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package macaroons
import (
macaroon ""
// Constraint type adds a layer of indirection over macaroon caveats.
type Constraint func(*macaroon.Macaroon) error
// Checker type adds a layer of indirection over macaroon checkers. A Checker
// returns the name of the checker and the checker function; these are used to
// register the function with the bakery service's compound checker.
type Checker func() (string, checkers.Func)
// AddConstraints returns new derived macaroon by applying every passed
// constraint and tightening its restrictions.
func AddConstraints(mac *macaroon.Macaroon, cs ...Constraint) (*macaroon.Macaroon, error) {
newMac := mac.Clone()
for _, constraint := range cs {
if err := constraint(newMac); err != nil {
return nil, err
return newMac, nil
// Each *Constraint function is a functional option, which takes a pointer
// to the macaroon and adds another restriction to it. For each *Constraint,
// the corresponding *Checker is provided if not provided by default.
// TimeoutConstraint restricts the lifetime of the macaroon
// to the amount of seconds given.
func TimeoutConstraint(seconds int64) func(*macaroon.Macaroon) error {
return func(mac *macaroon.Macaroon) error {
macaroonTimeout := time.Duration(seconds)
requestTimeout := time.Now().Add(time.Second * macaroonTimeout)
caveat := checkers.TimeBeforeCaveat(requestTimeout)
return mac.AddFirstPartyCaveat([]byte(caveat.Condition))
// IPLockConstraint locks macaroon to a specific IP address.
// If address is an empty string, this constraint does nothing to
// accommodate default value's desired behavior.
func IPLockConstraint(ipAddr string) func(*macaroon.Macaroon) error {
return func(mac *macaroon.Macaroon) error {
if ipAddr != "" {
macaroonIPAddr := net.ParseIP(ipAddr)
if macaroonIPAddr == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("incorrect macaroon IP-lock address")
caveat := checkers.Condition("ipaddr",
return mac.AddFirstPartyCaveat([]byte(caveat))
return nil
// IPLockChecker accepts client IP from the validation context and compares it
// with IP locked in the macaroon. It is of the `Checker` type.
func IPLockChecker() (string, checkers.Func) {
return "ipaddr", func(ctx context.Context, cond, arg string) error {
// Get peer info and extract IP address from it for macaroon
// check.
pr, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to get peer info from context")
peerAddr, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(pr.Addr.String())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse peer address")
if !net.ParseIP(arg).Equal(net.ParseIP(peerAddr)) {
msg := "macaroon locked to different IP address"
return fmt.Errorf(msg)
return nil