# we have a really simple setup here # we use docker-compose only as a convenient way to specify docker build parameters via a yaml file # you could as well use Dockerfile directly with `docker build` and config passed via command-line args # # tips: # - to run lntop from docker, you can use our wrapper script ./lntop.sh # - see other scripts in this folder, also check the docker section in the main readme version: '3.7' services: lntop: image: lntop container_name: lntop command: ["run-service"] network_mode: host build: context: ./lntop dockerfile: Dockerfile args: - LNTOP_SRC_PATH=_src volumes: - $LND_HOME:/root/.lnd - $LNTOP_HOME:/root/.lntop environment: - LNTOP_HOST_UID - LNTOP_HOST_GID