << "#example-snapp=" << snappExample_fpath << std::endl;
f << std::endl << std::endl;
f << "# network settings " << std::endl;
f << "[network]" << std::endl;
f << "profiles=" << basepath << "profiles.dat" << std::endl;
f << "# uncomment next line to add router with pubkey to list of routers we "
"connect directly to"
<< std::endl;
f << "#strict-connect=pubkey" << std::endl;
f << "# uncomment next line to use router with pubkey as an exit node"
<< std::endl;
f << "#exit-node=pubkey" << std::endl;
// better to set them to auto then to hard code them now
// operating environment may change over time and this will help adapt
// f << "ifname=auto" << std::endl;
// f << "ifaddr=auto" << std::endl;
// should this also be auto? or not declared?
// probably auto in case they want to set up a hidden service
f << "enabled=true" << std::endl;
return true;