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Title: Mastering the Lightning Network
ISBN: 9781492054863
Stylesheet: animal_theme_sass
Toolchain: Atlas 2
Atlas URL:
Incoming format: Asciidoc
Outgoing format: Asciidoc
Preliminary pagecount: 464
Is this project in Early Release? YES
** Figs: Illustrations is still working on the figs.
117 total. (0 are informal; 12 are inline.)
Once the figs are processed on /work, you'll need to add them to the book's repo.
A report mapping original figure file names to their new names can be found in the tools folder for this project as figure_renaming_report.tsv.
** Intake Report:
(Git repo) tools/intakereport.txt
** MS Snapshot:
To view the submitted files, you'll need to checkout the git tag named 'manuscript_to_prod'
by running the following command in your checkout:
$ git checkout manuscript_to_prod
This will temporarily switch the files in your repo to the state they were in when the manuscript_to_prod tag was created.
To switch the files back to the current state, run:
$ git checkout master
Notes from Tools:
** PROD: Add any authors to project that need to be added.
** Syntax highlighting: applied to 42 out of 17 code listings.
** I managed to fix most of the broken xrefs but two remain.
** I added a placeholder image for Figure 12-1.
** I removed the draft index terms.
** I fixed a large LaTeX equation near the end of Chapter 5. Please have the authors review for accuracy.
** Please let Tools know ASAP if there are any other global problems for which we can help automate a fix.
Notes at arrival in production:
Notes for production:
* Fig log:
* For the artwork - most of it is simple redraws, aside from the screenshots. Where people icons are used, it will be important to be consistent in their use (ie, Bob and Alice make reappearances throughout the book and should always look the same). Also, from Chapter 6 -15, there is a running image that is "almost" identical, except a different bit is highlighted in each image (samples provided) to demonstrate which portion of the journey the reader is in. The authors asked us to work some magic to better highlight the parts that need to stand out. See Fig 6-1 for an example.
* Quality of writing is good. Average CE level for this one. The book is already late and we definitely need to make the year. Andreas is very particular and in this topic area, he is high profile. They've not been great about adding captions to all the images despite numerous requests, so we'll have to keep an eye on that.
* Andreas is the lead author and he is on his millionth book with us. He is pleasant to work with but definitely has high standards. All three coauthors had delays over the past year of writing the book, but they've come back to finish strong - Andreas is anxious to get the book out this year (and he's already signed up for the next).
* The writing style is approachable, simple, and professional. It took a while to get in-text callouts for figures in place, and the authors have fixed nearly all - just ask the CE to be on the lookout for missing bits. The urls throughout the book are currently on their own lines, as opposed to linking directly in the text; I asked for them to fix this, but I think it's where they drew the line in the sand on things they wouldn't bother with. We should address this in CE.
* Please see [notes|] re: use of Lightning Network vs LN.
* Use René instead of Rene throughout for that author's name.
Please let me know about any other issues.